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Merge branch 'master' into CURA-6793_performance

	cura/Machines/ -> File was deleted in Master but I changed things for the lazy loading.
	cura/Machines/Models/ -> I clarified documentation on a line above a place where a timer was added in between.

Contributes to issue CURA-6793.
Ghostkeeper 5 years ago

+ 0 - 17

@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ from cura.Scene import ZOffsetDecorator
 from cura.Machines.ContainerTree import ContainerTree
 from cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker import MachineErrorChecker
-import cura.Machines.MaterialManager #Imported like this to prevent circular imports.
-import cura.Machines.QualityManager #Imported like this to prevent circular imports.
-from cura.Machines.VariantManager import VariantManager
 from cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel import BuildPlateModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel import CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel
@@ -924,20 +921,6 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
             self._extruder_manager = ExtruderManager()
         return self._extruder_manager
-    @deprecated("Use the ContainerTree structure instead.", since = "4.3")
-    def getVariantManager(self, *args) -> VariantManager:
-        return VariantManager.getInstance()
-    # Can't deprecate this function since the deprecation marker collides with pyqtSlot!
-    @pyqtSlot(result = QObject)
-    def getMaterialManager(self, *args) -> cura.Machines.MaterialManager.MaterialManager:
-        return cura.Machines.MaterialManager.MaterialManager.getInstance()
-    # Can't deprecate this function since the deprecation marker collides with pyqtSlot!
-    @pyqtSlot(result = QObject)
-    def getQualityManager(self, *args) -> cura.Machines.QualityManager.QualityManager:
-        return cura.Machines.QualityManager.QualityManager.getInstance()
     def getIntentManager(self, *args) -> IntentManager:
         return IntentManager.getInstance()

