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Move creating extruder manager logic to ExtruderManager

This logic was both in and in due to a planning mishap.

Contributes to issues CURA-1278 and CURA-340.
Ghostkeeper 8 years ago

+ 3 - 0

@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
+from . import ExtruderManager
 from . import ExtrudersModel
 from . import PlatformPhysics
 from . import BuildVolume
@@ -352,6 +353,8 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
         qmlRegisterSingletonType(MachineManagerModel.MachineManagerModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "MachineManager",
+        qmlRegisterSingletonType(ExtruderManager.ExtruderManager, "Cura", 1, 0, "ExtruderManager",
+                                 ExtruderManager.createExtruderManager)
         self.setMainQml(Resources.getPath(self.ResourceTypes.QmlFiles, "Cura.qml"))

+ 0 - 211

@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
-import re #To parse container registry names to increment the duplicates-resolving number.
-import UM.Application #To link the stack to the global container stack.
-import UM.Logger
-import UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry #To search for nozzles, materials, etc.
-import UM.Settings.ContainerStack #To create a container stack for this extruder.
-import UM.Signal #To notify people of changing extruder stacks.
-class Extruder:
-    ##  Creates a new extruder from the specified definition container.
-    #
-    #   \param definition The definition container defining this extruder.
-    def __init__(self, definition):
-        self._definition = definition
-        container_registry = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
-        #Find the nozzles that fit on this extruder.
-        self._nozzles = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "nozzle", definitions = "*," + self._definition.getId() + ",*") #Extruder needs to be delimited by either a comma or the end of string.
-        self._nozzles += container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "nozzle", definitions = "*," + self._definition.getId())
-        self._nozzles += container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "nozzle", definitions = self._definition.getId() + ",*")
-        self._nozzles += container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "nozzle", definitions = self._definition.getId())
-        #Create a container stack for this extruder.
-        self._name = self._uniqueName(self._definition)
-        self._container_stack = UM.Settings.ContainerStack(self._name)
-        self._container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "extruder_train")
-        self._container_stack.addContainer(self._definition)
-        #Find the nozzle to use for this extruder.
-        self._nozzle = container_registry.getEmptyInstanceContainer()
-        if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_nozzles", default = "False") == "True":
-            if len(self._nozzles) >= 1: #First add any extruder. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
-                self._nozzle = self._nozzles[0]
-            preferred_nozzle_id = self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_nozzle")
-            if preferred_nozzle_id:
-                for nozzle in self._nozzles:
-                    if nozzle.getId() == preferred_nozzle_id:
-                        self._nozzle = nozzle
-                        break
-            self._container_stack.addContainer(self._nozzle)
-        #Find a material to use for this nozzle.
-        self._material = container_registry.getEmptyInstanceContainer()
-        if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", default = "False") == "True":
-            if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_nozzle_materials", default = "False") == "True":
-                all_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", nozzle = self._nozzle.getId())
-            else:
-                all_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material")
-            if len(all_materials) >= 1:
-                self._material = all_materials[0]
-            preferred_material_id = self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
-            if preferred_material_id:
-                preferred_material = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", id = preferred_material_id.lower())
-                if len(preferred_material) >= 1:
-                    self._material = preferred_material[0]
-            self._container_stack.addContainer(self._material)
-        #Find a quality to use for this extruder.
-        self._quality = container_registry.getEmptyInstanceContainer()
-        if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
-            all_qualities = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "quality")
-            if len(all_qualities) >= 1:
-                self._quality = all_qualities[0]
-            preferred_quality_id = self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality")
-            if preferred_quality_id:
-                preferred_quality = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "quality", id = preferred_quality_id.lower())
-                if len(preferred_quality) >= 1:
-                    self._quality = preferred_quality[0]
-            self._container_stack.addContainer(self._quality)
-        #Add an empty user profile.
