Make it pass desktop-file-validate, closes #1784
cura.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "cura-icon.png" for key "Icon" in group "Desktop Entry" is an icon name with an extension, but there should be no extension as described in the Icon Theme Specification if the value is not an absolute path
__Solution:__ Remove `.png`. __PLEASE NOTE__ that for this to work, cura-icon.png must be located in one of the directories in which desktops search for icons, such as `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/`. Please make sure it ends up there (also in the AppImage, too.)
cura.desktop: error: value "application/sla;application/;application/prs.wavefront-obj;image/bmp;image/gif;image/jpeg;image/png" for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character
__Solution:__ Add `;`