+ 0 - 349

@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from collections import defaultdict
-import copy
-import uuid
-from typing import Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, cast
-from PyQt5.Qt import QTimer, QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
-from UM.Decorators import deprecated
-from UM.Logger import Logger
-from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
-from UM.Util import parseBool
-import cura.CuraApplication  # Imported like this to prevent circular imports.
-from cura.Machines.ContainerTree import ContainerTree
-from cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry import CuraContainerRegistry
-from .MaterialNode import MaterialNode
-from .MaterialGroup import MaterialGroup
-    from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
-    from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
-    from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
-    from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
-# MaterialManager maintains a number of maps and trees for material lookup.
-# The models GUI and QML use are now only dependent on the MaterialManager. That means as long as the data in
-# MaterialManager gets updated correctly, the GUI models should be updated correctly too, and the same goes for GUI.
-# For now, updating the lookup maps and trees here is very simple: we discard the old data completely and recreate them
-# again. This means the update is exactly the same as initialization. There are performance concerns about this approach
-# but so far the creation of the tables and maps is very fast and there is no noticeable slowness, we keep it like this
-# because it's simple.
-class MaterialManager(QObject):
-    __instance = None
-    @classmethod
-    @deprecated("Use the ContainerTree structure instead.", since = "4.3")
-    def getInstance(cls) -> "MaterialManager":
-        if cls.__instance is None:
-            cls.__instance = MaterialManager()
-        return cls.__instance
-    materialsUpdated = pyqtSignal()  # Emitted whenever the material lookup tables are updated.
-    favoritesUpdated = pyqtSignal()  # Emitted whenever the favorites are changed
-    def __init__(self, parent = None):
-        super().__init__(parent)
-        # Material_type -> generic material metadata
-        self._fallback_materials_map = dict()  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
-        # Root_material_id -> MaterialGroup
-        self._material_group_map = dict()  # type: Dict[str, MaterialGroup]
-        # Material id including diameter (generic_pla_175) -> material root id (generic_pla)
-        self._diameter_material_map = dict()  # type: Dict[str, str]
-        # This is used in Legacy UM3 send material function and the material management page.
-        # GUID -> a list of material_groups
-        self._guid_material_groups_map = defaultdict(list)  # type: Dict[str, List[MaterialGroup]]
-        self._favorites = set(cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getPreferences().getValue("cura/favorite_materials").split(";"))
-        self.materialsUpdated.emit()
-        self._update_timer = QTimer(self)
-        self._update_timer.setInterval(300)
-        self._update_timer.setSingleShot(True)
-        self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self.materialsUpdated)
-        container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
-        container_registry.containerMetaDataChanged.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
-        container_registry.containerAdded.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
-        container_registry.containerRemoved.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
-    def _onContainerMetadataChanged(self, container):
-        self._onContainerChanged(container)
-    def _onContainerChanged(self, container):
-        container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
-        if container_type != "material":
-            return
-        # update the maps
-        self._update_timer.start()
-    def getMaterialGroup(self, root_material_id: str) -> Optional[MaterialGroup]:
-        return self._material_group_map.get(root_material_id)
-    def getRootMaterialIDForDiameter(self, root_material_id: str, approximate_diameter: str) -> str:
-        original_material = CuraContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(id=root_material_id)[0]
-        if original_material["approximate_diameter"] == approximate_diameter:
-            return root_material_id
-        matching_materials = CuraContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "material", brand = original_material["brand"], definition = original_material["definition"], material = original_material["material"], color_name = original_material["color_name"])
-        for material in matching_materials:
-            if material["approximate_diameter"] == approximate_diameter:
-                return material["id"]
-        return root_material_id
-    def getRootMaterialIDWithoutDiameter(self, root_material_id: str) -> str:
-        return self._diameter_material_map.get(root_material_id, "")
-    def getMaterialGroupListByGUID(self, guid: str) -> Optional[List[MaterialGroup]]:
-        return self._guid_material_groups_map.get(guid)
-    # Returns a dict of all material groups organized by root_material_id.
-    def getAllMaterialGroups(self) -> Dict[str, "MaterialGroup"]:
-        return self._material_group_map
-    ##  Gives a dictionary of all root material IDs and their associated
-    #   MaterialNodes from the ContainerTree that are available for the given
-    #   printer and variant.
-    def getAvailableMaterials(self, definition_id: str, nozzle_name: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, MaterialNode]:
-        return ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[definition_id].variants[nozzle_name].materials
-    #
-    # A convenience function to get available materials for the given machine with the extruder position.
-    #
-    def getAvailableMaterialsForMachineExtruder(self, machine: "GlobalStack",
-                                                extruder_stack: "ExtruderStack") -> Dict[str, MaterialNode]:
-        nozzle_name = None
