Browse Source

Working quite nicely

Jack Ha 8 years ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class LayerDataBuilder(MeshBuilder):
         vertices = numpy.empty((vertex_count, 3), numpy.float32)
         normals = numpy.empty((vertex_count, 3), numpy.float32)
+        # line_widths = numpy.empty((vertex_count, 3), numpy.float32)  # strictly taken you need 1 less
         colors = numpy.empty((vertex_count, 4), numpy.float32)
         indices = numpy.empty((index_count, 2), numpy.int32)

+ 0 - 25

@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class ProcessSlicedLayersJob(Job):
                 min_layer_number =
         current_layer = 0
-        all_normals = []
         for layer in self._layers:
             abs_layer_number = + abs(min_layer_number)
@@ -128,12 +127,6 @@ class ProcessSlicedLayersJob(Job):
                 this_poly = LayerPolygon.LayerPolygon(layer_data, extruder, line_types, new_points, line_widths)
-                normals = this_poly.getNormals()
-                # normals = this_poly.getNormals()[numpy.where(numpy.logical_not(this_poly.jumpMask))]
-                # all_normals.append(normals)
-                # insert last element twice - fake converting line normals to vertex normals
-                # all_normals.append(normals[-1:])
@@ -150,26 +143,8 @@ class ProcessSlicedLayersJob(Job):
             if self._progress:
-        # layer_data.calculateNormals()
         # We are done processing all the layers we got from the engine, now create a mesh out of the data
-        # layer_data._normals = numpy.concatenate(all_normals)
         layer_mesh =
-        # normals = []
-        # # quick and dirty normals calculation for 2d lines
-        # for line_idx in range(len(layer_mesh._indices) // 2):
-        #     idx0 = layer_mesh._indices[line_idx]
-        #     idx1 = layer_mesh._indices[line_idx + 1]
-        #     x0 = layer_mesh._vertices[idx0][0]
-        #     y0 = layer_mesh._vertices[idx0][2]
-        #     x1 = layer_mesh._vertices[idx1][0]
-        #     y1 = layer_mesh._vertices[idx1][2]
-        #     dx = x1 - x0;
-        #     dy = y1 - y0;
-        #     normals.append([dy, 0, -dx])
-        #     normals.append([dy, 0, -dx])
-        # layer_mesh._normals = numpy.array(normals)
-        #from UM.Mesh.MeshData import calculateNormalsFromIndexedVertices
-        #layer_mesh._normals = calculateNormalsFromIndexedVertices(layer_mesh._vertices, layer_mesh._indices, layer_mesh._face_count)
         if self._abort_requested:
             if self._progress:

+ 2 - 2

@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ class LayerPass(RenderPass):
                 # Render all layers below a certain number as line mesh instead of vertices.
-                if self._layerview._current_layer_num - self._layerview._solid_layers > -1 and not self._layerview._only_show_top_layers:
+                if self._layerview._current_layer_num > -1 and not self._layerview._only_show_top_layers:
                     start = 0
                     end = 0
                     element_counts = layer_data.getElementCounts()
                     for layer, counts in element_counts.items():
-                        if layer + self._layerview._solid_layers > self._layerview._current_layer_num:
+                        if layer > self._layerview._current_layer_num:
                         end += counts

+ 3 - 3

@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ class LayerView(View):
-        #self._top_layers_job = _CreateTopLayersJob(self._controller.getScene(), self._current_layer_num, self._solid_layers)
-        #self._top_layers_job.finished.connect(self._updateCurrentLayerMesh)
-        #self._top_layers_job.start()
+        self._top_layers_job = _CreateTopLayersJob(self._controller.getScene(), self._current_layer_num, self._solid_layers)
+        self._top_layers_job.finished.connect(self._updateCurrentLayerMesh)
+        self._top_layers_job.start()
     def _updateCurrentLayerMesh(self, job):

