@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 UltiMaker
+# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
+from io import StringIO, BufferedIOBase
+import json
+from typing import cast, List, Optional, Dict
+from zipfile import BadZipFile, ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
+from PyQt6.QtCore import QBuffer
+from UM.Logger import Logger
+from UM.Math.AxisAlignedBox import AxisAlignedBox
+from UM.Mesh.MeshWriter import MeshWriter
+from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
+from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+from UM.Scene.Iterator.DepthFirstIterator import DepthFirstIterator
+from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
+from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
+from cura.Snapshot import Snapshot
+from cura.Utils.Threading import call_on_qt_thread
+from cura.CuraVersion import ConanInstalls
+catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+class MakerbotWriter(MeshWriter):
+ """A file writer that writes '.makerbot' files."""
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__(add_to_recent_files=False)
+ {"prefix": "isometric_thumbnail", "width": 120, "height": 120},
+ {"prefix": "isometric_thumbnail", "width": 320, "height": 320},
+ {"prefix": "isometric_thumbnail", "width": 640, "height": 640},
+ {"prefix": "thumbnail", "width": 140, "height": 106},
+ {"prefix": "thumbnail", "width": 212, "height": 300},
+ {"prefix": "thumbnail", "width": 960, "height": 1460},
+ {"prefix": "thumbnail", "width": 90, "height": 90},
+ ]
+ _META_VERSION = "3.0.0"
+ "Makerbot Method": "fire_e",
+ "Makerbot Method X": "lava_f",
+ "Makerbot Method XL": "magma_10",
+ }
+ "1XA": "mk14_hot",
+ "2XA": "mk14_hot_s",
+ "1C": "mk14_c",
+ "1A": "mk14",
+ "2A": "mk14_s",
+ }
+ # must be called from the main thread because of OpenGL
+ @staticmethod
+ @call_on_qt_thread
+ def _createThumbnail(width: int, height: int) -> Optional[QBuffer]:
+ if not CuraApplication.getInstance().isVisible:
+ Logger.warning("Can't create snapshot when renderer not initialized.")
+ return
+ try:
+ snapshot = Snapshot.snapshot(width, height)
+ except:
+ Logger.logException("w", "Failed to create snapshot image")
+ return
+ thumbnail_buffer = QBuffer()
+ thumbnail_buffer.open(QBuffer.OpenModeFlag.ReadWrite)
+ snapshot.save(thumbnail_buffer, "PNG")
+ return thumbnail_buffer
+ def write(self, stream: BufferedIOBase, nodes: List[SceneNode], mode=MeshWriter.OutputMode.BinaryMode) -> bool:
+ if mode != MeshWriter.OutputMode.BinaryMode:
+ Logger.log("e", "MakerbotWriter does not support text mode.")
+ self.setInformation(catalog.i18nc("@error:not supported", "MakerbotWriter does not support text mode."))
+ return False
+ # The GCodeWriter plugin is bundled, so it must at least exist. (What happens if people disable that plugin?)
+ gcode_writer = PluginRegistry.getInstance().getPluginObject("GCodeWriter")
+ if gcode_writer is None:
+ Logger.log("e", "Could not find the GCodeWriter plugin, is it disabled?.")
+ self.setInformation(
+ catalog.i18nc("@error:load", "Could not load GCodeWriter plugin. Try to re-enable the plugin."))
+ return False
+ gcode_writer = cast(MeshWriter, gcode_writer)
+ gcode_text_io = StringIO()
+ success = gcode_writer.write(gcode_text_io, None)
+ # TODO convert gcode_text_io to json
+ # Writing the g-code failed. Then I can also not write the gzipped g-code.
+ if not success:
+ self.setInformation(gcode_writer.getInformation())
+ return False
+ metadata = self._getMeta(nodes)
+ png_files = []
+ for png_format in self._PNG_FORMATS:
+ width, height, prefix = png_format["width"], png_format["height"], png_format["prefix"]
+ thumbnail_buffer = self._createThumbnail(width, height)
+ if thumbnail_buffer is None:
+ Logger.warning(f"Could not create thumbnail of size {width}x{height}.")
+ continue
+ png_files.append({
+ "file": f"{prefix}_{width}x{height}.png",
+ "data": thumbnail_buffer.data(),
+ })
+ try:
+ with ZipFile(stream, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_stream:
+ zip_stream.writestr("meta.json", json.dumps(metadata, indent=4))
+ for png_file in png_files:
+ file, data = png_file["file"], png_file["data"]
+ zip_stream.writestr(file, data)
+ except (IOError, OSError, BadZipFile) as ex:
+ Logger.log("e", f"Could not write to (.makerbot) file because: '{ex}'.")