-        if extruder_stack.variant.getId() != "empty_variant":
-            nozzle_name = extruder_stack.variant.getName()
-        # Fetch the available materials (ContainerNode) for the current active machine and extruder setup.
-        materials = self.getAvailableMaterials(machine.definition.getId(), nozzle_name)
-        compatible_material_diameter = extruder_stack.getApproximateMaterialDiameter()
-        result = {key: material for key, material in materials.items() if material.container and float(material.getMetaDataEntry("approximate_diameter")) == compatible_material_diameter}
-        return result
-    #
-    # Gets MaterialNode for the given extruder and machine with the given material name.
-    # Returns None if:
-    #  1. the given machine doesn't have materials;
-    #  2. cannot find any material InstanceContainers with the given settings.
-    #
-    def getMaterialNode(self, machine_definition_id: str, nozzle_name: Optional[str],
-                        buildplate_name: Optional[str], diameter: float, root_material_id: str) -> Optional["MaterialNode"]:
-        container_tree = ContainerTree.getInstance()
-        machine_node = container_tree.machines.get(machine_definition_id)
-        if machine_node is None:
-            Logger.log("w", "Could not find machine with definition %s in the container tree", machine_definition_id)
-            return None
-        variant_node = machine_node.variants.get(nozzle_name)
-        if variant_node is None:
-            Logger.log("w", "Could not find variant %s for machine with definition %s in the container tree", nozzle_name, machine_definition_id )
-            return None
-        material_node = variant_node.materials.get(root_material_id)
-        if material_node is None:
-            Logger.log("w", "Could not find material %s for machine with definition %s and variant %s in the container tree", root_material_id, machine_definition_id, nozzle_name)
-            return None
-        return material_node
-    #
-    # Gets MaterialNode for the given extruder and machine with the given material type.
-    # Returns None if:
-    #  1. the given machine doesn't have materials;
-    #  2. cannot find any material InstanceContainers with the given settings.
-    #
-    def getMaterialNodeByType(self, global_stack: "GlobalStack", position: str, nozzle_name: str,
-                              buildplate_name: Optional[str], material_guid: str) -> Optional["MaterialNode"]:
-        machine_definition = global_stack.definition
-        extruder = global_stack.extruderList[int(position)]
-        variant_name = extruder.variant.getName()
-        approximate_diameter = extruder.getApproximateMaterialDiameter()
-        return self.getMaterialNode(machine_definition.getId(), variant_name, buildplate_name, approximate_diameter, material_guid)
-    #   There are 2 ways to get fallback materials;
-    #   - A fallback by type (@sa getFallbackMaterialIdByMaterialType), which adds the generic version of this material
-    #   - A fallback by GUID; If a material has been duplicated, it should also check if the original materials do have
-    #       a GUID. This should only be done if the material itself does not have a quality just yet.
-    def getFallBackMaterialIdsByMaterial(self, material: "InstanceContainer") -> List[str]:
-        results = []  # type: List[str]
-        material_groups = self.getMaterialGroupListByGUID(material.getMetaDataEntry("GUID"))
-        for material_group in material_groups:  # type: ignore
-            if != material.getId():
-                # If the material in the group is read only, put it at the front of the list (since that is the most
-                # likely one to get a result)
-                if material_group.is_read_only:
-                    results.insert(0,
-                else:
-                    results.append(
-        fallback = self.getFallbackMaterialIdByMaterialType(material.getMetaDataEntry("material"))
-        if fallback is not None:
-            results.append(fallback)
-        return results
-    #
-    # Built-in quality profiles may be based on generic material IDs such as "generic_pla".
-    # For materials such as ultimaker_pla_orange, no quality profiles may be found, so we should fall back to use
-    # the generic material IDs to search for qualities.
-    #
-    # An example would be, suppose we have machine with preferred material set to "filo3d_pla" (1.75mm), but its
-    # extruders only use 2.85mm materials, then we won't be able to find the preferred material for this machine.
-    # A fallback would be to fetch a generic material of the same type "PLA" as "filo3d_pla", and in this case it will
-    # be "generic_pla". This function is intended to get a generic fallback material for the given material type.
-    #
-    # This function returns the generic root material ID for the given material type, where material types are "PLA",
-    # "ABS", etc.
-    #
-    def getFallbackMaterialIdByMaterialType(self, material_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
-        # For safety
-        if material_type not in self._fallback_materials_map:
-            Logger.log("w", "The material type [%s] does not have a fallback material" % material_type)
-            return None
-        fallback_material = self._fallback_materials_map[material_type]
-        if fallback_material:
-            return self.getRootMaterialIDWithoutDiameter(fallback_material["id"])
-        else:
-            return None
-    ##  Get default material for given global stack, extruder position and extruder nozzle name
-    #   you can provide the extruder_definition and then the position is ignored (useful when building up global stack in CuraStackBuilder)
-    def getDefaultMaterial(self, global_stack: "GlobalStack", position: str, nozzle_name: Optional[str],
-                           extruder_definition: Optional["DefinitionContainer"] = None) -> "MaterialNode":
-        definition_id = global_stack.definition.getId()
-        machine_node = ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[definition_id]
-        if nozzle_name in machine_node.variants:
-            nozzle_node = machine_node.variants[nozzle_name]
