@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from UM.Decorators import deprecated
import cura.CuraApplication
from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
+from cura.Machines.ContainerTree import ContainerTree # The implementation that replaces this manager, to keep the deprecated interface working.
from .QualityGroup import QualityGroup
from .QualityNode import QualityNode
@@ -160,26 +161,6 @@ class QualityManager(QObject):
# update the cache table
- # Updates the given quality groups' availabilities according to which extruders are being used/ enabled.
- def _updateQualityGroupsAvailability(self, machine: "GlobalStack", quality_group_list) -> None:
- used_extruders = set()
- for i in range(machine.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value")):
- if str(i) in machine.extruders and machine.extruders[str(i)].isEnabled:
- used_extruders.add(str(i))
- # Update the "is_available" flag for each quality group.
- for quality_group in quality_group_list:
- is_available = True
- if quality_group.node_for_global is None:
- is_available = False
- if is_available:
- for position in used_extruders:
- if position not in quality_group.nodes_for_extruders:
- is_available = False
- break
- quality_group.is_available = is_available
# Returns a dict of "custom profile name" -> QualityChangesGroup
def getQualityChangesGroups(self, machine: "GlobalStack") -> dict:
machine_definition_id = getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch(machine.definition)
@@ -203,160 +184,45 @@ class QualityManager(QObject):
return quality_changes_group_dict
+ ## Gets the quality groups for the current printer.
- # Gets all quality groups for the given machine. Both available and unavailable ones will be included.
- # It returns a dictionary with "quality_type"s as keys and "QualityGroup"s as values.
- # Whether a QualityGroup is available can be known via the field QualityGroup.is_available.
- # For more details, see QualityGroup.
- #
- def getQualityGroups(self, machine: "GlobalStack") -> Dict[str, QualityGroup]:
- machine_definition_id = getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch(machine.definition)
- # To find the quality container for the GlobalStack, check in the following fall-back manner:
- # (1) the machine-specific node
- # (2) the generic node
- machine_node = self._machine_nozzle_buildplate_material_quality_type_to_quality_dict.get(machine_definition_id)
- # Check if this machine has specific quality profiles for its extruders, if so, when looking up extruder
- # qualities, we should not fall back to use the global qualities.
- has_extruder_specific_qualities = False
- if machine_node:
- if machine_node.children_map:
- has_extruder_specific_qualities = True
- default_machine_node = self._machine_nozzle_buildplate_material_quality_type_to_quality_dict.get(self._default_machine_definition_id)
- nodes_to_check = [] # type: List[QualityNode]
- if machine_node is not None:
- nodes_to_check.append(machine_node)
- if default_machine_node is not None:
- nodes_to_check.append(default_machine_node)
- # Iterate over all quality_types in the machine node
- quality_group_dict = {}
- for node in nodes_to_check:
- if node and node.quality_type_map:
- quality_node = list(node.quality_type_map.values())[0]
- is_global_quality = parseBool(quality_node.getMetaDataEntry("global_quality", False))
- if not is_global_quality:
- continue
- for quality_type, quality_node in node.quality_type_map.items():
- quality_group = QualityGroup(quality_node.getMetaDataEntry("name", ""), quality_type)
- quality_group.setGlobalNode(quality_node)
- quality_group_dict[quality_type] = quality_group
- break
- buildplate_name = machine.getBuildplateName()
- # Iterate over all extruders to find quality containers for each extruder
- for position, extruder in machine.extruders.items():
- nozzle_name = None
- if extruder.variant.getId() != "empty_variant":
- nozzle_name = extruder.variant.getName()
- # This is a list of root material IDs to use for searching for suitable quality profiles.
- # The root material IDs in this list are in prioritized order.
- root_material_id_list = []
- has_material = False # flag indicating whether this extruder has a material assigned
- root_material_id = None
- if extruder.material.getId() != "empty_material":
- has_material = True
- root_material_id = extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("base_file")
- # Convert possible generic_pla_175 -> generic_pla
- root_material_id = self._material_manager.getRootMaterialIDWithoutDiameter(root_material_id)
- root_material_id_list.append(root_material_id)
- # Also try to get the fallback materials
- fallback_ids = self._material_manager.getFallBackMaterialIdsByMaterial(extruder.material)
- if fallback_ids:
- root_material_id_list.extend(fallback_ids)
- # Weed out duplicates while preserving the order.
- seen = set() # type: Set[str]
- root_material_id_list = [x for x in root_material_id_list if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)] # type: ignore
- # Here we construct a list of nodes we want to look for qualities with the highest priority first.
- # The use case is that, when we look for qualities for a machine, we first want to search in the following
- # order:
- # 1. machine-nozzle-buildplate-and-material-specific qualities if exist
- # 2. machine-nozzle-and-material-specific qualities if exist
- # 3. machine-nozzle-specific qualities if exist
- # 4. machine-material-specific qualities if exist
- # 5. machine-specific global qualities if exist, otherwise generic global qualities
- # NOTE: We DO NOT fail back to generic global qualities if machine-specific global qualities exist.
- # This is because when a machine defines its own global qualities such as Normal, Fine, etc.,
- # it is intended to maintain those specific qualities ONLY. If we still fail back to the generic
- # global qualities, there can be unimplemented quality types e.g. "coarse", and this is not
- # correct.
