@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
+from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
+import copy
+import uuid
+from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
+from PyQt5.Qt import QTimer, QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
+from UM.Application import Application
+from UM.Logger import Logger
+from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
+from UM.Settings.SettingFunction import SettingFunction
+from UM.Util import parseBool
+from .MaterialNode import MaterialNode
+from .MaterialGroup import MaterialGroup
+ from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
+# MaterialManager maintains a number of maps and trees for material lookup.
+# The models GUI and QML use are now only dependent on the MaterialManager. That means as long as the data in
+# MaterialManager gets updated correctly, the GUI models should be updated correctly too, and the same goes for GUI.
+# For now, updating the lookup maps and trees here is very simple: we discard the old data completely and recreate them
+# again. This means the update is exactly the same as initialization. There are performance concerns about this approach
+# but so far the creation of the tables and maps is very fast and there is no noticeable slowness, we keep it like this
+# because it's simple.
+class MaterialManager(QObject):
+ materialsUpdated = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever the material lookup tables are updated.
+ def __init__(self, container_registry, parent = None):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self._application = Application.getInstance()
+ self._container_registry = container_registry # type: ContainerRegistry
+ self._fallback_materials_map = dict() # material_type -> generic material metadata
+ self._material_group_map = dict() # root_material_id -> MaterialGroup
+ self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map = dict() # approximate diameter str -> dict(machine_definition_id -> MaterialNode)
+ # We're using these two maps to convert between the specific diameter material id and the generic material id
+ # because the generic material ids are used in qualities and definitions, while the specific diameter material is meant
+ # i.e. generic_pla -> generic_pla_175
+ self._material_diameter_map = defaultdict(dict) # root_material_id -> approximate diameter str -> root_material_id for that diameter
+ self._diameter_material_map = dict() # material id including diameter (generic_pla_175) -> material root id (generic_pla)
+ # This is used in Legacy UM3 send material function and the material management page.
+ self._guid_material_groups_map = defaultdict(list) # GUID -> a list of material_groups
+ # The machine definition ID for the non-machine-specific materials.
+ # This is used as the last fallback option if the given machine-specific material(s) cannot be found.
+ self._default_machine_definition_id = "fdmprinter"
+ self._default_approximate_diameter_for_quality_search = "3"
+ # When a material gets added/imported, there can be more than one InstanceContainers. In those cases, we don't
+ # want to react on every container/metadata changed signal. The timer here is to buffer it a bit so we don't
+ # react too many time.
+ self._update_timer = QTimer(self)
+ self._update_timer.setInterval(300)
+ self._update_timer.setSingleShot(True)
+ self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._updateMaps)
+ self._container_registry.containerMetaDataChanged.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
+ self._container_registry.containerAdded.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
+ self._container_registry.containerRemoved.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
+ def initialize(self):
+ # Find all materials and put them in a matrix for quick search.