-        else:
-            Logger.log("w", "Could not find variant {nozzle_name} for machine with definition {definition_id} in the container tree".format(nozzle_name = nozzle_name, definition_id = definition_id))
-            nozzle_node = next(iter(machine_node.variants))
-        if not parseBool(global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", False)):
-            return next(iter(nozzle_node.materials))
-        if extruder_definition is not None:
-            material_diameter = extruder_definition.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")
-        else:
-            material_diameter = global_stack.extruders[position].getCompatibleMaterialDiameter()
-        approximate_material_diameter = round(material_diameter)
-        return nozzle_node.preferredMaterial(approximate_material_diameter)
-    def removeMaterialByRootId(self, root_material_id: str):
-        container_registry = CuraContainerRegistry.getInstance()
-        results = container_registry.findContainers(id = root_material_id)
-        if not results:
-            container_registry.addWrongContainerId(root_material_id)
-        for result in results:
-            container_registry.removeContainer(result.getMetaDataEntry("id", ""))
-    @pyqtSlot("QVariant", result = bool)
-    def canMaterialBeRemoved(self, material_node: "MaterialNode"):
-        # Check if the material is active in any extruder train. In that case, the material shouldn't be removed!
-        # In the future we might enable this again, but right now, it's causing a ton of issues if we do (since it
-        # corrupts the configuration)
-        root_material_id = material_node.base_file
-        ids_to_remove = {metadata.get("id", "") for metadata in CuraContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(base_file = root_material_id)}
-        for extruder_stack in CuraContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(type = "extruder_train"):
-            if extruder_stack.material.getId() in ids_to_remove:
-                return False
-        return True
-    ##  Change the user-visible name of a material.
-    #   \param material_node The ContainerTree node of the material to rename.
-    #   \param name The new name for the material.
-    @pyqtSlot("QVariant", str)
-    def setMaterialName(self, material_node: "MaterialNode", name: str) -> None:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getMaterialManagementModel().setMaterialName(material_node, name)
-    ##  Deletes a material from Cura.
-    #
-    #   This function does not do any safety checking any more. Please call this
-    #   function only if:
-    #   - The material is not read-only.
-    #   - The material is not used in any stacks.
-    #   If the material was not lazy-loaded yet, this will fully load the
-    #   container. When removing this material node, all other materials with
-    #   the same base fill will also be removed.
-    #   \param material_node The material to remove.
-    @pyqtSlot("QVariant")
-    def removeMaterial(self, material_node: "MaterialNode") -> None:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getMaterialManagementModel().setMaterialName(material_node)
-    def duplicateMaterialByRootId(self, root_material_id: str, new_base_id: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Optional[str]:
-        result = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getMaterialManagementModel().duplicateMaterialByBaseFile(root_material_id, new_base_id, new_metadata)
-        if result is None:
-            return "ERROR"
-        return result
-    ##  Creates a duplicate of a material with the same GUID and base_file
-    #   metadata.
-    #   \param material_node The node representing the material to duplicate.
-    #   \param new_base_id A new material ID for the base material. The IDs of
-    #   the submaterials will be based off this one. If not provided, a material
-    #   ID will be generated automatically.
-    #   \param new_metadata Metadata for the new material. If not provided, this
-    #   will be duplicated from the original material.
-    #   \return The root material ID of the duplicate material.
-    @pyqtSlot("QVariant", result = str)
-    def duplicateMaterial(self, material_node: MaterialNode, new_base_id: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> str:
-        result = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getMaterialManagementModel().duplicateMaterial(material_node, new_base_id, new_metadata)
-        if result is None:
-            return "ERROR"
-        return result
-    ##  Create a new material by cloning the preferred material for the current
-    #   material diameter and generate a new GUID.
-    #
-    #   The material type is explicitly left to be the one from the preferred
-    #   material, since this allows the user to still have SOME profiles to work
-    #   with.
-    #   \return The ID of the newly created material.
-    @pyqtSlot(result = str)
-    def createMaterial(self) -> str:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getMaterialManagementModel().createMaterial()
-    @pyqtSlot(str)
-    def addFavorite(self, root_material_id: str) -> None:
-        self._favorites.add(root_material_id)
-        self.materialsUpdated.emit()
-        # Ensure all settings are saved.
-        cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getPreferences().setValue("cura/favorite_materials", ";".join(list(self._favorites)))
-        cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().saveSettings()
-    @pyqtSlot(str)
-    def removeFavorite(self, root_material_id: str) -> None:
-        try:
-            self._favorites.remove(root_material_id)
-        except KeyError:
-            Logger.log("w", "Could not delete material %s from favorites as it was already deleted", root_material_id)
-            return
-        self.materialsUpdated.emit()
-        # Ensure all settings are saved.
-        cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getPreferences().setValue("cura/favorite_materials", ";".join(list(self._favorites)))
-        cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().saveSettings()
-    @pyqtSlot()
-    def getFavorites(self):
-        return self._favorites

