@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ Item
// The contentItem holds the QML item that is shown when the "open" button is pressed
property alias contentItem: content.contentItem
+ // If the contentItem is a Layout (eg Column) you must use these to set the popup size otherwise you end up with a
+ // binding loop between the popup and the contentItem
+ // ImplicitWidth/ImplicitHeight can be used instead in the contentItem if it is not a Layout.
+ property alias contentWidth: content.width
+ property alias contentHeight: content.height
property color contentBackgroundColor: UM.Theme.getColor("action_button")
property color headerBackgroundColor: UM.Theme.getColor("action_button")
@@ -211,23 +217,5 @@ Item
contentItem: Item {}
- onContentItemChanged:
- {
- // Since we want the size of the content to be set by the size of the content,
- // we need to do it like this.
- content.width = contentItem.width + 2 * content.padding
- content.height = contentItem.height + 2 * content.padding
- }
- }
- // DO NOT MOVE UP IN THE CODE: This connection has to be here, after the definition of the content item.
- // Apparently the order in which these are handled matters and so the height is correctly updated if this is here.
- Connections
- {
- // Since it could be that the content is dynamically populated, we should also take these changes into account.
- target: content.contentItem
- function onWidthChanged() { content.width = content.contentItem.width + 2 * content.padding }
- function onHeightChanged() { content.height = content.contentItem.height + 2 * content.padding }