@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+name: Cura Installer
+run-name: ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }} by @${{ github.actor }}
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ cura_conan_version:
+ description: 'Cura Conan Version'
+ default: 'cura/latest@ultimaker/testing'
+ required: true
+ conan_args:
+ description: 'Conan args: eq.: --require-override'
+ default: ''
+ required: false
+ conan_config:
+ description: 'Conan config branch to use'
+ default: ''
+ required: false
+ enterprise:
+ description: 'Build Cura as an Enterprise edition'
+ required: true
+ default: false
+ type: boolean
+ staging:
+ description: 'Use staging API'
+ required: true
+ default: false
+ type: boolean
+ installer:
+ description: 'Create the installer'
+ required: true
+ default: true
+ type: boolean
+ # Run the nightly at 3:25 UTC on working days
+ #FIXME: Provide the same default values as the workflow dispatch
+ schedule:
+ - cron: '25 3 * * 1-5'
+ CONAN_LOGGING_LEVEL: ${{ inputs.conan_logging_level }}
+ MACOS_CERT_P12: ${{ secrets.MACOS_CERT_P12 }}
+ CURA_CONAN_VERSION: ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }}
+ ENTERPRISE: ${{ inputs.enterprise }}
+ STAGING: ${{ inputs.staging }}
+ cura-installer-create:
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - { os: macos-11, os_id: 'mac' }
+ - { os: windows-2022, os_id: 'win64' }
+ - { os: ubuntu-20.04, os_id: 'linux' }
+ - { os: ubuntu-22.04, os_id: 'linux-modern' }
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Setup Python and pip
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.10.x'
+ cache: 'pip'
+ cache-dependency-path: .github/workflows/requirements-conan-package.txt
+ - name: Install Python requirements for runner
+ run: pip install -r .github/workflows/requirements-conan-package.txt
+ - name: Use Conan download cache (Bash)
+ if: ${{ runner.os != 'Windows' }}
+ run: conan config set storage.download_cache="$HOME/.conan/conan_download_cache"
+ - name: Use Conan download cache (Powershell)
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ run: conan config set storage.download_cache="C:\Users\runneradmin\.conan\conan_download_cache"
+ - name: Cache Conan local repository packages (Bash)
+ uses: actions/cache@v3
+ if: ${{ runner.os != 'Windows' }}
+ with:
+ path: |
+ $HOME/.conan/data
+ $HOME/.conan/conan_download_cache
+ key: conan-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-installer-cache
+ - name: Cache Conan local repository packages (Powershell)
+ uses: actions/cache@v3
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ with:
+ path: |
+ C:\Users\runneradmin\.conan\data
+ C:\.conan
+ C:\Users\runneradmin\.conan\conan_download_cache
+ key: conan-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-installer-cache
+ - name: Install MacOS system requirements
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Macos' }}
+ run: brew install autoconf automake ninja create-dmg
+ - name: Install Linux system requirements
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Linux' }}
+ run: |
+ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt upgrade
+ sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libegl-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev ninja-build autoconf libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libfontenc-dev libice-dev libsm-dev libxau-dev libxaw7-dev libxcomposite-dev libxcursor-dev libxdamage-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxkbfile-dev libxmu-dev libxmuu-dev libxpm-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libxres-dev libxss-dev libxt-dev libxtst-dev libxv-dev libxvmc-dev libxxf86vm-dev xtrans-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-render-util0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-sync-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev xkb-data libxcb-dri3-dev uuid-dev libxcb-util-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev pkg-config -y
+ wget --no-check-certificate --quiet https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage -O $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/appimagetool
+ chmod +x $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/appimagetool
+ - name: Install GCC-12 on ubuntu-22.04
+ if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-22.04' }}
+ run: |
+ sudo apt install g++-12 gcc-12 -y
+ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-12 12
+ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-12 12
+ - name: Create the default Conan profile
+ run: conan profile new default --detect
+ - name: Configure GPG Key Linux (Bash)
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Linux' }}
+ run: echo -n "$GPG_PRIVATE_KEY" | base64 --decode | gpg --import
+ - name: Configure Macos keychain (Bash)
+ id: macos-keychain
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Macos' }}
+ uses: apple-actions/import-codesign-certs@v1
+ with:
+ p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.MACOS_CERT_P12 }}
+ p12-password: ${{ secrets.MACOS_CERT_PASSPHRASE }}
+ - name: Clean Conan local cache
+ if: ${{ inputs.conan_clean_local_cache }}
+ run: conan remove "*" -f
+ - name: Get Conan configuration from branch
+ if: ${{ inputs.conan_config_branch != '' }}
+ run: conan config install https://github.com/Ultimaker/conan-config.git -a "-b ${{ inputs.conan_config_branch }}"
+ - name: Get Conan configuration
+ if: ${{ inputs.conan_config_branch == '' }}
+ run: conan config install https://github.com/Ultimaker/conan-config.git
+ - name: Create the Packages (Bash)
+ if: ${{ runner.os != 'Windows' }}
+ run: conan install $CURA_CONAN_VERSION ${{ inputs.conan_args }} --build=missing --update -if cura_inst -g VirtualPythonEnv -o cura:enterprise=$ENTERPRISE -o cura:staging=$STAGING --json "cura_inst/conan_install_info.json"
+ - name: Create the Packages (Powershell)
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ run: conan install $Env:CURA_CONAN_VERSION ${{ inputs.conan_args }} --build=missing --update -if cura_inst -g VirtualPythonEnv -o cura:enterprise=$Env:ENTERPRISE -o cura:staging=$Env:STAGING --json "cura_inst/conan_install_info.json"
+ - name: Set Environment variables for Cura (bash)
+ if: ${{ runner.os != 'Windows' }}
+ run: |
+ . ./cura_inst/bin/activate_github_actions_env.sh
+ . ./cura_inst/bin/activate_github_actions_version_env.sh
+ - name: Set Environment variables for Cura (Powershell)
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ run: |
+ .\cura_inst\Scripts\activate_github_actions_env.ps1
+ .\cura_inst\Scripts\activate_github_actions_version_env.ps1
+ - name: Unlock Macos keychain (Bash)
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Macos' }}
+ run: security unlock -p $TEMP_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD signing_temp.keychain
+ env:
+ TEMP_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD: ${{ steps.macos-keychain.outputs.keychain-password }}
+ # FIXME: This is a workaround to ensure that we use and pack a shared library for OpenSSL 1.1.1l. We currently compile
+ # OpenSSL statically for CPython, but our Python Dependenies (such as PyQt6) require a shared library.