+ 26 - 12

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
 # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from typing import Optional, Dict, Set
+from typing import Dict, Set
-from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty
+from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QTimer, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty
 from UM.Qt.ListModel import ListModel
@@ -38,14 +38,25 @@ class BaseMaterialsModel(ListModel):
         self._extruder_stack = None
         self._enabled = True
+        # CURA-6904
+        # Updating the material model requires information from material nodes and containers. We use a timer here to
+        # make sure that an update function call will not be directly invoked by an event. Because the triggered event
+        # can be caused in the middle of a XMLMaterial loading, and the material container we try to find may not be
+        # in the system yet. This will cause an infinite recursion of (1) trying to load a material, (2) trying to
+        # update the material model, (3) cannot find the material container, load it, (4) repeat #1.
+        self._update_timer = QTimer()
+        self._update_timer.setInterval(100)
+        self._update_timer.setSingleShot(True)
+        self._update_timer.timeout.connect(self._update)
         # Update the stack and the model data when the machine changes
         # Update this model when switching machines or tabs, when adding materials or changing their metadata.
-        self._machine_manager.activeStackChanged.connect(self._update)
+        self._machine_manager.activeStackChanged.connect(self._onChanged)
-        self._application.getMaterialManagementModel().favoritesChanged.connect(self._update)
+        self._application.getMaterialManagementModel().favoritesChanged.connect(self._onChanged)
         self.addRoleName(Qt.UserRole + 1, "root_material_id")
         self.addRoleName(Qt.UserRole + 2, "id")
@@ -64,14 +75,17 @@ class BaseMaterialsModel(ListModel):
         self.addRoleName(Qt.UserRole + 15, "container_node")
         self.addRoleName(Qt.UserRole + 16, "is_favorite")
+    def _onChanged(self) -> None:
+        self._update_timer.start()
     def _updateExtruderStack(self):
         global_stack = self._machine_manager.activeMachine
         if global_stack is None:
         if self._extruder_stack is not None:
-            self._extruder_stack.pyqtContainersChanged.disconnect(self._update)
-            self._extruder_stack.approximateMaterialDiameterChanged.disconnect(self._update)
+            self._extruder_stack.pyqtContainersChanged.disconnect(self._onChanged)
+            self._extruder_stack.approximateMaterialDiameterChanged.disconnect(self._onChanged)
             self._extruder_stack = global_stack.extruderList[self._extruder_position]
@@ -79,10 +93,10 @@ class BaseMaterialsModel(ListModel):
             self._extruder_stack = None
         if self._extruder_stack is not None:
-            self._extruder_stack.pyqtContainersChanged.connect(self._update)
-            self._extruder_stack.approximateMaterialDiameterChanged.connect(self._update)
+            self._extruder_stack.pyqtContainersChanged.connect(self._onChanged)
+            self._extruder_stack.approximateMaterialDiameterChanged.connect(self._onChanged)
         # Force update the model when the extruder stack changes
-        self._update()
+        self._onChanged()
     def setExtruderPosition(self, position: int):
         if self._extruder_stack is None or self._extruder_position != position:
@@ -99,7 +113,7 @@ class BaseMaterialsModel(ListModel):
             self._enabled = enabled
             if self._enabled:
                 # ensure the data is there again.
-                self._update()
+                self._onChanged()
     @pyqtProperty(bool, fset = setEnabled, notify = enabledChanged)
@@ -119,12 +133,12 @@ class BaseMaterialsModel(ListModel):
         if material.variant.machine.container_id != global_stack.definition.getId():
-        self._update()
+        self._onChanged()
     ##  Triggered when the list of favorite materials is changed.
     def _favoritesChanged(self, material_base_file: str) -> None:
         if material_base_file in self._available_materials:
-            self._update()
+            self._onChanged()
     ##  This is an abstract method that needs to be implemented by the specific
     #   models themselves.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ class FavoriteMaterialsModel(BaseMaterialsModel):
     def __init__(self, parent = None):
-        self._update()
+        self._onChanged()
     ##  Triggered when any preference changes, but only handles it when the list
     #   of favourites is changed.
     def _onFavoritesChanged(self, preference_key: str) -> None:
         if preference_key != "cura/favorite_materials":
-        self._update()
+        self._onChanged()
     def _update(self):
         if not self._canUpdate():