+ material_metadata_list = self._container_registry.findContainersMetadata(type = "material")
+ self._material_group_map = dict()
+ # Map #1
+ # root_material_id -> MaterialGroup
+ for material_metadata in material_metadata_list:
+ material_id = material_metadata["id"]
+ # We don't store empty material in the lookup tables
+ if material_id == "empty_material":
+ continue
+ root_material_id = material_metadata.get("base_file")
+ if root_material_id not in self._material_group_map:
+ self._material_group_map[root_material_id] = MaterialGroup(root_material_id)
+ group = self._material_group_map[root_material_id]
+ # We only add root materials here
+ if material_id == root_material_id:
+ group.root_material_node = MaterialNode(material_metadata)
+ else:
+ new_node = MaterialNode(material_metadata)
+ group.derived_material_node_list.append(new_node)
+ # Order this map alphabetically so it's easier to navigate in a debugger
+ self._material_group_map = OrderedDict(sorted(self._material_group_map.items(), key = lambda x: x[0]))
+ # Map #1.5
+ # GUID -> material group list
+ self._guid_material_groups_map = defaultdict(list)
+ for root_material_id, material_group in self._material_group_map.items():
+ guid = material_group.root_material_node.metadata["GUID"]
+ self._guid_material_groups_map[guid].append(material_group)
+ # Map #2
+ # Lookup table for material type -> fallback material metadata, only for read-only materials
+ grouped_by_type_dict = dict()
+ for root_material_id, material_node in self._material_group_map.items():
+ if not self._container_registry.isReadOnly(root_material_id):
+ continue
+ material_type = material_node.root_material_node.metadata["material"]
+ if material_type not in grouped_by_type_dict:
+ grouped_by_type_dict[material_type] = {"generic": None,
+ "others": []}
+ brand = material_node.root_material_node.metadata["brand"]
+ if brand.lower() == "generic":
+ to_add = True
+ if material_type in grouped_by_type_dict:
+ diameter = material_node.root_material_node.metadata.get("approximate_diameter")
+ if diameter != self._default_approximate_diameter_for_quality_search:
+ to_add = False # don't add if it's not the default diameter
+ if to_add:
+ grouped_by_type_dict[material_type] = material_node.root_material_node.metadata
+ self._fallback_materials_map = grouped_by_type_dict
+ # Map #3
+ # There can be multiple material profiles for the same material with different diameters, such as "generic_pla"
+ # and "generic_pla_175". This is inconvenient when we do material-specific quality lookup because a quality can
+ # be for either "generic_pla" or "generic_pla_175", but not both. This map helps to get the correct material ID
+ # for quality search.
+ self._material_diameter_map = defaultdict(dict)
+ self._diameter_material_map = dict()
+ # Group the material IDs by the same name, material, brand, and color but with different diameters.
+ material_group_dict = dict()
+ keys_to_fetch = ("name", "material", "brand", "color")
+ for root_material_id, machine_node in self._material_group_map.items():
+ if not self._container_registry.isReadOnly(root_material_id):
+ continue
+ root_material_metadata = machine_node.root_material_node.metadata
+ key_data = []
+ for key in keys_to_fetch:
+ key_data.append(root_material_metadata.get(key))
+ key_data = tuple(key_data)
+ if key_data not in material_group_dict:
+ material_group_dict[key_data] = dict()
+ approximate_diameter = root_material_metadata.get("approximate_diameter")
+ material_group_dict[key_data][approximate_diameter] = root_material_metadata["id"]
+ # Map [root_material_id][diameter] -> root_material_id for this diameter
+ for data_dict in material_group_dict.values():
+ for root_material_id1 in data_dict.values():
+ if root_material_id1 in self._material_diameter_map:
+ continue
+ diameter_map = data_dict
+ for root_material_id2 in data_dict.values():
+ self._material_diameter_map[root_material_id2] = diameter_map
+ default_root_material_id = data_dict.get(self._default_approximate_diameter_for_quality_search)
+ if default_root_material_id is None:
+ default_root_material_id = list(data_dict.values())[0] # no default diameter present, just take "the" only one
+ for root_material_id in data_dict.values():
+ self._diameter_material_map[root_material_id] = default_root_material_id
+ # Map #4
+ # "machine" -> "variant_name" -> "root material ID" -> specific material InstanceContainer
+ # Construct the "machine" -> "variant" -> "root material ID" -> specific material InstanceContainer
+ self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map = dict()
+ for material_metadata in material_metadata_list:
+ # We don't store empty material in the lookup tables
+ if material_metadata["id"] == "empty_material":
+ continue
+ root_material_id = material_metadata["base_file"]
+ definition = material_metadata["definition"]
+ approximate_diameter = material_metadata["approximate_diameter"]
+ if approximate_diameter not in self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map:
+ self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map[approximate_diameter] = {}
+ machine_variant_material_map = self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map[approximate_diameter]
+ if definition not in machine_variant_material_map:
+ machine_variant_material_map[definition] = MaterialNode()
+ machine_node = machine_variant_material_map[definition]
+ variant_name = material_metadata.get("variant_name")
+ if not variant_name:
+ # if there is no variant, this material is for the machine, so put its metadata in the machine node.