-        self._user_profile = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer(self._name + "_current_settings")
-        self._user_profile.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
-        self._container_stack.addContainer(self._user_profile)
-        container_registry.addContainer(self._user_profile)
-        self._container_stack.setNextStack(UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack())
-        container_registry.addContainer(self._container_stack)
-    definition_changed = UM.Signal()
-    material_changed = UM.Signal()
-    name_changed = UM.Signal()
-    nozzle_changed = UM.Signal()
-    quality_changed = UM.Signal()
-    ##  Gets the definition container of this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \return The definition container of this extruder.
-    @property
-    def definition(self):
-        return self._definition
-    ##  Changes the definition container of this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \param value The new definition for this extruder.
-    @definition.setter
-    def definition(self, value):
-        try:
-            position = self._container_stack.index(self._definition)
-        except ValueError: #Definition is not in the list. Big trouble!
-            UM.Logger.log("e", "I've lost my old extruder definition, so I can't find where to insert the new definition.")
-            return
-        self._container_stack.replaceContainer(position, value)
-        self._definition = value
-        self.definition_changed.emit()
-    ##  Gets the currently active material on this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \return The currently active material on this extruder.
-    @property
-    def material(self):
-        return self._material
-    ##  Changes the currently active material in this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \param value The new material to extrude through this extruder.
-    @material.setter
-    def material(self, value):
-        try:
-            position = self._container_stack.index(self._material)
-        except ValueError: #Material is not in the list.
-            UM.Logger.log("e", "I've lost my old material, so I can't find where to insert the new material.")
-            return
-        self._container_stack.replaceContainer(position, value)
-        self._material = value
-        self.material_changed.emit()
-    ##  Gets the name of this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \return The name of this extruder.
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        return self._name
-    ##  Changes the name of this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \param value The new name for this extruder.
-    @name.setter
-    def name(self, value):
-        self._name = value
-        self._container_stack.setName(value) #Also update in container stack, being defensive.
-        self.name_changed.emit()
-    ##  Gets the currently active nozzle on this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \return The currently active nozzle on this extruder.
-    @property
-    def nozzle(self):
-        return self._nozzle
-    ##  Changes the currently active nozzle on this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \param value The new nozzle to use with this extruder.
-    @nozzle.setter
-    def nozzle(self, value):
-        try:
-            position = self._container_stack.index(self._nozzle)
-        except ValueError: #Nozzle is not in the list.
-            UM.Logger.log("e", "I've lost my old nozzle, so I can't find where to insert the new nozzle.")
-            return
-        self._container_stack.replaceContainer(position, value)
-        self._nozzle = value
-        self.nozzle_changed.emit()
-    ##  Gets the currently active quality on this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \return The currently active quality on this extruder.
-    @property
-    def quality(self):
-        return self._quality
-    ##  Changes the currently active quality to use with this extruder.
-    #
-    #   \param value The new quality to use with this extruder.
-    @quality.setter
-    def quality(self, value):
-        try:
-            position = self._container_stack.index(self._quality)
-        except ValueError: #Quality is not in the list.
-            UM.Logger.log("e", "I've lost my old quality, so I can't find where to insert the new quality.")
-            return
-        self._container_stack.replaceContainer(position, value)
-        self._quality = value
-        self.quality_changed.emit()
-    ##  Finds a unique name for an extruder stack.
-    #
-    #   \param extruder An extruder definition to design a name for.
-    #   \return A name for an extruder stack that is unique and reasonably
-    #   human-readable.
-    def _uniqueName(self, extruder):
-        container_registry = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
-        name = extruder.getName().strip()
-        num_check = re.compile("(.*?)\s*#\d$").match(name)
-        if num_check: #There is a number in the name.
-            name = #Filter out the number.
-        if name == "": #Wait, that deleted everything!
-            name = "Extruder"
-        unique_name = name
-        i = 1
-        while container_registry.findContainers(id = unique_name) or container_registry.findContainers(name = unique_name): #A container already has this name.
-            i += 1 #Try next numbering.
-            unique_name = "%s #%d" % (name, i) #Fill name like this: "Extruder #2".
-        return unique_name

