@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
+from UM.OutputDevice.OutputDevicePlugin import OutputDevicePlugin
+from UM.Logger import Logger
+from UM.Application import Application
+from UM.Signal import Signal, signalemitter
+from zeroconf import Zeroconf, ServiceBrowser, ServiceStateChange, ServiceInfo
+from queue import Queue
+from threading import Event, Thread
+from time import time
+from . import ClusterUM3OutputDevice, LegacyUM3OutputDevice
+## This plugin handles the connection detection & creation of output device objects for the UM3 printer.
+# Zero-Conf is used to detect printers, which are saved in a dict.
+# If we discover a printer that has the same key as the active machine instance a connection is made.
+class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
+ addDeviceSignal = Signal()
+ removeDeviceSignal = Signal()
+ discoveredDevicesChanged = Signal()
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._zero_conf = None
+ self._zero_conf_browser = None
+ # Because the model needs to be created in the same thread as the QMLEngine, we use a signal.
+ self.addDeviceSignal.connect(self._onAddDevice)
+ self.removeDeviceSignal.connect(self._onRemoveDevice)
+ self._discovered_devices = {}
+ # The zero-conf service changed requests are handled in a separate thread, so we can re-schedule the requests
+ # which fail to get detailed service info.
+ # Any new or re-scheduled requests will be appended to the request queue, and the handling thread will pick
+ # them up and process them.
+ self._service_changed_request_queue = Queue()
+ self._service_changed_request_event = Event()
+ self._service_changed_request_thread = Thread(target=self._handleOnServiceChangedRequests, daemon=True)
+ self._service_changed_request_thread.start()
+ def getDiscoveredDevices(self):
+ return self._discovered_devices
+ ## Start looking for devices on network.
+ def start(self):
+ self.startDiscovery()
+ def startDiscovery(self):
+ self.stop()
+ if self._zero_conf_browser:
+ self._zero_conf_browser.cancel()
+ self._zero_conf_browser = None # Force the old ServiceBrowser to be destroyed.
+ self._zero_conf = Zeroconf()
+ self._zero_conf_browser = ServiceBrowser(self._zero_conf, u'_ultimaker._tcp.local.',
+ [self._appendServiceChangedRequest])
+ def stop(self):
+ if self._zero_conf is not None:
+ Logger.log("d", "zeroconf close...")
+ self._zero_conf.close()
+ def _onRemoveDevice(self, name):
+ device = self._discovered_devices.pop(name, None)
+ if device:
+ if device.isConnected():
+ device.disconnect()
+ device.connectionStateChanged.disconnect(self._onDeviceConnectionStateChanged)
+ self.discoveredDevicesChanged.emit()
+ '''printer = self._printers.pop(name, None)
+ if printer:
+ if printer.isConnected():
+ printer.disconnect()
+ printer.connectionStateChanged.disconnect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
+ Logger.log("d", "removePrinter, disconnecting [%s]..." % name)
+ self.printerListChanged.emit()'''
+ def _onAddDevice(self, name, address, properties):
+ # Check what kind of device we need to add; Depending on the firmware we either add a "Connect"/"Cluster"
+ # or "Legacy" UM3 device.
+ cluster_size = int(properties.get(b"cluster_size", -1))
+ if cluster_size > 0:
+ device = ClusterUM3OutputDevice.ClusterUM3OutputDevice(name, address, properties)
+ else:
+ device = LegacyUM3OutputDevice.LegacyUM3OutputDevice(name, address, properties)
+ self._discovered_devices[device.getId()] = device
+ self.discoveredDevicesChanged.emit()
+ pass
+ '''
+ self._cluster_printers_seen[
+ printer.getKey()] = name # Cluster printers that may be temporary unreachable or is rebooted keep being stored here
+ global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ if global_container_stack and printer.getKey() == global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key"):
+ if printer.getKey() not in self._old_printers: # Was the printer already connected, but a re-scan forced?
+ Logger.log("d", "addPrinter, connecting [%s]..." % printer.getKey())
+ self._printers[printer.getKey()].connect()
+ printer.connectionStateChanged.connect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
+ self.printerListChanged.emit()'''
+ ## Appends a service changed request so later the handling thread will pick it up and processes it.
+ def _appendServiceChangedRequest(self, zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change):
+ # append the request and set the event so the event handling thread can pick it up
+ item = (zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change)
+ self._service_changed_request_queue.put(item)
+ self._service_changed_request_event.set()
+ def _handleOnServiceChangedRequests(self):
+ while True:
+ # Wait for the event to be set
+ self._service_changed_request_event.wait(timeout = 5.0)
+ # Stop if the application is shutting down
+ if Application.getInstance().isShuttingDown():
+ return
+ self._service_changed_request_event.clear()
+ # Handle all pending requests
+ reschedule_requests = [] # A list of requests that have failed so later they will get re-scheduled
+ while not self._service_changed_request_queue.empty():
+ request = self._service_changed_request_queue.get()
+ zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change = request
+ try:
+ result = self._onServiceChanged(zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change)
+ if not result:
+ reschedule_requests.append(request)
+ except Exception:
+ Logger.logException("e", "Failed to get service info for [%s] [%s], the request will be rescheduled",
+ service_type, name)
+ reschedule_requests.append(request)
+ # Re-schedule the failed requests if any
+ if reschedule_requests:
+ for request in reschedule_requests:
+ self._service_changed_request_queue.put(request)
+ ## Handler for zeroConf detection.
+ # Return True or False indicating if the process succeeded.
+ # Note that this function can take over 3 seconds to complete. Be carefull calling it from the main thread.
+ def _onServiceChanged(self, zero_conf, service_type, name, state_change):
+ if state_change == ServiceStateChange.Added:
+ Logger.log("d", "Bonjour service added: %s" % name)
+ # First try getting info from zero-conf cache
+ info = ServiceInfo(service_type, name, properties={})
+ for record in zero_conf.cache.entries_with_name(name.lower()):
+ info.update_record(zero_conf, time(), record)
+ for record in zero_conf.cache.entries_with_name(info.server):
+ info.update_record(zero_conf, time(), record)
+ if info.address:
+ break
+ # Request more data if info is not complete
+ if not info.address:
+ Logger.log("d", "Trying to get address of %s", name)
+ info = zero_conf.get_service_info(service_type, name)
+ if info:
+ type_of_device = info.properties.get(b"type", None)
+ if type_of_device:
+ if type_of_device == b"printer":
+ address = '.'.join(map(lambda n: str(n), info.address))
+ self.addDeviceSignal.emit(str(name), address, info.properties)
+ else:
+ Logger.log("w",
+ "The type of the found device is '%s', not 'printer'! Ignoring.." % type_of_device)
+ else:
+ Logger.log("w", "Could not get information about %s" % name)
+ return False
+ elif state_change == ServiceStateChange.Removed:
+ Logger.log("d", "Bonjour service removed: %s" % name)
+ self.removeDeviceSignal.emit(str(name))
+ return True