@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ UM.Dialog
id: base
title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Discard or Keep changes")
- onAccepted: CuraApplication.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("discard")
- onRejected: CuraApplication.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("keep")
+ property alias state: alternateStates.state
+ onAccepted: alternateStates.state == "" ? CuraApplication.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("discard") : Cura.Actions.addProfile.trigger()
+ onRejected: alternateStates.state == "" ? CuraApplication.discardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed("keep") : Cura.Actions.addProfile.trigger()
minimumWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("popup_dialog").width
minimumHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("popup_dialog").height
@@ -98,9 +100,26 @@ UM.Dialog
buttonSpacing: UM.Theme.getSize("thin_margin").width
- leftButtons: [
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ // Use a rectangle to get access to states. For some reason top-levels like Dialog/Window ect. don't have them.
+ // NOTE: The default state is 'switch profiles', alternate states are used for 'save from [built-in|custom]'.
+ id: alternateStates
+ width: 0
+ height: 0
+ states:
+ [
+ State { name: "saveFromBuiltIn" },
+ State { name: "saveFromCustom" }
+ ]
+ }
+ leftButtons:
+ [
+ visible: alternateStates.state == ""
implicitHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("combobox").height
implicitWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("combobox").width
@@ -136,6 +155,13 @@ UM.Dialog
discardButton.enabled = true;
+ },
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ // Workaround: If this placeholder isn't in here, then on repeated state-changes of the window, the rightButtons will be in the center (despite initially showing up right).
+ visible: alternateStates.state != ""
+ implicitHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("combobox").height
+ implicitWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("combobox").width
@@ -146,12 +172,28 @@ UM.Dialog
id: discardButton
text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Discard changes")
onClicked: base.accept()
+ visible: alternateStates.state == ""
id: keepButton
text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Keep changes")
onClicked: base.reject()
+ visible: alternateStates.state == ""
+ },
+ Cura.SecondaryButton
+ {
+ id: overwriteButton
+ text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Save as new custom profile")
+ onClicked: base.accept()
+ visible: alternateStates.state != ""
+ },
+ Cura.PrimaryButton
+ {
+ id: saveButton
+ text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Save changes")
+ onClicked: base.reject()
+ visible: alternateStates.state == "saveFromCustom"