@@ -16,18 +16,17 @@ from collections import namedtuple
import numpy
import copy
## Return object for bestSpot
LocationSuggestion = namedtuple("LocationSuggestion", ["x", "y", "penalty_points", "priority"])
-## The Arrange classed is used together with ShapeArray. Use it to find
-# good locations for objects that you try to put on a build place.
-# Different priority schemes can be defined so it alters the behavior while using
-# the same logic.
-# Note: Make sure the scale is the same between ShapeArray objects and the Arrange instance.
class Arrange:
+ """
+ The Arrange classed is used together with ShapeArray. Use it to find good locations for objects that you try to put
+ on a build place. Different priority schemes can be defined so it alters the behavior while using the same logic.
+ Note: Make sure the scale is the same between ShapeArray objects and the Arrange instance.
+ """
build_volume = None # type: Optional[BuildVolume]
def __init__(self, x, y, offset_x, offset_y, scale = 0.5):
@@ -42,14 +41,21 @@ class Arrange:
self._last_priority = 0
self._is_empty = True
- ## Helper to create an Arranger instance
- #
- # Either fill in scene_root and create will find all sliceable nodes by itself,
- # or use fixed_nodes to provide the nodes yourself.
- # \param scene_root Root for finding all scene nodes
- # \param fixed_nodes Scene nodes to be placed
def create(cls, scene_root = None, fixed_nodes = None, scale = 0.5, x = 350, y = 250, min_offset = 8):
+ """
+ Helper to create an Arranger instance
+ Either fill in scene_root and create will find all sliceable nodes by itself, or use fixed_nodes to provide the
+ nodes yourself.
+ :param scene_root: Root for finding all scene nodes
+ :param fixed_nodes: Scene nodes to be placed
+ :param scale:
+ :param x:
+ :param y:
+ :param min_offset:
+ :return:
+ """
arranger = Arrange(x, y, x // 2, y // 2, scale = scale)
@@ -88,12 +94,15 @@ class Arrange:
def resetLastPriority(self):
self._last_priority = 0
- ## Find placement for a node (using offset shape) and place it (using hull shape)
- # return the nodes that should be placed
- # \param node
- # \param offset_shape_arr ShapeArray with offset, for placing the shape
- # \param hull_shape_arr ShapeArray without offset, used to find location
def findNodePlacement(self, node: SceneNode, offset_shape_arr: ShapeArray, hull_shape_arr: ShapeArray, step = 1):
+ """
+ Find placement for a node (using offset shape) and place it (using hull shape)
+ :param node:
+ :param offset_shape_arr: hapeArray with offset, for placing the shape
+ :param hull_shape_arr: ShapeArray without offset, used to find location
+ :param step:
+ :return: the nodes that should be placed
+ """
best_spot = self.bestSpot(
hull_shape_arr, start_prio = self._last_priority, step = step)
x, y = best_spot.x, best_spot.y
@@ -119,29 +128,35 @@ class Arrange:
node.setPosition(Vector(200, center_y, 100))
return found_spot
- ## Fill priority, center is best. Lower value is better
- # This is a strategy for the arranger.
def centerFirst(self):
+ """
+ Fill priority, center is best. Lower value is better.
+ :return:
+ """
# Square distance: creates a more round shape
self._priority = numpy.fromfunction(
lambda j, i: (self._offset_x - i) ** 2 + (self._offset_y - j) ** 2, self._shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
self._priority_unique_values = numpy.unique(self._priority)
- ## Fill priority, back is best. Lower value is better
- # This is a strategy for the arranger.
def backFirst(self):
+ """
+ Fill priority, back is best. Lower value is better
+ :return:
+ """
self._priority = numpy.fromfunction(
lambda j, i: 10 * j + abs(self._offset_x - i), self._shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
self._priority_unique_values = numpy.unique(self._priority)
- ## Return the amount of "penalty points" for polygon, which is the sum of priority
- # None if occupied
- # \param x x-coordinate to check shape
- # \param y y-coordinate
- # \param shape_arr the ShapeArray object to place
def checkShape(self, x, y, shape_arr):
+ """
+ Return the amount of "penalty points" for polygon, which is the sum of priority
+ :param x: x-coordinate to check shape
+ :param y:
+ :param shape_arr: the ShapeArray object to place
+ :return: None if occupied
+ """
x = int(self._scale * x)
y = int(self._scale * y)
offset_x = x + self._offset_x + shape_arr.offset_x
@@ -165,12 +180,14 @@ class Arrange:
offset_x:offset_x + shape_arr.arr.shape[1]]
return numpy.sum(prio_slice[numpy.where(shape_arr.arr == 1)])
- ## Find "best" spot for ShapeArray
- # Return namedtuple with properties x, y, penalty_points, priority.
- # \param shape_arr ShapeArray
- # \param start_prio Start with this priority value (and skip the ones before)
- # \param step Slicing value, higher = more skips = faster but less accurate
def bestSpot(self, shape_arr, start_prio = 0, step = 1):
+ """
+ Find "best" spot for ShapeArray
+ :param shape_arr:
+ :param start_prio: Start with this priority value (and skip the ones before)
+ :param step: Slicing value, higher = more skips = faster but less accurate
+ :return: namedtuple with properties x, y, penalty_points, priority.
+ """
start_idx_list = numpy.where(self._priority_unique_values == start_prio)
if start_idx_list:
@@ -192,13 +209,16 @@ class Arrange:
return LocationSuggestion(x = projected_x, y = projected_y, penalty_points = penalty_points, priority = priority)
return LocationSuggestion(x = None, y = None, penalty_points = None, priority = priority) # No suitable location found :-(
- ## Place the object.
- # Marks the locations in self._occupied and self._priority
- # \param x x-coordinate
- # \param y y-coordinate
- # \param shape_arr ShapeArray object
- # \param update_empty updates the _is_empty, used when adding disallowed areas
def place(self, x, y, shape_arr, update_empty = True):
+ """
+ Place the object.
+ Marks the locations in self._occupied and self._priority
+ :param x:
+ :param y:
+ :param shape_arr:
+ :param update_empty: updates the _is_empty, used when adding disallowed areas
+ :return:
+ """
x = int(self._scale * x)
y = int(self._scale * y)
offset_x = x + self._offset_x + shape_arr.offset_x