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Fix the width of the slider label when the number of layers was exactly
10, 100, 1000 and so on.

The calculation was using the maximumValue that is 9 in case we have 10
layers, since we start counting from 0 but showing from 1. Now it uses
maximumValue + 1.

Diego Prado Gesto 6 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 1 добавлено и 1 удалено
  1. 1 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ UM.PointingRectangle {
             horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-        width: (maximumValue.toString().length + 1) * 10 * screenScaleFactor
+        width: ((maximumValue + 1).toString().length + 1) * 10 * screenScaleFactor
         text: sliderLabelRoot.value + startFrom // the current handle value, add 1 because layers is an array
         horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignRight