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Check access token before using it

ChrisTerBeke 6 лет назад

+ 8 - 10

@@ -51,13 +51,11 @@ class AuthorizationService:
     #   \return UserProfile if a user is logged in, None otherwise.
     #   \sa _parseJWT
     def getUserProfile(self) -> Optional["UserProfile"]:
-        if not self._user_profile:
-            # If no user profile was stored locally, we try to get it from JWT.
-            try:
-                self._user_profile = self._parseJWT()
-            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
-                # Unable to get connection, can't login.
-                return None
+        try:
+            self._user_profile = self._parseJWT()
+        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+            # Unable to get connection, can't login.
+            return None
         if not self._user_profile and self._auth_data:
             # If there is still no user profile from the JWT, we have to log in again.
@@ -87,13 +85,13 @@ class AuthorizationService:
         return self._auth_helpers.parseJWT(self._auth_data.access_token)
-    #   Get the access token as provided by the repsonse data.
+    #   Get the access token as provided by the response data.
     def getAccessToken(self) -> Optional[str]:
         if not self.getUserProfile():
             # We check if we can get the user profile.
             # If we can't get it, that means the access token (JWT) was invalid or expired.
-            Logger.log("w", "Unable to get the user profile.")
-            return None
+            # In that case we try to refresh the access token.
+            self.refreshAccessToken()
         if self._auth_data is None:
             Logger.log("d", "No auth data to retrieve the access_token from")

+ 3 - 2

@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ class CloudApiClient:
         request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(path))
         if content_type:
             request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader, content_type)
-        if self._account.isLoggedIn:
-            request.setRawHeader(b"Authorization", "Bearer {}".format(self._account.accessToken).encode())
+        access_token = self._account.accessToken
+        if access_token:
+            request.setRawHeader(b"Authorization", "Bearer {}".format(access_token).encode())
         return request
     ## Parses the given JSON network reply into a status code and a dictionary, handling unexpected errors as well.