@@ -15,15 +15,17 @@ Button
property alias textFont: buttonText.font
property alias cornerRadius: backgroundRect.radius
property alias tooltip: tooltip.text
- property var color: UM.Theme.getColor("primary")
- property var hoverColor: UM.Theme.getColor("primary_hover")
- property var disabledColor: color
- property var textColor: UM.Theme.getColor("button_text")
- property var textHoverColor: UM.Theme.getColor("button_text_hover")
- property var textDisabledColor: textColor
- property var outlineColor: color
- property var outlineHoverColor: hoverColor
- property var outlineDisabledColor: outlineColor
+ property color color: UM.Theme.getColor("primary")
+ property color hoverColor: UM.Theme.getColor("primary_hover")
+ property color disabledColor: color
+ property color textColor: UM.Theme.getColor("button_text")
+ property color textHoverColor: UM.Theme.getColor("button_text_hover")
+ property color textDisabledColor: textColor
+ property color outlineColor: color
+ property color outlineHoverColor: hoverColor
+ property color outlineDisabledColor: outlineColor
// This property is used to indicate whether the button has a fixed width or the width would depend on the contents
// Be careful when using fixedWidthMode, the translated texts can be too long that they won't fit. In any case,
// we elide the text to the right so the text will be cut off with the three dots at the end.
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ Button
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
+ // Ensure that the button will still accept the clicks on it's own.
onPressed: mouse.accepted = false
hoverEnabled: true