@@ -45,74 +45,79 @@ class SliceInfo(Extension):
Preferences.getInstance().setValue("info/asked_send_slice_info", True)
def _onWriteStarted(self, output_device):
- if not Preferences.getInstance().getValue("info/send_slice_info"):
- Logger.log("d", "'info/send_slice_info' is turned off.")
- return # Do nothing, user does not want to send data
- global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
- # Get total material used (in mm^3)
- print_information = Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation()
- material_radius = 0.5 * global_container_stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")
- # TODO: Send material per extruder instead of mashing it on a pile
- material_used = math.pi * material_radius * material_radius * sum(print_information.materialAmounts) #Volume of all materials used
- # Get model information (bounding boxes, hashes and transformation matrix)
- models_info = []
- for node in DepthFirstIterator(Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()):
- if type(node) is SceneNode and node.getMeshData() and node.getMeshData().getVertices() is not None:
- if not getattr(node, "_outside_buildarea", False):
- model_info = {}
- model_info["hash"] = node.getMeshData().getHash()
- model_info["bounding_box"] = {}
- model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"] = {}
- model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"]["x"] = node.getBoundingBox().minimum.x
- model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"]["y"] = node.getBoundingBox().minimum.y
- model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"]["z"] = node.getBoundingBox().minimum.z
- model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"] = {}
- model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"]["x"] = node.getBoundingBox().maximum.x
- model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"]["y"] = node.getBoundingBox().maximum.y
- model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"]["z"] = node.getBoundingBox().maximum.z
- model_info["transformation"] = str(node.getWorldTransformation().getData())
- models_info.append(model_info)
- # Bundle the collected data
- submitted_data = {
- "processor": platform.processor(),
- "machine": platform.machine(),
- "platform": platform.platform(),
- "settings": global_container_stack.serialize(), # global_container with references on used containers
- "version": Application.getInstance().getVersion(),
- "modelhash": "None",
- "printtime": print_information.currentPrintTime.getDisplayString(),
- "filament": material_used,
- "language": Preferences.getInstance().getValue("general/language"),
- "materials_profiles ": {}
- }
- for container in global_container_stack.getContainers():
- container_id = container.getId()
- try:
- container_serialized = container.serialize()
- except NotImplementedError:
- Logger.log("w", "Container %s could not be serialized!", container_id)
- continue
- if container_serialized:
- submitted_data["settings_%s" %(container_id)] = container_serialized # This can be anything, eg. INI, JSON, etc.
- else:
- Logger.log("i", "No data found in %s to be serialized!", container_id)
- # Convert data to bytes
- submitted_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(submitted_data)
- binary_data = submitted_data.encode("utf-8")
- # Submit data
- f = urllib.request.urlopen(self.info_url, data = binary_data, timeout = 1)
- Logger.log("i", "Sent anonymous slice info to %s", self.info_url)
- f.close()
- except Exception as e:
- Logger.logException("e", e)
+ if not Preferences.getInstance().getValue("info/send_slice_info"):
+ Logger.log("d", "'info/send_slice_info' is turned off.")
+ return # Do nothing, user does not want to send data
+ global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ # Get total material used (in mm^3)
+ print_information = Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation()
+ material_radius = 0.5 * global_container_stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")
+ # TODO: Send material per extruder instead of mashing it on a pile
+ material_used = math.pi * material_radius * material_radius * sum(print_information.materialAmounts) #Volume of all materials used
+ # Get model information (bounding boxes, hashes and transformation matrix)
+ models_info = []
+ for node in DepthFirstIterator(Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()):
+ if type(node) is SceneNode and node.getMeshData() and node.getMeshData().getVertices() is not None:
+ if not getattr(node, "_outside_buildarea", False):
+ model_info = {}
+ model_info["hash"] = node.getMeshData().getHash()
+ model_info["bounding_box"] = {}
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"] = {}
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"]["x"] = node.getBoundingBox().minimum.x
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"]["y"] = node.getBoundingBox().minimum.y
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["minimum"]["z"] = node.getBoundingBox().minimum.z
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"] = {}
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"]["x"] = node.getBoundingBox().maximum.x
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"]["y"] = node.getBoundingBox().maximum.y
+ model_info["bounding_box"]["maximum"]["z"] = node.getBoundingBox().maximum.z
+ model_info["transformation"] = str(node.getWorldTransformation().getData())
+ models_info.append(model_info)
+ # Bundle the collected data
+ submitted_data = {
+ "processor": platform.processor(),
+ "machine": platform.machine(),
+ "platform": platform.platform(),
+ "settings": global_container_stack.serialize(), # global_container with references on used containers
+ "version": Application.getInstance().getVersion(),
+ "modelhash": "None",
+ "printtime": print_information.currentPrintTime.getDisplayString(),
+ "filament": material_used,
+ "language": Preferences.getInstance().getValue("general/language"),
+ "materials_profiles ": {}
+ }
+ for container in global_container_stack.getContainers():
+ container_id = container.getId()
+ try:
+ container_serialized = container.serialize()
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ Logger.log("w", "Container %s could not be serialized!", container_id)
+ continue
+ if container_serialized:
+ submitted_data["settings_%s" %(container_id)] = container_serialized # This can be anything, eg. INI, JSON, etc.
+ else:
+ Logger.log("i", "No data found in %s to be serialized!", container_id)
+ # Convert data to bytes
+ submitted_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(submitted_data)
+ binary_data = submitted_data.encode("utf-8")
+ # Submit data
+ try:
+ f = urllib.request.urlopen(self.info_url, data = binary_data, timeout = 1)
+ Logger.log("i", "Sent anonymous slice info to %s", self.info_url)
+ f.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ Logger.logException("e", "An exception occurred while trying to send slice information")
+ except:
+ # We really can't afford to have a mistake here, as this would break the sending of g-code to a device
+ # (Either saving or directly to a printer). The functionality of the slice data is not *that* important.
+ pass