+ 102 - 33

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
 # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
-from cura.Extruder import Extruder #The individual extruders managed by this manager.
+from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty, pyqtSlot, QObject
 import UM.Application #To get the global container stack to find the current machine.
 import UM.Logger
 import UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry #Finding containers by ID.
@@ -13,21 +14,24 @@ import UM.Signal #To notify other components of changes in the extruders.
 #   This finds the extruders that are available for the currently active machine
 #   and makes sure that whenever the machine is swapped, this list is kept up to
 #   date. It also contains and updates the setting stacks for the extruders.
-class ExtruderManager:
+class ExtruderManager(QObject):
     ##  The singleton instance of this manager.
     __instance = None
     ##  Signal to notify other components when the list of extruders changes.
     extrudersChanged = UM.Signal()
+    ##  Notify when the user switches the currently active extruder.
+    activeExtruderChanged = pyqtSignal()
     ##  Registers listeners and such to listen to changes to the extruders.
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._extruders = [] #Extruders for the current machine.
-        self._global_container_stack = None
+    def __init__(self, parent = None):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+        self._extruder_trains = { } #Extruders for the current machine.
         self._next_item = 0 #For when you use this class as iterator.
+        self._active_extruder_index = 0
-        UM.Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._reconnectExtruderReload) #When the current machine changes, we need to reload all extruders belonging to the new machine.
-        self._reconnectExtruderReload()
+        self._repopulate()
     ##  Gets an instance of this extruder manager.
@@ -45,34 +49,99 @@ class ExtruderManager:
     def __iter__(self):
         return iter(self._extruders)
-    ##  When the global container stack changes, this reconnects to the new
-    #   signal for containers changing.
-    def _reconnectExtruderReload(self):
-        if self._global_container_stack:
-            self._global_container_stack.containersChanged.disconnect(self._reloadExtruders) #Disconnect from the old global container stack.
-        self._global_container_stack = UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
-        self._global_container_stack.containersChanged.connect(self._reloadExtruders) #When the current machine changes, we need to reload all extruders belonging to the new machine.
-        self._reloadExtruders()
+    @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeExtruderChanged)
+    def activeExtruderStackId(self):
+        if UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack():
+            try:
+                return self._extruder_trains[UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getId()][str(self._active_extruder_index)]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
-    ##  (Re)loads all extruders of the currently active machine.
-    #
-    #   This looks at the global container stack to see which machine is active.
-    #   Then it loads the extruders for that machine and loads each of them in a
-    #   list of extruders.
-    def _reloadExtruders(self, *args):
-        self._extruders = []
-        if not self._global_container_stack: #No machine has been added yet.
+    @pyqtSlot(int)
+    def setActiveExtruderIndex(self, index):
+        self._active_extruder_index = index
+        self.activeExtruderChanged.emit()
+    ##  (Re)populates the collections of extruders by machine.
+    def _repopulate(self):
+        self._extruder_trains = { }
+        if not UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack(): #No machine has been added yet.
             self.extrudersChanged.emit() #Yes, we just cleared the _extruders list!
             return #Then leave them empty!
-        #Get the extruder definitions belonging to the current machine.
-        machine = self._global_container_stack.getBottom()
-        extruder_train_ids = machine.getMetaDataEntry("machine_extruder_trains", { })
-        for _,extruder_train_id in extruder_train_ids.items():
-            extruder_definitions = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = extruder_train_id) #Should be only 1 definition if IDs are unique, but add the whole list anyway.
-            if not extruder_definitions: #Empty list or error.
-                UM.Logger.log("w", "Machine definition %s refers to an extruder train \"%s\", but no such extruder was found.", machine.getId(), extruder_train_id)
+        extruder_trains = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(type = "extruder_train")
+        for extruder_train in extruder_trains:
+            machine_id = extruder_train.getMetaDataEntry("machine")
+            if not machine_id:
-            for extruder_definition in extruder_definitions:
-                self._extruders.append(Extruder(extruder_definition))
-        self.extrudersChanged.emit()
+            if machine_id not in self._extruder_trains:
+                self._extruder_trains[machine_id] = { }
+            self._extruder_trains[machine_id][extruder_train.getMetaDataEntry("position")] = extruder_train.getId()
+        self.extrudersChanged.emit()
+    def createExtruderTrain(self, definition, extruder_id):
+        container_registry = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
+        #Create a container stack for this extruder.
+        name = self._uniqueName(extruder_id)
+        container_stack = UM.Settings.ContainerStack(name)
+        container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "extruder_train")
+        container_stack.addContainer(definition)
+        """
+        Yes, I'm committing this code which needs to be transformed to work later.
+        #Find the nozzle to use for this extruder.
+        nozzle = container_registry.getEmptyInstanceContainer()
+        if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_nozzles", default = "False") == "True":
+            if len(self._nozzles) >= 1: #First add any extruder. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
+                self._nozzle = self._nozzles[0]
+            preferred_nozzle_id = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_nozzle")
+            if preferred_nozzle_id:
+                for nozzle in self._nozzles:
+                    if nozzle.getId() == preferred_nozzle_id:
+                        self._nozzle = nozzle
+                        break
+            self._container_stack.addContainer(self._nozzle)
+        #Find a material to use for this nozzle.
+        self._material = container_registry.getEmptyInstanceContainer()
+        if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", default = "False") == "True":
+            if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_nozzle_materials", default = "False") == "True":
+                all_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", nozzle = self._nozzle.getId())
+            else:
+                all_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material")
+            if len(all_materials) >= 1:
+                self._material = all_materials[0]
+            preferred_material_id = self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
+            if preferred_material_id:
+                preferred_material = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "material", id = preferred_material_id.lower())
+                if len(preferred_material) >= 1:
+                    self._material = preferred_material[0]
+            self._container_stack.addContainer(self._material)
+        #Find a quality to use for this extruder.
+        self._quality = container_registry.getEmptyInstanceContainer()
+        if self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
+            all_qualities = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "quality")
+            if len(all_qualities) >= 1:
+                self._quality = all_qualities[0]
+            preferred_quality_id = self._definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality")
+            if preferred_quality_id:
+                preferred_quality = container_registry.findInstanceContainers(type = "quality", id = preferred_quality_id.lower())
+                if len(preferred_quality) >= 1:
+                    self._quality = preferred_quality[0]
+            self._container_stack.addContainer(self._quality)
+        """
+        #Add an empty user profile.
+        user_profile = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer(name + "_current_settings")
+        user_profile.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
+        container_stack.addContainer(user_profile)
+        container_registry.addContainer(user_profile)
+        container_stack.setNextStack(UM.Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack())
+        container_registry.addContainer(container_stack)
+def createExtruderManager(engine, script_engine):
+    return ExtruderManager()