+ machine_node.material_map[root_material_id] = MaterialNode(material_metadata)
+ else:
+ # this material is variant-specific, so we save it in a variant-specific node under the
+ # machine-specific node
+ if variant_name not in machine_node.children_map:
+ machine_node.children_map[variant_name] = MaterialNode()
+ variant_node = machine_node.children_map[variant_name]
+ if root_material_id not in variant_node.material_map:
+ variant_node.material_map[root_material_id] = MaterialNode(material_metadata)
+ else:
+ # Sanity check: make sure we don't have duplicated variant-specific materials for the same machine
+ raise RuntimeError("Found duplicate variant name [%s] for machine [%s] in material [%s]" %
+ (variant_name, definition, material_metadata["id"]))
+ self.materialsUpdated.emit()
+ def _updateMaps(self):
+ self.initialize()
+ def _onContainerMetadataChanged(self, container):
+ self._onContainerChanged(container)
+ def _onContainerChanged(self, container):
+ container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
+ if container_type != "material":
+ return
+ # update the maps
+ self._update_timer.start()
+ def getMaterialGroup(self, root_material_id: str) -> Optional[MaterialGroup]:
+ return self._material_group_map.get(root_material_id)
+ def getRootMaterialIDForDiameter(self, root_material_id: str, approximate_diameter: str) -> str:
+ return self._material_diameter_map.get(root_material_id).get(approximate_diameter, root_material_id)
+ def getRootMaterialIDWithoutDiameter(self, root_material_id: str) -> str:
+ return self._diameter_material_map.get(root_material_id)
+ def getMaterialGroupListByGUID(self, guid: str) -> Optional[list]:
+ return self._guid_material_groups_map.get(guid)
+ #
+ # Return a dict with all root material IDs (k) and ContainerNodes (v) that's suitable for the given setup.
+ #
+ def getAvailableMaterials(self, machine_definition_id: str, extruder_variant_name: Optional[str],
+ diameter: float) -> dict:
+ # round the diameter to get the approximate diameter
+ rounded_diameter = str(round(diameter))
+ if rounded_diameter not in self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map:
+ Logger.log("i", "Cannot find materials with diameter [%s] (rounded to [%s])", diameter, rounded_diameter)
+ return dict()
+ # If there are variant materials, get the variant material
+ machine_variant_material_map = self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map[rounded_diameter]
+ machine_node = machine_variant_material_map.get(machine_definition_id)
+ default_machine_node = machine_variant_material_map.get(self._default_machine_definition_id)
+ variant_node = None
+ if extruder_variant_name is not None and machine_node is not None:
+ variant_node = machine_node.getChildNode(extruder_variant_name)
+ nodes_to_check = [variant_node, machine_node, default_machine_node]
+ # Fallback mechanism of finding materials:
+ # 1. variant-specific material
+ # 2. machine-specific material
+ # 3. generic material (for fdmprinter)
+ material_id_metadata_dict = dict()
+ for node in nodes_to_check:
+ if node is not None:
+ for material_id, node in node.material_map.items():
+ if material_id not in material_id_metadata_dict:
+ material_id_metadata_dict[material_id] = node
+ return material_id_metadata_dict
+ #
+ # A convenience function to get available materials for the given machine with the extruder position.
+ #
+ def getAvailableMaterialsForMachineExtruder(self, machine: "GlobalStack",
+ extruder_stack: "ExtruderStack") -> Optional[dict]:
+ machine_definition_id = machine.definition.getId()
+ variant_name = None
+ if extruder_stack.variant.getId() != "empty_variant":
+ variant_name = extruder_stack.variant.getName()
+ diameter = extruder_stack.approximateMaterialDiameter
+ # Fetch the available materials (ContainerNode) for the current active machine and extruder setup.
+ return self.getAvailableMaterials(machine_definition_id, variant_name, diameter)
+ #
+ # Gets MaterialNode for the given extruder and machine with the given material name.