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class GenericMaterialsModel(BaseMaterialsModel):
     def __init__(self, parent = None):
-        self._update()
+        self._onChanged()
     def _update(self):
         if not self._canUpdate():

+ 29 - 10

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
 import collections
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Dict
 from cura.Machines.Models.IntentModel import IntentModel
 from cura.Settings.IntentManager import IntentManager
@@ -25,16 +25,26 @@ class IntentCategoryModel(ListModel):
     IntentCategoryRole = Qt.UserRole + 2
     WeightRole = Qt.UserRole + 3
     QualitiesRole = Qt.UserRole + 4
-    #Translations to user-visible string. Ordered by weight.
-    #TODO: Create a solution for this name and weight to be used dynamically.
-    name_translation = collections.OrderedDict() #type: "collections.OrderedDict[str,str]"
-    name_translation["default"] = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Default")
-    name_translation["engineering"] = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Engineering")
-    name_translation["smooth"] = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Smooth")
+    DescriptionRole = Qt.UserRole + 5
     modelUpdated = pyqtSignal()
+    # Translations to user-visible string. Ordered by weight.
+    # TODO: Create a solution for this name and weight to be used dynamically.
+    _translations = collections.OrderedDict()  # type: "collections.OrderedDict[str,Dict[str,Optional[str]]]"
+    _translations["default"] = {
+        "name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Default")
+    }
+    _translations["engineering"] = {
+        "name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Engineering"),
+        "description": catalog.i18nc("@text", "Suitable for engineering work")
+    }
+    _translations["smooth"] = {
+        "name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Smooth"),
+        "description": catalog.i18nc("@text", "Optimized for a smooth surfaces")
+    }
     ##  Creates a new model for a certain intent category.
     #   \param The category to list the intent profiles for.
     def __init__(self, intent_category: str) -> None:
@@ -45,6 +55,7 @@ class IntentCategoryModel(ListModel):
         self.addRoleName(self.IntentCategoryRole, "intent_category")
         self.addRoleName(self.WeightRole, "weight")
         self.addRoleName(self.QualitiesRole, "qualities")
+        self.addRoleName(self.DescriptionRole, "description")
         application = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance()
@@ -73,10 +84,18 @@ class IntentCategoryModel(ListModel):
             qualities = IntentModel()
-                "name": self.name_translation.get(category, catalog.i18nc("@label", "Unknown")),
+                "name": IntentCategoryModel.translation(category, "name", catalog.i18nc("@label", "Unknown")),
+                "description": IntentCategoryModel.translation(category, "description", None),
                 "intent_category": category,
-                "weight": list(self.name_translation.keys()).index(category),
+                "weight": list(self._translations.keys()).index(category),
                 "qualities": qualities
         result.sort(key = lambda k: k["weight"])
+    ##  Get a display value for a category. See IntenCategoryModel._translations
+    ##  for categories and keys
+    @staticmethod
+    def translation(category: str, key: str, default: Optional[str] = None):
+        display_strings = IntentCategoryModel._translations.get(category, {})
+        return display_strings.get(key, default)

+ 3 - 1

@@ -345,11 +345,13 @@ class QualityManagementModel(ListModel):
         # Create quality_changes group items
         quality_changes_item_list = []
         for quality_changes_group in quality_changes_group_list:
+            # CURA-6913 Note that custom qualities can be based on "not supported", so the quality group can be None.
             quality_group = quality_group_dict.get(quality_changes_group.quality_type)
+            quality_type = quality_changes_group.quality_type
             item = {"name":,
                     "is_read_only": False,
                     "quality_group": quality_group,
-                    "quality_type": quality_group.quality_type,
+                    "quality_type": quality_type,
                     "quality_changes_group": quality_changes_group,
                     "intent_category": quality_changes_group.intent_category,
                     "section_name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom profiles"),

