@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
# Used to store the new containers until after confirming the dialog
self._new_variant_container = None
self._new_material_container = None
+ self._new_quality_containers = []
self._error_check_timer = QTimer()
@@ -70,10 +71,10 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
self._stacks_have_errors = None
- self._empty_variant_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
- self._empty_material_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
- self._empty_quality_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
- self._empty_quality_changes_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer()
+ self._empty_variant_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_variant")[0]
+ self._empty_material_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_material")[0]
+ self._empty_quality_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_quality")[0]
+ self._empty_quality_changes_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_quality_changes")[0]
@@ -147,6 +148,14 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
+ @property
+ def newVariant(self):
+ return self._new_variant_container
+ @property
+ def newMaterial(self):
+ return self._new_material_container
@pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = outputDevicesChanged)
def printerOutputDevices(self):
return self._printer_output_devices
@@ -818,6 +827,7 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
if old_material:
preferred_material_name = old_material.getName()
preferred_material_id = self._updateMaterialContainer(self._global_container_stack.getBottom(), self._global_container_stack, containers[0], preferred_material_name).id
+ Logger.log("d", "preferred_material_id=%s", preferred_material_id)
Logger.log("w", "While trying to set the active variant, no variant was found to replace.")
@@ -833,8 +843,6 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
if not containers or not self._global_container_stack:
- Logger.log("d", "Attempting to change the active quality to %s", quality_id)
# Quality profile come in two flavours: type=quality and type=quality_changes
# If we found a quality_changes profile then look up its parent quality profile.
container_type = containers[0].getMetaDataEntry("type")
@@ -854,20 +862,36 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
if new_quality_settings_list is None:
- name_changed_connect_stacks = [] # Connect these stacks to the name changed callback
+ # check if any of the stacks have a not supported profile
+ # if that is the case, all stacks should have a not supported state (otherwise it will show quality_type normal)
+ has_not_supported_quality = False
+ # check all stacks for not supported
+ for setting_info in new_quality_settings_list:
+ if setting_info["quality"].getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") == "not_supported":
+ has_not_supported_quality = True
+ break
+ # set all stacks to not supported if that's the case
+ if has_not_supported_quality:
+ for setting_info in new_quality_settings_list:
+ setting_info["quality"] = self._empty_quality_container
+ self._new_quality_containers.clear()
+ # store the upcoming quality profile changes per stack for later execution
+ # this prevents re-slicing before the user has made a choice in the discard or keep dialog
+ # (see _executeDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges)
for setting_info in new_quality_settings_list:
stack = setting_info["stack"]
stack_quality = setting_info["quality"]
stack_quality_changes = setting_info["quality_changes"]
- name_changed_connect_stacks.append(stack_quality)
- name_changed_connect_stacks.append(stack_quality_changes)
- self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(stack, stack_quality, postpone_emit=True)
- self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(stack, stack_quality_changes, postpone_emit=True)
- # Connect to onQualityNameChanged
- for stack in name_changed_connect_stacks:
- stack.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
+ self._new_quality_containers.append({
+ "stack": stack,
+ "quality": stack_quality,
+ "quality_changes": stack_quality_changes
+ })
has_user_interaction = False
@@ -890,13 +914,24 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
# before the user decided to keep or discard any of their changes using the dialog.
# The Application.onDiscardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed signal triggers this method.
def _executeDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges(self):
+ if self._new_variant_container is not None:
+ self._active_container_stack.variant = self._new_variant_container
+ self._new_variant_container = None
if self._new_material_container is not None:
self._active_container_stack.material = self._new_material_container
self._new_material_container = None
- if self._new_variant_container is not None:
- self._active_container_stack.variant = self._new_variant_container
- self._new_variant_container = None
+ # apply the new quality to all stacks
+ if self._new_quality_containers:
+ for new_quality in self._new_quality_containers:
+ self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(new_quality["stack"], new_quality["quality"], postpone_emit = True)
+ self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(new_quality["stack"], new_quality["quality_changes"], postpone_emit = True)
+ for new_quality in self._new_quality_containers:
+ new_quality["stack"].nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
+ self._new_quality_containers.clear()
## Cancel set changes for material and variant in the active container stack.
# Used for ignoring any changes when switching between printers (setActiveMachine)
@@ -926,8 +961,14 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
for stack in stacks:
material = stack.material
+ # TODO: fix this
+ if self._new_material_container and stack.getId() == self._active_container_stack.getId():
+ material = self._new_material_container
quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [material])
- if not quality: #No quality profile is found for this quality type.
+ if not quality:
+ # No quality profile is found for this quality type.
quality = self._empty_quality_container
result.append({"stack": stack, "quality": quality, "quality_changes": empty_quality_changes})
@@ -962,8 +1003,12 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
Logger.log("e", "Could not find the global quality changes container with name %s", quality_changes_name)
return None
material = global_container_stack.material
+ if self._new_material_container and self._active_container_stack.getId() == global_container_stack.getId():
+ material = self._new_material_container
# For the global stack, find a quality which matches the quality_type in
# the quality changes profile and also satisfies any material constraints.
quality_type = global_quality_changes.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
@@ -990,6 +1035,10 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
quality_changes = self._empty_quality_changes_container
material = stack.material
+ if self._new_material_container and self._active_container_stack.getId() == stack.getId():
+ material = self._new_material_container
quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [material])
if not quality: #No quality profile found for this quality type.
quality = self._empty_quality_container