+ # Returns None if:
+ # 1. the given machine doesn't have materials;
+ # 2. cannot find any material InstanceContainers with the given settings.
+ #
+ def getMaterialNode(self, machine_definition_id: str, extruder_variant_name: Optional[str],
+ diameter: float, root_material_id: str) -> Optional["InstanceContainer"]:
+ # round the diameter to get the approximate diameter
+ rounded_diameter = str(round(diameter))
+ if rounded_diameter not in self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map:
+ Logger.log("i", "Cannot find materials with diameter [%s] (rounded to [%s]) for root material id [%s]",
+ diameter, rounded_diameter, root_material_id)
+ return None
+ # If there are variant materials, get the variant material
+ machine_variant_material_map = self._diameter_machine_variant_material_map[rounded_diameter]
+ machine_node = machine_variant_material_map.get(machine_definition_id)
+ variant_node = None
+ # Fallback for "fdmprinter" if the machine-specific materials cannot be found
+ if machine_node is None:
+ machine_node = machine_variant_material_map.get(self._default_machine_definition_id)
+ if machine_node is not None and extruder_variant_name is not None:
+ variant_node = machine_node.getChildNode(extruder_variant_name)
+ # Fallback mechanism of finding materials:
+ # 1. variant-specific material
+ # 2. machine-specific material
+ # 3. generic material (for fdmprinter)
+ nodes_to_check = [variant_node, machine_node,
+ machine_variant_material_map.get(self._default_machine_definition_id)]
+ material_node = None
+ for node in nodes_to_check:
+ if node is not None:
+ material_node = node.material_map.get(root_material_id)
+ if material_node:
+ break
+ return material_node
+ #
+ # Used by QualityManager. Built-in quality profiles may be based on generic material IDs such as "generic_pla".
+ # For materials such as ultimaker_pla_orange, no quality profiles may be found, so we should fall back to use
+ # the generic material IDs to search for qualities.
+ #
+ # An example would be, suppose we have machine with preferred material set to "filo3d_pla" (1.75mm), but its
+ # extruders only use 2.85mm materials, then we won't be able to find the preferred material for this machine.
+ # A fallback would be to fetch a generic material of the same type "PLA" as "filo3d_pla", and in this case it will
+ # be "generic_pla". This function is intended to get a generic fallback material for the given material type.
+ #
+ # This function returns the generic root material ID for the given material type, where material types are "PLA",
+ # "ABS", etc.
+ #
+ def getFallbackMaterialIdByMaterialType(self, material_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ # For safety
+ if material_type not in self._fallback_materials_map:
+ Logger.log("w", "The material type [%s] does not have a fallback material" % material_type)
+ return None
+ fallback_material = self._fallback_materials_map[material_type]
+ if fallback_material:
+ return self.getRootMaterialIDWithoutDiameter(fallback_material["id"])
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getDefaultMaterial(self, global_stack: "GlobalStack", extruder_variant_name: str) -> Optional["MaterialNode"]:
+ node = None
+ machine_definition = global_stack.definition
+ if parseBool(machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", False)):
+ material_diameter = machine_definition.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")
+ if isinstance(material_diameter, SettingFunction):
+ material_diameter = material_diameter(global_stack)
+ approximate_material_diameter = str(round(material_diameter))
+ root_material_id = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
+ root_material_id = self.getRootMaterialIDForDiameter(root_material_id, approximate_material_diameter)
+ node = self.getMaterialNode(machine_definition.getId(), extruder_variant_name,
+ material_diameter, root_material_id)
+ return node
+ #
+ # Methods for GUI
+ #
+ #
+ # Sets the new name for the given material.
+ #
+ @pyqtSlot("QVariant", str)
+ def setMaterialName(self, material_node: "MaterialNode", name: str):
+ root_material_id = material_node.metadata["base_file"]
+ if self._container_registry.isReadOnly(root_material_id):
+ Logger.log("w", "Cannot set name of read-only container %s.", root_material_id)
+ return
+ material_group = self.getMaterialGroup(root_material_id)
+ material_group.root_material_node.getContainer().setName(name)
+ #
+ # Removes the given material.