- # Each points above can be represented as a node in the lookup tree, so here we simply put those nodes into
- # the list with priorities as the order. Later, we just need to loop over each node in this list and fetch
- # qualities from there.
- node_info_list_0 = [nozzle_name, buildplate_name, root_material_id] # type: List[Optional[str]]
- nodes_to_check = []
- # This function tries to recursively find the deepest (the most specific) branch and add those nodes to
- # the search list in the order described above. So, by iterating over that search node list, we first look
- # in the more specific branches and then the less specific (generic) ones.
- def addNodesToCheck(node: Optional[QualityNode], nodes_to_check_list: List[QualityNode], node_info_list, node_info_idx: int) -> None:
- if node is None:
- return
- if node_info_idx < len(node_info_list):
- node_name = node_info_list[node_info_idx]
- if node_name is not None:
- current_node = node.getChildNode(node_name)
- if current_node is not None and has_material:
- addNodesToCheck(current_node, nodes_to_check_list, node_info_list, node_info_idx + 1)
- if has_material:
- for rmid in root_material_id_list:
- material_node = node.getChildNode(rmid)
- if material_node:
- nodes_to_check_list.append(material_node)
- break
- nodes_to_check_list.append(node)
- addNodesToCheck(machine_node, nodes_to_check, node_info_list_0, 0)
- # The last fall back will be the global qualities (either from the machine-specific node or the generic
- # node), but we only use one. For details see the overview comments above.
- if machine_node is not None and machine_node.quality_type_map:
- nodes_to_check += [machine_node]
- elif default_machine_node is not None:
- nodes_to_check += [default_machine_node]
- for node_idx, node in enumerate(nodes_to_check):
- if node and node.quality_type_map:
- if has_extruder_specific_qualities:
- # Only include variant qualities; skip non global qualities
- quality_node = list(node.quality_type_map.values())[0]
- is_global_quality = parseBool(quality_node.getMetaDataEntry("global_quality", False))
- if is_global_quality:
- continue
- for quality_type, quality_node in node.quality_type_map.items():
- if quality_type not in quality_group_dict:
- quality_group = QualityGroup(quality_node.getMetaDataEntry("name", ""), quality_type)
- quality_group_dict[quality_type] = quality_group
- quality_group = quality_group_dict[quality_type]
- if position not in quality_group.nodes_for_extruders:
- quality_group.setExtruderNode(position, quality_node)
- # If the machine has its own specific qualities, for extruders, it should skip the global qualities
- # and use the material/variant specific qualities.
- if has_extruder_specific_qualities:
- if node_idx == len(nodes_to_check) - 1:
- break
- # Update availabilities for each quality group
- self._updateQualityGroupsAvailability(machine, quality_group_dict.values())
- return quality_group_dict
+ # Both available and unavailable quality groups will be included. Whether
+ # a quality group is available can be known via the field
+ # ``QualityGroup.is_available``. For more details, see QualityGroup.
+ # \return A dictionary with quality types as keys and the quality groups
+ # for those types as values.
+ def getQualityGroups(self, global_stack: "GlobalStack") -> Dict[str, QualityGroup]:
+ definition_id = global_stack.definition.getId()
+ machine_node = ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[definition_id]
+ # For each extruder, find which quality profiles are available. Later we'll intersect the quality types.
+ qualities_per_type_per_extruder = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, QualityNode]]
+ for extruder_nr, extruder in global_stack.extruders.items():
+ if not extruder.isEnabled:
+ continue # No qualities available in this extruder. It'll get skipped when intersecting the quality types.
+ nozzle_name = extruder.variant.getName()
+ material_base = extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("base_file")
+ if nozzle_name not in machine_node.variants or material_base not in machine_node.variants[nozzle_name].materials:
+ # The printer has no variant/material-specific quality profiles. Return the global quality profiles.
+ qualities_per_type_per_extruder[extruder_nr] = machine_node.global_qualities
+ else:
+ # Use the actually specialised quality profiles.
+ qualities_per_type_per_extruder[extruder_nr] = machine_node.variants[nozzle_name].materials[material_base].qualities
+ # Create the quality group for each available type.
+ quality_groups = {}
+ for quality_type, global_quality_node in machine_node.global_qualities.items():
+ quality_groups[quality_type].node_for_global = global_quality_node
+ quality_groups[quality_type] = QualityGroup(name = global_quality_node.getMetaDataEntry("name", "Unnamed profile"), quality_type = quality_type)
+ for extruder, qualities_per_type in qualities_per_type_per_extruder:
+ quality_groups[quality_type].nodes_for_extruders[extruder] = qualities_per_type[quality_type]
+ available_quality_types = set(quality_groups.keys())
+ for qualities_per_type in qualities_per_type_per_extruder.values():
+ available_quality_types.intersection_update(qualities_per_type.keys())
+ for quality_type in available_quality_types:
+ quality_groups[quality_type].is_available = True
+ return quality_groups
def getQualityGroupsForMachineDefinition(self, machine: "GlobalStack") -> Dict[str, QualityGroup]:
machine_definition_id = getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch(machine.definition)