+ 0 - 215

@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
-from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
-from UM.Util import parseBool
-from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
-from UM.Decorators import deprecated
-import cura.CuraApplication
-from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
-from cura.Machines.ContainerTree import ContainerTree  # The implementation that replaces this manager, to keep the deprecated interface working.
-from .QualityChangesGroup import QualityChangesGroup
-from .QualityGroup import QualityGroup
-from .QualityNode import QualityNode
-    from UM.Settings.Interfaces import DefinitionContainerInterface
-    from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
-    from .QualityChangesGroup import QualityChangesGroup
-# Similar to MaterialManager, QualityManager maintains a number of maps and trees for quality profile lookup.
-# The models GUI and QML use are now only dependent on the QualityManager. That means as long as the data in
-# QualityManager gets updated correctly, the GUI models should be updated correctly too, and the same goes for GUI.
-# For now, updating the lookup maps and trees here is very simple: we discard the old data completely and recreate them
-# again. This means the update is exactly the same as initialization. There are performance concerns about this approach
-# but so far the creation of the tables and maps is very fast and there is no noticeable slowness, we keep it like this
-# because it's simple.
-class QualityManager(QObject):
-    __instance = None
-    @classmethod
-    @deprecated("Use the ContainerTree structure instead.", since = "4.3")
-    def getInstance(cls) -> "QualityManager":
-        if cls.__instance is None:
-            cls.__instance = QualityManager()
-        return cls.__instance
-    qualitiesUpdated = pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, parent = None) -> None:
-        super().__init__(parent)
-        application = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance()
-        self._container_registry = application.getContainerRegistry()
-        self._empty_quality_container = application.empty_quality_container
-        self._empty_quality_changes_container = application.empty_quality_changes_container
-        # For quality lookup
-        self._machine_nozzle_buildplate_material_quality_type_to_quality_dict = {}  # type: Dict[str, QualityNode]
-        # For quality_changes lookup
-        self._machine_quality_type_to_quality_changes_dict = {}  # type: Dict[str, QualityNode]
-        self._default_machine_definition_id = "fdmprinter"
-        self._container_registry.containerMetaDataChanged.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
-        self._container_registry.containerAdded.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
-        self._container_registry.containerRemoved.connect(self._onContainerMetadataChanged)
-    def _onContainerMetadataChanged(self, container: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        self._onContainerChanged(container)
-    def _onContainerChanged(self, container: InstanceContainer) -> None:
-        container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
-        if container_type not in ("quality", "quality_changes"):
-            return
-    # Returns a dict of "custom profile name" -> QualityChangesGroup
-    def getQualityChangesGroups(self, machine: "GlobalStack") -> List[QualityChangesGroup]:
-        variant_names = [extruder.variant.getName() for extruder in machine.extruderList]
-        material_bases = [extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("base_file") for extruder in machine.extruderList]
-        extruder_enabled = [extruder.isEnabled for extruder in machine.extruderList]
-        machine_node = ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[machine.definition.getId()]
-        return machine_node.getQualityChangesGroups(variant_names, material_bases, extruder_enabled)
-    ##  Gets the quality groups for the current printer.
-    #
-    #   Both available and unavailable quality groups will be included. Whether
-    #   a quality group is available can be known via the field
-    #   ``QualityGroup.is_available``. For more details, see QualityGroup.
-    #   \return A dictionary with quality types as keys and the quality groups
-    #   for those types as values.
-    def getQualityGroups(self, global_stack: "GlobalStack") -> Dict[str, QualityGroup]:
-        # Gather up the variant names and material base files for each extruder.
-        variant_names = [extruder.variant.getName() for extruder in global_stack.extruderList]
-        material_bases = [extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("base_file") for extruder in global_stack.extruderList]
-        extruder_enabled = [extruder.isEnabled for extruder in global_stack.extruderList]
-        definition_id = global_stack.definition.getId()
-        return ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[definition_id].getQualityGroups(variant_names, material_bases, extruder_enabled)
-    def getQualityGroupsForMachineDefinition(self, machine: "GlobalStack") -> Dict[str, QualityGroup]:
-        machine_definition_id = getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch(machine.definition)
-        # To find the quality container for the GlobalStack, check in the following fall-back manner:
-        #   (1) the machine-specific node
-        #   (2) the generic node
-        machine_node = self._machine_nozzle_buildplate_material_quality_type_to_quality_dict.get(machine_definition_id)
-        default_machine_node = self._machine_nozzle_buildplate_material_quality_type_to_quality_dict.get(
-            self._default_machine_definition_id)
-        nodes_to_check = [machine_node, default_machine_node]
-        # Iterate over all quality_types in the machine node
-        quality_group_dict = dict()
-        for node in nodes_to_check:
-            if node and node.quality_type:
-                quality_group = QualityGroup(node.getMetaDataEntry("name", ""), node.quality_type)
-                quality_group.setGlobalNode(node)
-                quality_group_dict[node.quality_type] = quality_group
-        return quality_group_dict
-    ##  Get the quality group for the preferred quality type for a certain
-    #   global stack.
-    #
-    #   If the preferred quality type is not available, ``None`` will be
-    #   returned.
-    #   \param machine The global stack of the machine to get the preferred
-    #   quality group for.
-    #   \return The preferred quality group, or ``None`` if that is not
-    #   available.
-    def getDefaultQualityType(self, machine: "GlobalStack") -> Optional[QualityGroup]:
-        machine_node = ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[machine.definition.getId()]
-        quality_groups = self.getQualityGroups(machine)
-        result = quality_groups.get(machine_node.preferred_quality_type)
-        if result is not None and result.is_available:
-            return result
-        return None  # If preferred quality type is not available, leave it up for the caller.
-    #
-    # Methods for GUI
-    #
-    ##  Deletes a custom profile. It will be gone forever.
-    #   \param quality_changes_group The quality changes group representing the
-    #   profile to delete.
-    @pyqtSlot(QObject)
-    def removeQualityChangesGroup(self, quality_changes_group: "QualityChangesGroup") -> None:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getQualityManagementModel().removeQualityChangesGroup(quality_changes_group)
-    ##  Rename a custom profile.
-    #
-    #   Because the names must be unique, the new name may not actually become
-    #   the name that was given. The actual name is returned by this function.
-    #   \param quality_changes_group The custom profile that must be renamed.
-    #   \param new_name The desired name for the profile.
-    #   \return The actual new name of the profile, after making the name
-    #   unique.
-    @pyqtSlot(QObject, str, result = str)
-    def renameQualityChangesGroup(self, quality_changes_group: "QualityChangesGroup", new_name: str) -> str:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getQualityManagementModel().renameQualityChangesGroup(quality_changes_group, new_name)
-    ##  Duplicates a given quality profile OR quality changes profile.
-    #   \param new_name The desired name of the new profile. This will be made
-    #   unique, so it might end up with a different name.
-    #   \param quality_model_item The item of this model to duplicate, as
-    #   dictionary. See the descriptions of the roles of this list model.
-    @pyqtSlot(str, "QVariantMap")
-    def duplicateQualityChanges(self, quality_changes_name: str, quality_model_item: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getQualityManagementModel().duplicateQualityChanges(quality_changes_name, quality_model_item)
-    ##  Create quality changes containers from the user containers in the active
-    #   stacks.
-    #
-    #   This will go through the global and extruder stacks and create
-    #   quality_changes containers from the user containers in each stack. These
-    #   then replace the quality_changes containers in the stack and clear the
-    #   user settings.
-    #   \param base_name The new name for the quality changes profile. The final
-    #   name of the profile might be different from this, because it needs to be
-    #   made unique.
-    @pyqtSlot(str)
-    def createQualityChanges(self, base_name: str) -> None:
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getQualityManagementModel().createQualityChanges(base_name)
-    ##  Create a quality changes container with the given set-up.
-    #   \param quality_type The quality type of the new container.
-    #   \param new_name The name of the container. This name must be unique.
-    #   \param machine The global stack to create the profile for.
-    #   \param extruder_stack The extruder stack to create the profile for. If
-    #   not provided, only a global container will be created.
-    def _createQualityChanges(self, quality_type: str, new_name: str, machine: "GlobalStack", extruder_stack: Optional["ExtruderStack"]) -> "InstanceContainer":
-        return cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getQualityManagementModel()._createQualityChanges(quality_type, new_name, machine, extruder_stack)
-# Gets the machine definition ID that can be used to search for Quality containers that are suitable for the given
-# machine. The rule is as follows:
-#   1. By default, the machine definition ID for quality container search will be "fdmprinter", which is the generic
-#      machine.
-#   2. If a machine has its own machine quality (with "has_machine_quality = True"), we should use the given machine's
-#      own machine definition ID for quality search.
-#      Example: for an Ultimaker 3, the definition ID should be "ultimaker3".
-#   3. When condition (2) is met, AND the machine has "quality_definition" defined in its definition file, then the
-#      definition ID specified in "quality_definition" should be used.
-#      Example: for an Ultimaker 3 Extended, it has "quality_definition = ultimaker3". This means Ultimaker 3 Extended
-#               shares the same set of qualities profiles as Ultimaker 3.
-def getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch(machine_definition: "DefinitionContainerInterface",
-                                           default_definition_id: str = "fdmprinter") -> str:
-    machine_definition_id = default_definition_id
-    if parseBool(machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality", False)):
-        # Only use the machine's own quality definition ID if this machine has machine quality.
-        machine_definition_id = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("quality_definition")
-        if machine_definition_id is None:
-            machine_definition_id = machine_definition.getId()
-    return machine_definition_id