+ # Because Conan won't allow for building the same library with two different options (easily) we need to install it explicitly
+ # and do a manual copy to the VirtualEnv, such that Pyinstaller can find it.
+ - name: Install OpenSSL shared
+ run: conan install openssl/1.1.1l@_/_ --build=missing --update -o openssl:shared=True -g deploy
+ - name: Copy OpenSSL shared (Bash)
+ if: ${{ runner.os != 'Windows' }}
+ run: |
+ cp ./openssl/lib/*.so* ./cura_inst/bin/ || true
+ cp ./openssl/lib/*.dylib* ./cura_inst/bin/ || true
+ - name: Copy OpenSSL shared (Powershell)
+ if: ${{ runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ run: |
+ cp openssl/bin/*.dll ./cura_inst/Scripts/
+ cp openssl/lib/*.lib ./cura_inst/Lib/
+ - name: Create the Cura dist
+ run: pyinstaller ./cura_inst/Ultimaker-Cura.spec
+ - name: Archive the artifacts (bash)
+ if: ${{ github.event.inputs.installer == 'false' && runner.os != 'Windows' }}
+ run: tar -zcf "./Ultimaker-Cura-$CURA_VERSION_FULL-${{ matrix.os_id }}.tar.gz" "./Ultimaker-Cura/"
+ working-directory: dist
+ - name: Archive the artifacts (Powershell)
+ if: ${{ github.event.inputs.installer == 'false' && runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ run: Compress-Archive -Path ".\Ultimaker-Cura" -DestinationPath ".\Ultimaker-Cura-$Env:CURA_VERSION_FULL-${{ matrix.os_id }}.zip"
+ working-directory: dist
+ - name: Create the Windows exe installer (Powershell)
+ if: ${{ github.event.inputs.installer == 'true' && runner.os == 'Windows' }}
+ run: |
+ python ..\cura_inst\packaging\NSIS\create_windows_installer.py ../cura_inst . "Ultimaker-Cura-$Env:CURA_VERSION_FULL-${{ matrix.os_id }}.exe"
+ working-directory: dist
+ - name: Create the Linux AppImage (Bash)
+ if: ${{ github.event.inputs.installer == 'true' && runner.os == 'Linux' }}
+ run: python ../cura_inst/packaging/AppImage/create_appimage.py ./Ultimaker-Cura $CURA_VERSION_FULL "Ultimaker-Cura-$CURA_VERSION_FULL-${{ matrix.os_id }}.AppImage"
+ working-directory: dist
+ - name: Create the MacOS dmg (Bash)
+ if: ${{ github.event.inputs.installer == 'true' && runner.os == 'Macos' }}
+ run: python ../cura_inst/packaging/dmg/dmg_sign_noterize.py ../cura_inst . "Ultimaker-Cura-$CURA_VERSION_FULL-${{ matrix.os_id }}.dmg"
+ working-directory: dist
+ - name: Upload the artifacts
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: Ultimaker-Cura-${{ env.CURA_VERSION_FULL }}-${{ matrix.os_id }}
+ path: |
+ dist/*.tar.gz
+ dist/*.zip
+ dist/*.exe
+ dist/*.msi
+ dist/*.dmg
+ dist/*.AppImage
+ dist/*.asc
+ retention-days: 5
+ notify-export:
+ if: ${{ always() }}
+ needs: [ cura-installer-create ]
+ uses: ultimaker/cura/.github/workflows/notify.yml@main
+ with:
+ success: ${{ contains(join(needs.*.result, ','), 'success') }}
+ success_title: "Create the Cura distributions"
+ success_body: "Installers for ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }}"
+ failure_title: "Failed to create the Cura distributions"
+ failure_body: "Failed to create at least 1 installer for ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }}"
+ secrets: inherit