@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import UM.Platform
import UM.MimeTypeDatabase
import UM.Logger
+import cura.Settings
from UM.MimeTypeDatabase import MimeTypeNotFoundError
from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
@@ -28,7 +30,9 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
- self._registry = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
+ self._container_registry = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
+ self._machine_manager = UM.Application.getInstance().getMachineManager()
self._container_name_filters = {}
## Create a duplicate of the specified container
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
# \return The ID of the new container, or an empty string if duplication failed.
@pyqtSlot(str, result = str)
def duplicateContainer(self, container_id):
- containers = self._registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
if not containers:
UM.Logger.log("w", "Could duplicate container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
return ""
@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
container = containers[0]
new_container = None
- new_name = self._registry.uniqueName(container.getName())
+ new_name = self._container_registry.uniqueName(container.getName())
# Only InstanceContainer has a duplicate method at the moment.
# So fall back to serialize/deserialize when no duplicate method exists.
if hasattr(container, "duplicate"):
@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
if new_container:
- self._registry.addContainer(new_container)
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(new_container)
return new_container.getId()
@@ -73,24 +77,24 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
# \return True if successful, False if not.
@pyqtSlot(str, str, str, result = bool)
def renameContainer(self, container_id, new_id, new_name):
- containers = self._registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
if not containers:
UM.Logger.log("w", "Could rename container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
return False
container = containers[0]
# First, remove the container from the registry. This will clean up any files related to the container.
- self._registry.removeContainer(container)
+ self._container_registry.removeContainer(container)
# Ensure we have a unique name for the container
- new_name = self._registry.uniqueName(new_name)
+ new_name = self._container_registry.uniqueName(new_name)
# Then, update the name and ID of the container
container._id = new_id # TODO: Find a nicer way to set a new, unique ID
# Finally, re-add the container so it will be properly serialized again.
- self._registry.addContainer(container)
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(container)
return True
@@ -101,12 +105,12 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
# \return True if the container was successfully removed, False if not.
@pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
def removeContainer(self, container_id):
- containers = self._registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
if not containers:
UM.Logger.log("w", "Could remove container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
return False
- self._registry.removeContainer(containers[0].getId())
+ self._container_registry.removeContainer(containers[0].getId())
return True
@@ -121,26 +125,25 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
# \return True if successfully merged, False if not.
@pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
def mergeContainers(self, merge_into_id, merge_id):
- containers = self._registry.findContainers(None, id = merge_into_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = merge_into_id)
if not containers:
UM.Logger.log("w", "Could merge into container %s because it was not found.", merge_into_id)
return False
merge_into = containers[0]
- containers = self._registry.findContainers(None, id = merge_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = merge_id)
if not containers:
UM.Logger.log("w", "Could not merge container %s because it was not found", merge_id)
return False
merge = containers[0]
- if type(merge) != type(merge_into):
+ if not isinstance(merge, type(merge_into)):
UM.Logger.log("w", "Cannot merge two containers of different types")
return False
- for key in merge.getAllKeys():
- merge_into.setProperty(key, "value", merge.getProperty(key, "value"))
+ self._performMerge(merge_into, merge)
return True
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
# \return True if successful, False if not.
@pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
def clearContainer(self, container_id):
- containers = self._registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
if not containers:
UM.Logger.log("w", "Could clear container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
return False
@@ -178,9 +181,9 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
# \return True if successful, False if not.
@pyqtSlot(str, str, str, result = bool)
def setContainerMetaDataEntry(self, container_id, entry_name, entry_value):
- containers = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
if not containers:
- UM.Logger.log("w", "Could set metadata of container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
+ UM.Logger.log("w", "Could not set metadata of container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
return False
container = containers[0]
@@ -209,6 +212,24 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
return True
+ ## Set the name of the specified container.
