@@ -76,11 +76,12 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
if self._backend:
- self._job_name = ""
+ self._base_name = ""
self._abbr_machine = ""
+ self._job_name = ""
- Application.getInstance().fileLoaded.connect(self.setJobName)
+ Application.getInstance().fileLoaded.connect(self.setBaseName)
@@ -221,16 +222,8 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
def setJobName(self, name):
- # Ensure that we don't use entire path but only filename
- name = os.path.basename(name)
- # when a file is opened using the terminal; the filename comes from _onFileLoaded and still contains its
- # extension. This cuts the extension off if necessary.
- name = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
- name = self.createJobName(name)
- if self._job_name != name and (self._job_name == "" or name == ""):
- self._job_name = name
- self.jobNameChanged.emit()
+ self._job_name = name
+ self.jobNameChanged.emit()
jobNameChanged = pyqtSignal()
@@ -238,21 +231,43 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
def jobName(self):
return self._job_name
- @pyqtSlot(str, result = str)
- def createJobName(self, base_name):
- if base_name == "":
- return ""
- base_name = self._stripAccents(base_name)
+ def _updateJobName(self):
+ if self._base_name == "":
+ self._job_name = ""
+ self.jobNameChanged.emit()
+ return
+ base_name = self._stripAccents(self._base_name)
if self._pre_sliced:
- return catalog.i18nc("@label", "Pre-sliced file {0}", base_name)
+ self._job_name = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Pre-sliced file {0}", base_name)
elif Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/jobname_prefix"):
# Don't add abbreviation if it already has the exact same abbreviation.
if base_name.startswith(self._abbr_machine + "_"):
- return base_name
- return self._abbr_machine + "_" + base_name
+ self._job_name = base_name
+ else:
+ self._job_name = self._abbr_machine + "_" + base_name
- return base_name
+ self._job_name = base_name
+ self.jobNameChanged.emit()
+ @pyqtProperty(str)
+ def baseName(self):
+ return self._base_name
+ @pyqtSlot(str)
+ def setBaseName(self, base_name):
+ # Ensure that we don't use entire path but only filename
+ name = os.path.basename(base_name)
+ # when a file is opened using the terminal; the filename comes from _onFileLoaded and still contains its
+ # extension. This cuts the extension off if necessary.
+ name = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
+ if self._base_name == "" and self._base_name != name:
+ self._base_name = name
+ self._updateJobName()
## Created an acronymn-like abbreviated machine name from the currently active machine name
# Called each time the global stack is switched
@@ -277,4 +292,4 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
## Utility method that strips accents from characters (eg: â -> a)
def _stripAccents(self, str):
- return ''.join(char for char in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', str) if unicodedata.category(char) != 'Mn')
+ return ''.join(char for char in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', str) if unicodedata.category(char) != 'Mn')