+ 0 - 31

@@ -46,20 +46,9 @@ class MachineManagerModel(QObject):
     activeVariantChanged = pyqtSignal()
     activeQualityChanged = pyqtSignal()
-    activeExtruderChanged = pyqtSignal()
     globalValueChanged = pyqtSignal()  # Emitted whenever a value inside global container is changed.
     globalValidationChanged = pyqtSignal()  # Emitted whenever a validation inside global container is changed.
-    @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeExtruderChanged)
-    def activeExtruderStackId(self):
-        return self.extrudersIds[str(self._active_extruder_index)]
-    @pyqtSlot(int)
-    def setActiveExtruderIndex(self, index):
-        self._active_extruder_index = index
-        self.activeExtruderChanged.emit()
     @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = globalContainerChanged)
     def extrudersIds(self):
         ## Find all extruders that reference the new stack
@@ -145,26 +134,6 @@ class MachineManagerModel(QObject):
             ## Check if the machine has extruder trains
-            extruder_trains = definition.getMetaDataEntry("machine_extruder_trains", {})
-            for extruder in extruder_trains:
-                extruder_train_stack = UM.Settings.ContainerStack(name + "_extruder_" + extruder)
-                extruder_train_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "extruder")
-                extruder_train_stack.addMetaDataEntry("machine", name)  # What global stack is this extruder linked with?
-                extruder_train_stack.addMetaDataEntry("position", extruder)  # What is the position of the extruder (as defined by machine definition)
-                extruder_definitions = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id=extruder_trains[extruder])
-                if extruder_definitions:
-                    extruder_train_stack.addContainer(extruder_definitions[0])
-                    current_settings_container_extruder = UM.Settings.InstanceContainer(extruder_train_stack.getName() + "_current_settings")
-                    current_settings_container_extruder.addMetaDataEntry("machine", name)
-                    current_settings_container_extruder.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
-                    current_settings_container_extruder.setDefinition(definition)
-                    UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(current_settings_container_extruder)
-                    extruder_train_stack.addContainer(current_settings_container_extruder)
-                    extruder_train_stack.setNextStack(new_global_stack)
-                    UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(extruder_train_stack)
-                else:
-                    Logger.log("W", "Unable to find definition for extruder")
     # Create a name that is not empty and unique

+ 1 - 1

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ ScrollView
                 id: provider
-                containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
+                containerStackId: Cura.ExtruderManager.activeExtruderStackId ? Cura.ExtruderManager.activeExtruderStackId : Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId
                 key: model.key
                 watchedProperties: [ "value", "enabled", "state", "validationState" ]
                 storeIndex: 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Item
                     base.currentExtruderIndex = index
-                    Cura.MachineManager.setActiveExtruderIndex(index)
+                    Cura.ExtruderManager.setActiveExtruderIndex(index)
                 style: ButtonStyle {