+ @pyqtSlot(str, str, result = bool)
+ def setContainerName(self, container_id, new_name):
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ if not containers:
+ UM.Logger.log("w", "Could not set name of container %s because it was not found.", container_id)
+ return False
+ container = containers[0]
+ if container.isReadOnly():
+ UM.Logger.log("w", "Cannot set name of read-only container %s.", container_id)
+ return False
+ container.setName(new_name)
+ return True
## Find instance containers matching certain criteria.
# This effectively forwards to ContainerRegistry::findInstanceContainers.
@@ -219,11 +240,20 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
@pyqtSlot("QVariantMap", result = "QVariantList")
def findInstanceContainers(self, criteria):
result = []
- for entry in self._registry.findInstanceContainers(**criteria):
+ for entry in self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**criteria):
return result
+ @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
+ def isContainerUsed(self, container_id):
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "Checking if container %s is currently used in the active stacks", container_id)
+ for stack in cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
+ if container_id in [child.getId() for child in stack.getContainers()]:
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "The container is in use by %s", stack.getId())
+ return True
+ return False
## Get a list of string that can be used as name filters for a Qt File Dialog
# This will go through the list of available container types and generate a list of strings
@@ -276,7 +306,7 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
mime_type = self._container_name_filters[file_type]["mime"]
- containers = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(None, id = container_id)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findContainers(None, id = container_id)
if not containers:
return { "status": "error", "message": "Container not found"}
container = containers[0]
@@ -334,7 +364,7 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
return { "status": "error", "message": "Could not find a container to handle the specified file."}
container_id = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(mime_type.stripExtension(os.path.basename(file_url)))
- container_id = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().uniqueName(container_id)
+ container_id = self._container_registry.uniqueName(container_id)
container = container_type(container_id)
@@ -346,10 +376,220 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
- UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(container)
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(container)
return { "status": "success", "message": "Successfully imported container {0}".format(container.getName()) }
+ ## Update the current active quality changes container with the settings from the user container.
+ #
+ # This will go through the active global stack and all active extruder stacks and merge the changes from the user
+ # container into the quality_changes container. After that, the user container is cleared.
+ #
+ # \return \type{bool} True if successful, False if not.
+ @pyqtSlot(result = bool)
+ def updateQualityChanges(self):
+ global_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ if not global_stack:
+ return False
+ self._machine_manager.blurSettings.emit()
+ for stack in cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
+ # Find the quality_changes container for this stack and merge the contents of the top container into it.
+ quality_changes = stack.findContainer(type = "quality_changes")
+ if not quality_changes or quality_changes.isReadOnly():
+ UM.Logger.log("e", "Could not update quality of a nonexistant or read only quality profile in stack %s", stack.getId())
+ continue
+ self._performMerge(quality_changes, stack.getTop())
+ self._machine_manager.activeQualityChanged.emit()
+ return True
+ ## Clear the top-most (user) containers of the active stacks.
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def clearUserContainers(self):
+ self._machine_manager.blurSettings.emit()
+ # Go through global and extruder stacks and clear their topmost container (the user settings).
+ for stack in cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
+ stack.getTop().clear()
+ ## Create quality changes containers from the user containers in the active stacks.
+ #
+ # This will go through the global and extruder stacks and create quality_changes containers from
+ # the user containers in each stack. These then replace the quality_changes containers in the
+ # stack and clear the user settings.
+ #
+ # \return \type{bool} True if the operation was successfully, False if not.
+ @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
+ def createQualityChanges(self, base_name):
+ global_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ if not global_stack:
+ return False
+ active_quality_name = self._machine_manager.activeQualityName
+ if active_quality_name == "":
+ UM.Logger.log("w", "No quality container found in stack %s, cannot create profile", global_stack.getId())
+ return False
+ self._machine_manager.blurSettings.emit()
+ if base_name is None:
+ base_name = active_quality_name
+ unique_name = self._container_registry.uniqueName(base_name)
+ # Go through the active stacks and create quality_changes containers from the user containers.
+ for stack in cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
+ user_container = stack.getTop()
+ quality_container = stack.findContainer(type = "quality")
+ quality_changes_container = stack.findContainer(type = "quality_changes")
+ if not quality_container or not quality_changes_container:
+ UM.Logger.log("w", "No quality or quality changes container found in stack %s, ignoring it", stack.getId())
+ continue
+ new_changes = self._createQualityChanges(quality_container, unique_name, stack.getId())
+ self._performMerge(new_changes, user_container)
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(new_changes)
+ stack.replaceContainer(stack.getContainerIndex(quality_changes_container), new_changes)
+ self._machine_manager.activeQualityChanged.emit()
+ return True
+ ## Remove all quality changes containers matching a specified name.