+ self.setInformation(catalog.i18nc("@error", "MakerbotWriter could not save to the designated path."))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _getMeta(self, root_nodes: List[SceneNode]) -> Dict[str, any]:
+ application = CuraApplication.getInstance()
+ machine_manager = application.getMachineManager()
+ global_stack = machine_manager.activeMachine
+ extruders = global_stack.extruderList
+ nodes = []
+ for root_node in root_nodes:
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(root_node):
+ if not getattr(node, "_outside_buildarea", False):
+ if node.callDecoration(
+ "isSliceable") and node.getMeshData() and node.isVisible() and not node.callDecoration(
+ "isNonThumbnailVisibleMesh"):
+ nodes.append(node)
+ meta = dict()
+ meta["bot_type"] = MakerbotWriter._PRINT_NAME_MAP.get((name := global_stack.name), name)
+ bounds: Optional[AxisAlignedBox] = None
+ for node in nodes:
+ node_bounds = node.getBoundingBox()
+ if node_bounds is None:
+ continue
+ if bounds is None:
+ bounds = node_bounds
+ else:
+ bounds += node_bounds
+ if bounds is not None:
+ meta["bounding_box"] = {
+ "x_min": bounds.left,
+ "x_max": bounds.right,
+ "y_min": bounds.back,
+ "y_max": bounds.front,
+ "z_min": bounds.bottom,
+ "z_max": bounds.top,
+ }
+ material_bed_temperature = global_stack.getProperty("material_bed_temperature", "value")
+ meta["build_plane_temperature"] = material_bed_temperature
+ print_information = application.getPrintInformation()
+ meta["commanded_duration_s"] = print_information.currentPrintTime.seconds
+ meta["duration_s"] = print_information.currentPrintTime.seconds
+ material_lengths = list(map(meter_to_millimeter, print_information.materialLengths))
+ meta["extrusion_distance_mm"] = material_lengths[0]
+ meta["extrusion_distances_mm"] = material_lengths
+ meta["extrusion_mass_g"] = print_information.materialWeights[0]
+ meta["extrusion_masses_g"] = print_information.materialWeights
+ meta["uuid"] = print_information.slice_uuid
+ materials = [extruder.material.getMetaData().get("material") for extruder in extruders]
+ meta["material"] = materials[0]
+ meta["materials"] = materials
+ materials_temps = [extruder.getProperty("default_material_print_temperature", "value") for extruder in
+ extruders]
+ meta["extruder_temperature"] = materials_temps[0]
+ meta["extruder_temperatures"] = materials_temps
+ meta["model_counts"] = [{"count": 1, "name": node.getName()} for node in nodes]
+ tool_types = [MakerbotWriter._EXTRUDER_NAME_MAP.get((name := extruder.variant.getName()), name) for extruder in
+ extruders]
+ meta["tool_type"] = tool_types[0]
+ meta["tool_types"] = tool_types
+ meta["version"] = MakerbotWriter._META_VERSION
+ meta["preferences"] = dict()
+ for node in nodes:
+ bound = node.getBoundingBox()
+ meta["preferences"][str(node.getName())] = {
+ "machineBounds": [bounds.right, bounds.back, bounds.left, bounds.front] if bounds is not None else None,
+ "printMode": CuraApplication.getInstance().getIntentManager().currentIntentCategory,
+ }
+ cura_engine_info = ConanInstalls.get("curaengine", {"version": "unknown", "revision": "unknown"})
+ meta["curaengine_version"] = cura_engine_info["version"]
+ meta["curaengine_commit_hash"] = cura_engine_info["revision"]
+ meta["makerbot_writer_version"] = self.getVersion()
+ # meta["makerbot_writer_commit_hash"] = self.getRevision()
+ for name, package_info in ConanInstalls.items():
+ if not name.startswith("curaengine_ "):
+ continue
+ meta[f"{name}_version"] = package_info["version"]
+ meta[f"{name}_commit_hash"] = package_info["revision"]
+ # TODO add the following instructions
+ # num_tool_changes
+ # num_z_layers
+ # num_z_transitions
+ # platform_temperature
+ # total_commands
+ return meta
+def meter_to_millimeter(value: float) -> float:
+ """Converts a value in meters to millimeters."""
+ return value * 1000.0