+ #
+ @pyqtSlot("QVariant")
+ def removeMaterial(self, material_node: "MaterialNode"):
+ root_material_id = material_node.metadata["base_file"]
+ material_group = self.getMaterialGroup(root_material_id)
+ if not material_group:
+ Logger.log("d", "Unable to remove the material with id %s, because it doesn't exist.", root_material_id)
+ return
+ nodes_to_remove = [material_group.root_material_node] + material_group.derived_material_node_list
+ for node in nodes_to_remove:
+ self._container_registry.removeContainer(node.metadata["id"])
+ #
+ # Creates a duplicate of a material, which has the same GUID and base_file metadata.
+ # Returns the root material ID of the duplicated material if successful.
+ #
+ @pyqtSlot("QVariant", result = str)
+ def duplicateMaterial(self, material_node, new_base_id = None, new_metadata = None) -> Optional[str]:
+ root_material_id = material_node.metadata["base_file"]
+ material_group = self.getMaterialGroup(root_material_id)
+ if not material_group:
+ Logger.log("i", "Unable to duplicate the material with id %s, because it doesn't exist.", root_material_id)
+ return None
+ base_container = material_group.root_material_node.getContainer()
+ # Ensure all settings are saved.
+ self._application.saveSettings()
+ # Create a new ID & container to hold the data.
+ new_containers = []
+ if new_base_id is None:
+ new_base_id = self._container_registry.uniqueName(base_container.getId())
+ new_base_container = copy.deepcopy(base_container)
+ new_base_container.getMetaData()["id"] = new_base_id
+ new_base_container.getMetaData()["base_file"] = new_base_id
+ if new_metadata is not None:
+ for key, value in new_metadata.items():
+ new_base_container.getMetaData()[key] = value
+ new_containers.append(new_base_container)
+ # Clone all of them.
+ for node in material_group.derived_material_node_list:
+ container_to_copy = node.getContainer()
+ # Create unique IDs for every clone.
+ new_id = new_base_id
+ if container_to_copy.getMetaDataEntry("definition") != "fdmprinter":
+ new_id += "_" + container_to_copy.getMetaDataEntry("definition")
+ if container_to_copy.getMetaDataEntry("variant_name"):
+ variant_name = container_to_copy.getMetaDataEntry("variant_name")
+ new_id += "_" + variant_name.replace(" ", "_")
+ new_container = copy.deepcopy(container_to_copy)
+ new_container.getMetaData()["id"] = new_id
+ new_container.getMetaData()["base_file"] = new_base_id
+ if new_metadata is not None:
+ for key, value in new_metadata.items():
+ new_container.getMetaData()[key] = value
+ new_containers.append(new_container)
+ for container_to_add in new_containers:
+ container_to_add.setDirty(True)
+ self._container_registry.addContainer(container_to_add)
+ return new_base_id
+ #
+ # Create a new material by cloning Generic PLA for the current material diameter and generate a new GUID.
+ #
+ @pyqtSlot(result = str)
+ def createMaterial(self) -> str:
+ from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
+ catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+ # Ensure all settings are saved.
+ self._application.saveSettings()
+ global_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
+ approximate_diameter = str(round(global_stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
+ root_material_id = "generic_pla"
+ root_material_id = self.getRootMaterialIDForDiameter(root_material_id, approximate_diameter)
+ material_group = self.getMaterialGroup(root_material_id)
+ # Create a new ID & container to hold the data.
+ new_id = self._container_registry.uniqueName("custom_material")
+ new_metadata = {"name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom Material"),
+ "brand": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom"),
+ "GUID": str(uuid.uuid4()),
+ }
+ self.duplicateMaterial(material_group.root_material_node,
+ new_base_id = new_id,
+ new_metadata = new_metadata)
+ return new_id