+ #
+ # This will search for quality_changes containers matching the supplied name and remove them.
+ # Note that if the machine specifies that qualities should be filtered by machine and/or material
+ # only the containers related to the active machine/material are removed.
+ #
+ # \param quality_name The name of the quality changes to remove.
+ #
+ # \return \type{bool} True if successful, False if not.
+ @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
+ def removeQualityChanges(self, quality_name):
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "Attempting to remove the quality change containers with name %s", quality_name)
+ containers_found = False
+ if not quality_name:
+ return containers_found # Without a name we will never find a container to remove.
+ # If the container that is being removed is the currently active quality, set another quality as the active quality
+ activate_quality = quality_name == self._machine_manager.activeQualityName
+ activate_quality_type = None
+ for container in self._getFilteredContainers(name = quality_name, type = "quality_changes"):
+ containers_found = True
+ if activate_quality and not activate_quality_type:
+ activate_quality_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("quality")
+ self._container_registry.removeContainer(container.getId())
+ if not containers_found:
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "Unable to remove quality containers, as we did not find any by the name of %s", quality_name)
+ elif activate_quality:
+ definition_id = "fdmprinter" if not self._machine_manager.filterQualityByMachine else self._machine_manager.activeDefinitionId
+ containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "quality", definition = definition_id, quality_type = activate_quality_type)
+ if containers:
+ self._machine_manager.setActiveQuality(containers[0].getId())
+ self._machine_manager.activeQualityChanged.emit()
+ return containers_found
+ ## Rename a set of quality changes containers.
+ #
+ # This will search for quality_changes containers matching the supplied name and rename them.
+ # Note that if the machine specifies that qualities should be filtered by machine and/or material
+ # only the containers related to the active machine/material are renamed.
+ #
+ # \param quality_name The name of the quality changes containers to rename.
+ # \param new_name The new name of the quality changes.
+ #
+ # \return True if successful, False if not.
+ @pyqtSlot(str, str, result = bool)
+ def renameQualityChanges(self, quality_name, new_name):
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "User requested QualityChanges container rename of %s to %s", quality_name, new_name)
+ if not quality_name or not new_name:
+ return False
+ if quality_name == new_name:
+ UM.Logger.log("w", "Unable to rename %s to %s, because they are the same.", quality_name, new_name)
+ return True
+ global_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ if not global_stack:
+ return False
+ self._machine_manager.blurSettings.emit()
+ new_name = self._container_registry.uniqueName(new_name)
+ container_registry = self._container_registry
+ for container in self._getFilteredContainers(name = quality_name, type = "quality_changes"):
+ stack_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", global_stack.getId())
+ container_registry.renameContainer(container.getId(), new_name, self._createUniqueId(stack_id, new_name))
+ self._machine_manager.activeQualityChanged.emit()
+ return True
+ ## Duplicate a specified set of quality or quality_changes containers.
+ #
+ # This will search for containers matching the specified name. If the container is a "quality" type container, a new
+ # quality_changes container will be created with the specified quality as base. If the container is a "quality_changes"
+ # container, it is simply duplicated and renamed.
+ #
+ # \param quality_name The name of the quality to duplicate.
+ #
+ # \return A string containing the name of the duplicated containers, or an empty string if it failed.