+ 78 - 80

@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ vertex =
     varying highp vec3 v_vertex;
     varying highp vec3 v_normal;
-    varying highp vec4 v_orig_vertex;
     varying lowp vec4 f_color;
     varying highp vec3 f_vertex;
     varying highp vec3 f_normal;
@@ -29,14 +27,12 @@ vertex =
         gl_Position = world_space_vert;
         // gl_Position = u_modelViewProjectionMatrix * a_vertex;
         // shade the color depending on the extruder index stored in the alpha component of the color
-        v_color = (a_color.a == u_active_extruder) ? a_color : a_color * u_shade_factor;
+        v_color = (a_color.a == u_active_extruder) ? a_color : vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0);  //a_color * u_shade_factor;
         v_color.a = 1.0;
         v_vertex =;
         v_normal = (u_normalMatrix * normalize(a_normal)).xyz;
-        v_orig_vertex = a_vertex;
         // for testing without geometry shader
         f_color = v_color;
         f_vertex = v_vertex;
@@ -51,7 +47,7 @@ geometry =
     //uniform highp mat4 u_modelViewProjectionMatrix;
     layout(lines) in;
-    layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 8) out;
+    layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 28) out;
     /*layout(std140) uniform Matrices {
         mat4 u_modelViewProjectionMatrix;
@@ -59,7 +55,6 @@ geometry =
     in vec4 v_color[];
     in vec3 v_vertex[];
     in vec3 v_normal[];
-    in vec3 v_orig_vertex[];
     out vec4 f_color;
     out vec3 f_normal;
@@ -71,20 +66,28 @@ geometry =
         //vec3 g_normal;
         //vec3 g_offset;
-        //vec4 g_vertex_delta;
+        vec4 g_vertex_delta;
         vec3 g_vertex_normal_horz;  // horizontal and vertical in respect to layers
         vec4 g_vertex_offset_horz;  // vec4 to match gl_in[x].gl_Position
         vec3 g_vertex_normal_vert;
         vec4 g_vertex_offset_vert;
+        vec3 g_vertex_normal_horz_head;
+        vec4 g_vertex_offset_horz_head;
-        const float size = 0.5;
+        const float size_x = 0.2;
+        const float size_y = 0.1;
-        //g_vertex_delta = gl_in[1].gl_Position - gl_in[0].gl_Position;
-        g_vertex_normal_horz = normalize(v_normal[0]);  //vec3(g_vertex_delta.z, g_vertex_delta.y, -g_vertex_delta.x);
-        g_vertex_offset_horz = vec4(g_vertex_normal_horz * size, 0.0); //size * g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        //g_vertex_normal_horz = normalize(v_normal[0]);  //vec3(g_vertex_delta.z, g_vertex_delta.y, -g_vertex_delta.x);
+        g_vertex_delta = gl_in[1].gl_Position - gl_in[0].gl_Position;
+        g_vertex_normal_horz_head = normalize(vec3(-g_vertex_delta.x, -g_vertex_delta.y, -g_vertex_delta.z));
+        g_vertex_offset_horz_head = vec4(g_vertex_normal_horz_head * size_x, 0.0);
+        g_vertex_normal_horz = normalize(vec3(g_vertex_delta.z, g_vertex_delta.y, -g_vertex_delta.x));
+        g_vertex_offset_horz = vec4(g_vertex_normal_horz * size_x, 0.0); //size * g_vertex_normal_horz;
         g_vertex_normal_vert = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
         //g_vertex_offset_vert = vec3(g_vertex_normal_vert.x * 0.5f, g_vertex_normal_vert.y * 0.5f, g_vertex_normal_vert.z * 0.5f);  //size * g_vertex_normal_vert;
-        g_vertex_offset_vert = vec4(g_vertex_normal_vert * size, 0.0);
+        g_vertex_offset_vert = vec4(g_vertex_normal_vert * size_y, 0.0);
         f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
         f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
@@ -134,110 +137,103 @@ geometry =
         gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_vert);
+        f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        f_color = v_color[0];
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EmitVertex();
+        f_vertex = v_vertex[1];
+        f_color = v_color[1];
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EmitVertex();
-    }
+        // left side
+        f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
+        f_color = v_color[0];
-poep =
-    #version 410
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EmitVertex();
-    uniform highp mat4 u_modelMatrix;
-    uniform highp mat4 u_viewProjectionMatrix;
-    uniform highp mat4 u_modelViewProjectionMatrix;
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_vert;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_vert);
+        EmitVertex();
-    layout(lines) in;
-    layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz_head;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz_head);
+        EmitVertex();
-    in vec4 v_color[];
-    in vec3 v_vertex[];
-    in vec3 v_normal[];
-    in vec4 v_orig_vertex[];
+        f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EmitVertex();
-    out vec4 f_color;
-    out vec3 f_normal;
-    out vec3 f_vertex;
+        EndPrimitive();
-    void main()
-    {
-        int i;
-        vec4 delta;
-        vec3 g_normal;
-        vec3 g_offset;
+        f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EmitVertex();
-        vec4 g_vertex_delta;
-        vec4 g_vertex_normal_horz;  // horizontal and vertical in respect to layers
-        vec3 g_vertex_normal_vert;
-        vec3 g_vertex_offset_horz;
-        vec3 g_vertex_offset_vert;
-        float size = 3;
-        g_vertex_delta = v_orig_vertex[1] - v_orig_vertex[0];
-        g_vertex_normal_horz = vec4(g_vertex_delta.z, 0.0, -g_vertex_delta.x, g_vertex_delta.w);
-        if (length(g_vertex_normal_horz) < 0.1) {
-            g_vertex_normal_horz = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-            g_vertex_offset_horz = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-            g_vertex_offset_vert = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-        } else {
-            g_vertex_normal_horz = normalize(g_vertex_normal_horz);
-            g_vertex_offset_horz = (u_viewProjectionMatrix * u_modelMatrix * size * g_vertex_normal_horz).xyz;
-            g_vertex_normal_vert = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
-            g_vertex_offset_vert = (u_viewProjectionMatrix * u_modelMatrix * size * g_vertex_normal_vert).xyz;
-        }
+        f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_vert;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_vert);
+        EmitVertex();
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz_head;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz_head);
+        EmitVertex();
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
-        f_color = v_color[0];
         f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EndPrimitive();
+        // right side
         f_vertex = v_vertex[1];
         f_color = v_color[1];
         f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz);
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
-        f_color = v_color[0];
-        f_normal = g_vertex_offset_vert;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_vert;
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_vert;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_vert);
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[1];
-        f_color = v_color[1];
-        f_normal = g_vertex_offset_vert;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_vert;
+        f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_horz_head;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz_head);
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
-        f_color = v_color[0];
         f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_horz;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz);
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[1];
-        f_color = v_color[1];
+        EndPrimitive();
         f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_horz;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz);
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[0];
-        f_color = v_color[0];
-        f_normal = -g_vertex_offset_vert;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_vert;
+        f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_vert;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_vert);
-        f_vertex = v_vertex[1];
-        f_color = v_color[1];
-        f_normal = -g_vertex_offset_vert;
-        gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_vert;
+        f_normal = -g_vertex_normal_horz_head;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position - g_vertex_offset_horz_head);
+        f_normal = g_vertex_normal_horz;
+        gl_Position = u_viewProjectionMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position + g_vertex_offset_horz);
+        EmitVertex();
 fragment =
@@ -271,6 +267,8 @@ fragment =
         //gl_FrontFacing = ..
+        //if ((f_normal).z < 0) {discard; }
         mediump vec4 finalColor = vec4(0.0);
         finalColor += u_ambientColor;