+ 0 - 98

@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict
-from UM.ConfigurationErrorMessage import ConfigurationErrorMessage
-from UM.Decorators import deprecated
-from UM.Logger import Logger
-from UM.Util import parseBool
-from cura.Machines.ContainerNode import ContainerNode
-from cura.Machines.VariantType import VariantType, ALL_VARIANT_TYPES
-from cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry import CuraContainerRegistry
-from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
-    from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
-# VariantManager is THE place to look for a specific variant. It maintains two variant lookup tables with the following
-# structure:
-#   [machine_definition_id] ->  [variant_type]  -> [variant_name]   -> ContainerNode(metadata / container)
-# Example:   "ultimaker3"   ->    "buildplate"  ->   "Glass" (if present)  -> ContainerNode
-#                                               ->    ...
-#                           ->    "nozzle"      ->   "AA 0.4"
-#                                               ->   "BB 0.8"
-#                                               ->    ...
-#   [machine_definition_id] -> [machine_buildplate_type] -> ContainerNode(metadata / container)
-# Example:   "ultimaker3"   -> "glass" (this is different from the variant name) -> ContainerNode
-# Note that the "container" field is not loaded in the beginning because it would defeat the purpose of lazy-loading.
-# A container is loaded when getVariant() is called to load a variant InstanceContainer.
-class VariantManager:
-    __instance = None
-    @classmethod
-    @deprecated("Use the ContainerTree structure instead.", since = "4.3")
-    def getInstance(cls) -> "VariantManager":
-        if cls.__instance is None:
-            cls.__instance = VariantManager()
-        return cls.__instance
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        self._machine_to_variant_dict_map = dict()  # type: Dict[str, Dict["VariantType", Dict[str, ContainerNode]]]
-        self._exclude_variant_id_list = ["empty_variant"]
-    #
-    # Gets the variant InstanceContainer with the given information.
-    # Almost the same as getVariantMetadata() except that this returns an InstanceContainer if present.
-    #
-    def getVariantNode(self, machine_definition_id: str, variant_name: str,
-                       variant_type: Optional["VariantType"] = None) -> Optional["ContainerNode"]:
-        if variant_type is None:
-            variant_node = None
-            variant_type_dict = self._machine_to_variant_dict_map.get("machine_definition_id", {})
-            for variant_dict in variant_type_dict.values():
-                if variant_name in variant_dict:
-                    variant_node = variant_dict[variant_name]
-                    break
-            return variant_node
-        return self._machine_to_variant_dict_map.get(machine_definition_id, {}).get(variant_type, {}).get(variant_name)
-    def getVariantNodes(self, machine: "GlobalStack", variant_type: "VariantType") -> Dict[str, ContainerNode]:
-        machine_definition_id = machine.definition.getId()
-        return self._machine_to_variant_dict_map.get(machine_definition_id, {}).get(variant_type, {})
-    #
-    # Gets the default variant for the given machine definition.
-    # If the optional GlobalStack is given, the metadata information will be fetched from the GlobalStack instead of
-    # the DefinitionContainer. Because for machines such as UM2, you can enable Olsson Block, which will set
-    # "has_variants" to True in the GlobalStack. In those cases, we need to fetch metadata from the GlobalStack or
-    # it may not be correct.
-    #
-    def getDefaultVariantNode(self, machine_definition: "DefinitionContainer",
-                              variant_type: "VariantType",
-                              global_stack: Optional["GlobalStack"] = None) -> Optional["ContainerNode"]:
-        machine_definition_id = machine_definition.getId()
-        container_for_metadata_fetching = global_stack if global_stack is not None else machine_definition
-        preferred_variant_name = None
-        if variant_type == VariantType.BUILD_PLATE:
-            if parseBool(container_for_metadata_fetching.getMetaDataEntry("has_variant_buildplates", False)):
-                preferred_variant_name = container_for_metadata_fetching.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant_buildplate_name")
-        else:
-            if parseBool(container_for_metadata_fetching.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants", False)):
-                preferred_variant_name = container_for_metadata_fetching.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant_name")
-        node = None
-        if preferred_variant_name:
-            node = self.getVariantNode(machine_definition_id, preferred_variant_name, variant_type)
-        return node

+ 2 - 2

@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ class VariantNode(ContainerNode):
         if base_file not in self.materials:  # Completely new base file. Always better than not having a file as long as it matches our set-up.
             if material_definition != "fdmprinter" and material_definition != self.machine.container_id:
-            material_variant = container.getMetaDataEntry("variant_name", empty_variant_container.getName())
-            if material_variant != self.variant_name:
+            material_variant = container.getMetaDataEntry("variant_name")
+            if material_variant is not None and material_variant != self.variant_name:
         else:  # We already have this base profile. Replace the base profile if the new one is more specific.
             new_definition = container.getMetaDataEntry("definition")

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff