@@ -82,13 +82,22 @@ class CloudApiClient:
# HACK: There is something weird going on with the API, as it reports printer types in formats like
# "ultimaker_s3", but wants "Ultimaker S3" when using the machine_variant filter query. So we need to do some
# conversion!
- machine_type = machine_type.replace("_plus", "+")
- machine_type = machine_type.replace("_", " ")
- machine_type = machine_type.replace("ultimaker", "ultimaker ")
- machine_type = machine_type.replace(" ", " ")
- machine_type = machine_type.title()
- machine_type = urllib.parse.quote_plus(machine_type)
+ # API points to "MakerBot Method" for a makerbot printertypes which we already changed to allign with other printer_type
+ method_x = {
+ "ultimaker_method":"MakerBot Method",
+ "ultimaker_methodx":"MakerBot Method X",
+ "ultimaker_methodxl":"MakerBot Method XL"
+ }
+ if machine_type in method_x:
+ machine_type = method_x[machine_type]
+ else:
+ machine_type = machine_type.replace("_plus", "+")
+ machine_type = machine_type.replace("_", " ")
+ machine_type = machine_type.replace("ultimaker", "ultimaker ")
+ machine_type = machine_type.replace(" ", " ")
+ machine_type = machine_type.title()
+ machine_type = urllib.parse.quote_plus(machine_type)
url = f"{self.CLUSTER_API_ROOT}/clusters?machine_variant={machine_type}"