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Update unit test for 'visibilit_settings' and removed unused settings from expert.cfv

Aleksei S 6 years ago
2 changed files with 93 additions and 28 deletions
  1. 0 2
  2. 93 26

+ 0 - 2

@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ material_extrusion_cool_down_speed
@@ -360,7 +359,6 @@ coasting_min_volume

+ 93 - 26

@@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ class SettingVisibilityInspection:
     def __init__(self) -> None:
-        self.all_settings_keys = []
-        self.all_settings_categories = []
+        self.all_settings_keys = {}
     def defineAllCuraSettings(self, fdmprinter_json_path: str) -> None:
@@ -34,18 +32,20 @@ class SettingVisibilityInspection:
     def _flattenAllSettings(self, json_file: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
         for key, data in json_file["settings"].items():  # top level settings are categories
-            self._flattenSettings(data["children"])  # actual settings are children of top level category-settings
-    def _flattenSettings(self, settings: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
+            if "type" in data and data["type"] == "category":
+                self.all_settings_keys[key] = []
+                self._flattenSettings(data["children"], key)  # actual settings are children of top level category-settings
+    def _flattenSettings(self, settings: Dict[str, str], category) -> None:
         for key, setting in settings.items():
             if "type" in setting and setting["type"] != "category":
-                self.all_settings_keys.append(key)
-            else:
-                self.all_settings_categories.append(key)
+                self.all_settings_keys[category].append(key)
             if "children" in setting:
-                self._flattenSettings(setting["children"])
+                self._flattenSettings(setting["children"], category)
     def getSettingsFromSettingVisibilityFile(self, file_path: str):
@@ -70,13 +70,92 @@ class SettingVisibilityInspection:
     def validateSettingsVisibility(self, setting_visibility_items: Dict):
+        not_valid_categories = {}
+        not_valid_setting_by_category = {}
+        not_valid_setting_by_order = {}
+        visible_settings_order = [] # This list is used to make sure that the settings are in the correct order.
+        # basic.cfg -> advanced.cfg -> expert.cfg. Like: if the setting 'layer_height' in 'basic.cfg' then the same setting
+        # also should be in 'advanced.cfg'
+        all_settings_categories = list(self.all_settings_keys.keys())
+        # visibility_type = basic, advanced, expert
         for visibility_type in setting_visibility:
             item = setting_visibility_items[visibility_type]
-            for category, settings in item.items():
-                ss = 3
+            not_valid_setting_by_category[visibility_type] = [] # this list is for keeping invalid settings.
+            not_valid_categories[visibility_type] = []
+            for category, category_settings in item.items():
+                # Validate Category, If category is not defined then the test will fail
+                if category not in all_settings_categories:
+                    not_valid_categories[visibility_type].append(category)
+                for setting in category_settings:
+                    # Check whether the setting exist in fdmprinter.def.json or not.
+                    # If the setting is defined in the wrong category or does not exist there then the test will fail
+                    if setting not in self.all_settings_keys[category]:
+                        not_valid_setting_by_category[visibility_type].append(setting)
+                    # Add the 'basic' settings to the list
+                    if visibility_type == "basic":
+                        visible_settings_order.append(setting)
+        # Check whether the settings are added in right order or not.
+        # The basic settings should be in advanced, and advanced in expert
+        for visibility_type in setting_visibility:
+            # Skip the basic because it cannot be compared to previous list
+            if visibility_type == 'basic':
+                continue
+            all_settings_in_this_type = []
+            not_valid_setting_by_order[visibility_type] = []
+            item = setting_visibility_items[visibility_type]
+            for category, category_settings in item.items():
+                all_settings_in_this_type.extend(category_settings)
+            for setting in visible_settings_order:
+                if setting not in all_settings_in_this_type:
+                    not_valid_setting_by_order[visibility_type].append(setting)
+        # If any of the settings is defined not correctly then the test is failed
+        has_invalid_settings = False
+        for type, settings in not_valid_categories.items():
+            if len(settings) > 0:
+                has_invalid_settings = True
+                print("The following categories are defined incorrectly")
+                print("  Visibility type : '%s'" % (type))
+                print("  Incorrect categories : '%s'" % (settings))
+                print()
+        for type, settings in not_valid_setting_by_category.items():
+            if len(settings) > 0:
+                has_invalid_settings = True
+                print("The following settings do not exist anymore in fdmprinter definition or in wrong category")
+                print("  Visibility type : '%s'" % (type))
+                print("  Incorrect settings : '%s'" % (settings))
+                print()
+        for type, settings in not_valid_setting_by_order.items():
+            if len(settings) > 0:
+                has_invalid_settings = True
+                print("The following settings are defined in the incorrect order in setting visibility definitions")
+                print("  Visibility type : '%s'" % (type))
+                print("  Incorrect settings : '%s'" % (settings))
+        return has_invalid_settings
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -89,25 +168,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     setting_visibility_items = {}
     for file_path in all_setting_visibility_files:
-        temp = inspector.getSettingsFromSettingVisibilityFile(all_setting_visibility_files[0])
+        temp = inspector.getSettingsFromSettingVisibilityFile(file_path)
         base_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
         visibility_type = base_name.split('.')[0]
         setting_visibility_items[visibility_type] = temp
+    has_invalid_settings = inspector.validateSettingsVisibility(setting_visibility_items)
-    inspector.validateSettingsVisibility(setting_visibility_items)
-    found_error = False
-    # Validate settings
-    # for item in setting_visibility:
-    sys.exit(0 if not found_error else 1)
+    sys.exit(0 if not has_invalid_settings else 1)