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Code cleanup

Jaime van Kessel 9 years ago
3 changed files with 38 additions and 21 deletions
  1. 12 2
  2. 6 2
  3. 20 17

+ 12 - 2

@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ class ConvexHullDecorator(SceneNodeDecorator):
         # In case of printing all at once this is the same as the convex hull. For one at the time this is the area without the head.
         self._convex_hull_boundary = None 
-        # In case of printing all at once this is the same as the convex hull. For one at the time this is area with full head
+        # In case of printing all at once this is the same as the convex hull. For one at the time this is area with intersection of mirrored head
         self._convex_hull_head = None
+        # In case of printing all at once this is the same as the convex hull. For one at the time this is area with intersection of full head
+        self._convex_hull_head_full = None
         self._convex_hull_node = None
         self._convex_hull_job = None
@@ -28,6 +30,11 @@ class ConvexHullDecorator(SceneNodeDecorator):
     def getConvexHull(self):
         return self._convex_hull
+    def getConvexHullHeadFull(self):
+        if not self._convex_hull_head_full:
+            return self.getConvexHull()
+        return self._convex_hull_head_full
     def getConvexHullHead(self):
         if not self._convex_hull_head:
             return self.getConvexHull()
@@ -40,7 +47,10 @@ class ConvexHullDecorator(SceneNodeDecorator):
     def setConvexHullBoundary(self, hull):
         self._convex_hull_boundary = hull
+    def setConvexHullHeadFull(self, hull):
+        self._convex_hull_head_full = hull
     def setConvexHullHead(self, hull):
         self._convex_hull_head = hull

+ 6 - 2

@@ -55,12 +55,16 @@ class ConvexHullJob(Job):
                 # Printing one at a time and it's not an object in a group
                 self._node.callDecoration("setConvexHullBoundary", copy.deepcopy(hull))
                 head_and_fans = Polygon(numpy.array(profile.getSettingValue("machine_head_with_fans_polygon"), numpy.float32))
+                # Full head hull is used to actually check the order.
+                full_head_hull = hull.getMinkowskiHull(head_and_fans)
+                self._node.callDecoration("setConvexHullHeadFull", full_head_hull)
                 mirrored = copy.deepcopy(head_and_fans)
                 mirrored.mirror([0, 0], [0, 1]) #Mirror horizontally.
                 mirrored.mirror([0, 0], [1, 0]) #Mirror vertically.
                 head_and_fans = head_and_fans.intersectionConvexHulls(mirrored)
-                head_hull = hull.getMinkowskiHull(head_and_fans)
-                self._node.callDecoration("setConvexHullHead", head_hull)
+                # Min head hull is used for the push free
+                min_head_hull = hull.getMinkowskiHull(head_and_fans)
+                self._node.callDecoration("setConvexHullHead", min_head_hull)
                 hull = hull.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon(numpy.array(profile.getSettingValue("machine_head_polygon"),numpy.float32)))
                 self._node.callDecoration("setConvexHullHead", None)

+ 20 - 17

@@ -25,22 +25,23 @@ class OneAtATimeIterator(Iterator.Iterator):
             if node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"):
         if len(node_list) < 2:
             self._node_stack = node_list[:]
+        # Copy the list
         self._original_node_list = node_list[:]
         ## Initialise the hit map (pre-compute all hits between all objects)
-        self._hit_map = [[self._checkHit(j,i) for i in node_list] for j in node_list]
+        self._hit_map = [[self._checkHit(i,j) for i in node_list] for j in node_list]
         # Check if we have to files that block eachother. If this is the case, there is no solution!
         for a in range(0,len(node_list)):
             for b in range(0,len(node_list)):
                 if a != b and self._hit_map[a][b] and self._hit_map[b][a]:
         # Sort the original list so that items that block the most other objects are at the beginning.
         # This does not decrease the worst case running time, but should improve it in most cases.
         sorted(node_list, key = cmp_to_key(self._calculateScore))
@@ -59,44 +60,46 @@ class OneAtATimeIterator(Iterator.Iterator):
                         # We have no more nodes to check, so quit looking.
                         todo_node_list = None
                         self._node_stack = new_order
                     todo_node_list.append(_ObjectOrder(new_order, new_todo_list))
-        self._node_stack = [] #No result found!        
+        self._node_stack = [] #No result found!
     # Check if first object can be printed before the provided list (using the hit map)
     def _checkHitMultiple(self, node, other_nodes):
         node_index = self._original_node_list.index(node)
         for other_node in other_nodes:
-            if self._hit_map[node_index][self._original_node_list.index(other_node)]:
+            other_node_index = self._original_node_list.index(other_node)
+            if self._hit_map[node_index][other_node_index]:
                 return True
         return False
     def _checkBlockMultiple(self, node, other_nodes):
         node_index = self._original_node_list.index(node)
         for other_node in other_nodes:
-            if self._hit_map[self._original_node_list.index(other_node)][node_index] and node_index != self._original_node_list.index(other_node):
+            other_node_index = self._original_node_list.index(other_node)
+            if self._hit_map[other_node_index][node_index] and node_index != other_node_index:
                 return True
         return False
     ##  Calculate score simply sums the number of other objects it 'blocks'
     def _calculateScore(self, a, b):
         score_a = sum(self._hit_map[self._original_node_list.index(a)])
         score_b = sum(self._hit_map[self._original_node_list.index(b)])
         return score_a - score_b
     #   Checks if A can be printed before B
     def _checkHit(self, a, b):
         if a == b:
             return False
         overlap = a.callDecoration("getConvexHullBoundary").intersectsPolygon(b.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead"))
         if overlap:
             return True
             return False
 ## Internal object used to keep track of a possible order in which to print objects.      
 class _ObjectOrder():
@@ -107,4 +110,4 @@ class _ObjectOrder():
         self.order = order
         self.todo = todo