+ @pyqtSlot(str, str, result = str)
+ def duplicateQualityOrQualityChanges(self, quality_name, base_name):
+ global_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ if not global_stack or not quality_name:
+ return ""
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "Attempting to duplicate the quality %s", quality_name)
+ containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(name = quality_name)
+ if not containers:
+ UM.Logger.log("d", "Unable to duplicate the quality %s, because it doesn't exist.", quality_name)
+ return ""
+ if base_name is None:
+ base_name = quality_name
+ new_name = self._container_registry.uniqueName(base_name)
+ container_type = containers[0].getMetaDataEntry("type")
+ if container_type == "quality":
+ for container in self._getFilteredContainers(name = quality_name, type = "quality"):
+ for stack in cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
+ new_changes = self._createQualityChanges(container, new_name, stack.getId())
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(new_changes)
+ elif container_type == "quality_changes":
+ for container in self._getFilteredContainers(name = quality_name, type = "quality_changes"):
+ stack_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", global_stack.getId())
+ new_container = container.duplicate(self._createUniqueId(stack_id, new_name), new_name)
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(new_container)
+ else:
+ return ""
+ return new_name
+ # Factory function, used by QML
+ @staticmethod
+ def createContainerManager(engine, js_engine):
+ return ContainerManager()
+ def _performMerge(self, merge_into, merge):
+ assert isinstance(merge, type(merge_into))
+ if merge == merge_into:
+ return
+ for key in merge.getAllKeys():
+ merge_into.setProperty(key, "value", merge.getProperty(key, "value"))
+ merge.clear()
def _updateContainerNameFilters(self):
self._container_name_filters = {}
for plugin_id, container_type in UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getContainerTypes():
@@ -394,7 +634,83 @@ class ContainerManager(QObject):
name_filter = "{0} ({1})".format(mime_type.comment, suffix_list)
self._container_name_filters[name_filter] = entry
- # Factory function, used by QML
- @staticmethod
- def createContainerManager(engine, js_engine):
- return ContainerManager()
+ ## Return a generator that iterates over a set of containers that are filtered by machine and material when needed.
+ #
+ # \param kwargs Initial search criteria that the containers need to match.
+ #
+ # \return A generator that iterates over the list of containers matching the search criteria.
+ def _getFilteredContainers(self, **kwargs):
+ global_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ if not global_stack:
+ return False
+ criteria = kwargs
+ filter_by_material = False
+ if global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
+ criteria["definition"] = global_stack.getBottom().getId()
+ filter_by_material = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials")
+ material_ids = []
+ if filter_by_material:
+ for stack in cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks():
+ material_ids.append(stack.findContainer(type = "material").getId())
+ containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(**criteria)
+ for container in containers:
+ # If the machine specifies we should filter by material, exclude containers that do not match any active material.
+ if filter_by_material and container.getMetaDataEntry("material") not in material_ids:
+ continue
+ yield container
+ ## Creates a unique ID for a container by prefixing the name with the stack ID.
+ #
+ # This method creates a unique ID for a container by prefixing it with a specified stack ID.
+ # This is done to ensure we have an easily identified ID for quality changes, which have the
+ # same name across several stacks.
+ #
+ # \param stack_id The ID of the stack to prepend.
+ # \param container_name The name of the container that we are creating a unique ID for.
+ #
+ # \return Container name prefixed with stack ID, in lower case with spaces replaced by underscores.
+ def _createUniqueId(self, stack_id, container_name):
+ result = stack_id + "_" + container_name
+ result = result.lower()
+ result.replace(" ", "_")
+ return result
+ ## Create a quality changes container for a specified quality container.
+ #
+ # \param quality_container The quality container to create a changes container for.
+ # \param new_name The name of the new quality_changes container.
+ # \param stack_id The ID of the container stack the new container "belongs to". It is used primarily to ensure a unique ID.
+ #
+ # \return A new quality_changes container with the specified container as base.
+ def _createQualityChanges(self, quality_container, new_name, stack_id):
+ global_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ assert global_stack is not None
+ # Create a new quality_changes container for the quality.
+ quality_changes = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer(self._createUniqueId(stack_id, new_name))
+ quality_changes.setName(new_name)
+ quality_changes.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
+ quality_changes.addMetaDataEntry("quality", quality_container.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type"))
+ # If we are creating a container for an extruder, ensure we add that to the container
+ if stack_id != global_stack.getId():
+ quality_changes.addMetaDataEntry("extruder", stack_id)
+ # If the machine specifies qualities should be filtered, ensure we match the current criteria.
+ if not global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
+ quality_changes.setDefinition(self._container_registry.findContainers(id = "fdmprinter")[0])
+ else:
+ quality_changes.setDefinition(global_stack.getBottom())
+ if global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials"):
+ material = quality_container.getMetaDataEntry("material")
+ quality_changes.addMetaDataEntry("material", material)
+ return quality_changes