@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2023 UltiMaker.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-import argparse
-import os
-import subprocess
-from os.path import isfile
-from pathlib import Path
-def extract_all_strings(root_path: Path, script_path: Path, translations_root_path: Path, all_strings_pot_path: Path):
- """ Extracts all strings into a pot file with empty translations.
- Strings are extracted everywhere that i18n is used in python and qml in the project. It also checks the project
- for JSON files with 'settings' in the root node and extracts these for translation as well.
- @param root_path: The root path of the project. This is the root for string searching.
- @param script_path: The location of the bash scripts used for translating.
- @param translations_root_path: The root of the translations folder (resources/i18n).
- @param all_strings_pot_path: The path of the pot file where all strings will be outputted (resources/i8n/cura.pot).
- """
- # Extract the setting strings from any json file with settings at its root
- extract_json_arguments = [
- script_path.joinpath("extract-json"),
- root_path.joinpath("resources", "definitions"),
- translations_root_path
- ]
- subprocess.run(extract_json_arguments)
- # Extract all strings from qml and py files
- extract_qml_py_arguments = [
- script_path.joinpath("extract-all"),
- root_path,
- all_strings_pot_path
- ]
- subprocess.run(extract_qml_py_arguments)
- # Extract all the name and description from all plugins
- extract_plugin_arguments = [
- script_path.joinpath("extract-plugins"),
- root_path.joinpath("plugins"),
- all_strings_pot_path
- ]
- subprocess.run(extract_plugin_arguments)
- # Convert the output file to utf-8
- convert_encoding_arguments = [
- "msgconv",
- "--to-code=UTF-8",
- all_strings_pot_path,
- "-o",
- all_strings_pot_path
- ]
- subprocess.run(convert_encoding_arguments)
-def update_po_files_all_languages(translation_root_path: Path) -> None:
- """ Updates all po files in translation_root_path with new strings mapped to blank translations.
- This will take all newly generated po files in the root of the translations path (i18n/cura.pot, i18n/fdmextruder.json.def.pot)
- and merge them with the existing po files for every language. This will create new po files with empty translations
- for all new words added to the project.
- @param translation_root_path: Root of the translations folder (resources/i18n).
- """
- new_pot_files = []
- for file in os.listdir(translation_root_path):
- path = translations_root_path.joinpath(file)
- if path.suffix == ".pot":
- new_pot_files.append(path)
- print(new_pot_files)
- for directory, _, po_files in os.walk(translation_root_path):
- print(directory)
- print(po_files)
- for pot in new_pot_files:
- po_filename = pot.name.rstrip("t")
- if po_filename not in po_files:
- continue # We only want to merge files that have matching names
- pot_file = pot
- po_file = Path(directory, po_filename).absolute()
- merge_files_arguments = [
- "msgmerge",
- "--no-wrap",
- "--no-fuzzy-matching",
- "--update",
- "--sort-by-file", # Sort by file location, this is better than pure sorting for translators
- po_file, # po file that will be updated
- pot_file # source of new strings
- ]
- subprocess.run(merge_files_arguments)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract strings from project into .po files")
- parser.add_argument("root_path", type=str, help="The root of the project to extract translatable strings from")
- parser.add_argument("translation_file_name", type=str, help="The .pot file that all strings from python/qml files will be inserted into")
- parser.add_argument("script_path", type=str, help="The path containing the scripts for translating files")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- root_path = Path(args.root_path) # root of the project
- script_path = Path(args.script_path) # location of bash scripts
- # All the translation files should be in this path. Each language in a folder corresponding with its lang code (resource/i18n/en_US/)
- translations_root_path = root_path.joinpath("resources", "i18n")
- translations_root_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Make sure we have an output path
- all_strings_pot_path = translations_root_path.joinpath(args.translation_file_name) # pot file containing all strings untranslated
- if os.path.exists(all_strings_pot_path):
- os.remove(all_strings_pot_path) # Clear the output file, otherwise deleted strings will still be in the output.
- extract_all_strings(root_path, script_path, translations_root_path, all_strings_pot_path)
- update_po_files_all_languages(translations_root_path)