@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ MSGTR = "msgstr" # The translation
COLOR_WARNING = '\033[93m'
COLOR_ENDC = '\033[0m'
-regex_patter = '(&[\w])' #"&[a-zA-Z0-9]" - Search char '&' and at least one character after it, the '+' returns one char after '&'
+regex_patter = '(&[\w])' #"&[a-zA-Z0-9]" - Search char '&' and at least one character after it
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("language_type", [("de_DE"),("es_ES"),("fi_FI"),("fr_FR"),("hu_HU"),("it_IT"),("ja_JP"),("ko_KR"),("nl_NL"),("pl_PL"),("pt_BR"),("ru_RU"),("tr_TR")])
-def test_shortcut_keys(language_type):
+# Check default language shortcut keys, by default it is English
+def test_default_shortcut_keys():
- language_folder = language_type
+ language_folder = "de_DE" # choose German language folder, because we only need to test English shortcut keys, the message id is English translation
translation_file_name = "cura.po"
@@ -27,23 +27,34 @@ def test_shortcut_keys(language_type):
language_file_path = os.path.join(cura_path,"resources","i18n",language_folder, translation_file_name)
+ not_valid_shortcut_keys = getDublicatedShortcutKeys(language_file_path, False)
+ if len(not_valid_shortcut_keys) != 0:
+ temp='%s' % ', '.join(map(str, not_valid_shortcut_keys))
+ assert len(not_valid_shortcut_keys) == 0
+# If the 'findShortcutKeysInTranslation' is False the function will search shortcut keys in message id
+def getDublicatedShortcutKeys(language_file_path, findShortcutKeysInTranslation):
last_translation_scope = ""
- last_translation_id = ""
- last_translation_text = ""
- #{shortcut_key, {scope, [translation_text]}}
+ # {shortcut_key, {scope, [translation_text]}}
shortcut_keys = dict()
- with open(language_file_path,'r') as f:
+ with open(language_file_path, 'r') as f:
for text in f:
if text.startswith(MSGCTXT):
last_translation_scope = text
- elif text.startswith(MSGID):
- last_translation_id = text
- elif text.startswith(MSGTR):
- last_translation_text = text
- #if text has '&'symbol and at least one character (char or digit) should be after it
+ elif text.startswith(MSGID) and findShortcutKeysInTranslation or text.startswith(MSGTR) and not findShortcutKeysInTranslation:
+ # if text has '&'symbol and at least one character (char or digit) after it
# ex '&acr mytest' -> this should return '&a'
the_shortcut_key_word = re.search(regex_patter, text)
@@ -51,9 +62,9 @@ def test_shortcut_keys(language_type):
# take only char after '&' symbol
the_shortcut_key = the_shortcut_key_word.group(0)[1]
- the_shortcut_key = the_shortcut_key.upper() #make all shortcut keys capital
+ the_shortcut_key = the_shortcut_key.upper() # make all shortcut keys capital
- #The shortcut key is not yet added
+ # The shortcut key is not yet added
if the_shortcut_key not in shortcut_keys:
scope_translation = dict()
scope_translation[last_translation_scope] = []
@@ -61,7 +72,7 @@ def test_shortcut_keys(language_type):
shortcut_keys[the_shortcut_key] = scope_translation
- #check if the shortcut key scope is already added
+ # check if the shortcut key scope is already added
if last_translation_scope not in shortcut_keys[the_shortcut_key]:
scope_translation = dict()
scope_translation[last_translation_scope] = []
@@ -72,21 +83,37 @@ def test_shortcut_keys(language_type):
elif last_translation_scope in shortcut_keys[the_shortcut_key]:
last_translation_scope = ""
- last_translation_id = ""
not_valid_shortcut_keys = []
- #Validate all shortcut keys
+ # Validate all shortcut keys
for shortcut_key, scopes in shortcut_keys.items():
- #check, whether the exist in one scope multiple times or not
+ # check, whether the key exist in the same scope multiple times or not
for key, items in scopes.items():
- if len (items) > 1:
+ if len(items) > 1:
not_valid_shortcut_keys += items
+ return not_valid_shortcut_keys
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("language_type", [("de_DE"),("es_ES"),("fi_FI"),("fr_FR"),("hu_HU"),("it_IT"),("ja_JP"),("ko_KR"),("nl_NL"),("pl_PL"),("pt_BR"),("ru_RU"),("tr_TR")])
+def test_shortcut_keys(language_type):
+ language_folder = language_type
+ translation_file_name = "cura.po"
+ plugin_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ path_records = os.path.split(plugin_file_path)
+ global_path = path_records[:-1]
+ cura_path = os.path.join(*global_path)
+ language_file_path = os.path.join(cura_path,"resources","i18n",language_folder, translation_file_name)
+ not_valid_shortcut_keys = getDublicatedShortcutKeys(language_file_path, False)
if len(not_valid_shortcut_keys) != 0:
temp='%s' % ', '.join(map(str, not_valid_shortcut_keys))