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Added endstop switch check to wizard

Jaime van Kessel 9 years ago

+ 40 - 1

@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
         self._connect_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._connect)
         self._connect_thread.daemon = True
+        self._end_stop_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._pollEndStop)
+        self._end_stop_thread.deamon = True
         # Printer is connected
         self._is_connected = False
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
         # The baud checking is done by sending a number of m105 commands to the printer and waiting for a readable
         # response. If the baudrate is correct, this should make sense, else we get giberish.
-        self._required_responses_auto_baud = 10
+        self._required_responses_auto_baud = 3
         self._progress = 0
@@ -97,6 +100,14 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
         # Current Z stage location 
         self._current_z = 0
+        self._x_min_endstop_pressed = False
+        self._y_min_endstop_pressed = False
+        self._z_min_endstop_pressed = False
+        self._x_max_endstop_pressed = False
+        self._y_max_endstop_pressed = False
+        self._z_max_endstop_pressed = False
         # In order to keep the connection alive we request the temperature every so often from a different extruder.
         # This index is the extruder we requested data from the last time.
         self._temperature_requested_extruder_index = 0 
@@ -112,6 +123,8 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
     extruderTemperatureChanged = pyqtSignal()
     bedTemperatureChanged = pyqtSignal()
+    endstopStateChanged = pyqtSignal(str,bool, arguments = ["key","state"])
     @pyqtProperty(float, notify = progressChanged)
     def progress(self):
         return self._progress
@@ -215,6 +228,15 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
         Logger.log("i", "Updating firmware of %s using %s", self._serial_port, file_name)
         self._firmware_file_name = file_name
+    @pyqtSlot()
+    def startPollEndstop(self):
+        self._poll_endstop = True
+        self._end_stop_thread.start()
+    def _pollEndStop(self):
+        while self._is_connected and self._poll_endstop:
+            self.sendCommand("M119")
+            time.sleep(0.5)
     ##  Private connect function run by thread. Can be started by calling connect.
     def _connect(self):
@@ -402,6 +424,20 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
     def requestWrite(self, node):
+    def _setEndstopState(self, endstop_key, value):
+        if endstop_key == b'x_min':
+            if self._x_min_endstop_pressed != value:
+                self.endstopStateChanged.emit('x_min', value)
+            self._x_min_endstop_pressed = value
+        elif endstop_key == b'y_min':
+            if self._y_min_endstop_pressed != value:
+                self.endstopStateChanged.emit('y_min', value)
+            self._y_min_endstop_pressed = value
+        elif endstop_key == b'z_min':
+            if self._z_min_endstop_pressed != value:
+                self.endstopStateChanged.emit('z_min', value)
+            self._z_min_endstop_pressed = value
     ##  Listen thread function. 
     def _listen(self):
         Logger.log("i", "Printer connection listen thread started for %s" % self._serial_port)
@@ -437,6 +473,9 @@ class PrinterConnection(OutputDevice, QObject, SignalEmitter):
                     except Exception as e:
                 #TODO: temperature changed callback
+            elif b"_min" in line or b"_max" in line:
+                tag, value = line.split(b':', 1)
+                self._setEndstopState(tag,(b'H' in value or b'TRIGGERED' in value))
             if self._is_printing:
                 if time.time() > temperature_request_timeout: # When printing, request temperature every 5 seconds.

+ 60 - 26

@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ Column
     id: wizardPage
     property string title
     anchors.fill: parent;
+    property bool x_min_pressed: false
+    property bool y_min_pressed: false
+    property bool z_min_pressed: false
+    Component.onCompleted: UM.USBPrinterManager.connectedPrinterList.getItem(0).printer.startPollEndstop()
@@ -23,44 +28,73 @@ Column
         //: Add Printer wizard page description
-        text: qsTr("Please select the type of printer:");
+        text: qsTr("It's a good idea to do a few sanity checks on your Ultimaker. \n You can skip these if you know your machine is functional");
-    ScrollView
+    Row
-        height: parent.height - 50
-        width: parent.width
-        ListView
+        Label
-            id: machineList;
-            model: UM.Models.availableMachinesModel
-            delegate: RadioButton
-            {
-                exclusiveGroup: printerGroup;
-                text:;
-                onClicked:
-                {
-                    ListView.view.currentIndex = index;
-                }
-            }
+            text: qsTr("Connection: ")
+        }
+        Label
+        {
+            text: UM.USBPrinterManager.connectedPrinterList.count ? "Done":"Incomplete"
-    Label
+    Row
-        //: Add Printer wizard field label
-        text: qsTr("Printer Name:");
+        Label
+        {
+            text: qsTr("Min endstop X: ")
+        }
+        Label
+        {
+            text: x_min_pressed ? qsTr("Works") : qsTr("Not checked")
+        }
-    TextField
+    Row
-        id: machineName; Layout.fillWidth: true; text: machineList.model.getItem(machineList.currentIndex).name
+        Label
+        {
+            text: qsTr("Min endstop Y: ")
+        }
+        Label
+        {
+            text: y_min_pressed ? qsTr("Works") : qsTr("Not checked")
+        }
+    }
+    Row
+    {
+        Label
+        {
+            text: qsTr("Min endstop Z: ")
+        }
+        Label
+        {
+            text: z_min_pressed ? qsTr("Works") : qsTr("Not checked")
+        }
-    Item
+    Connections
-        Layout.fillWidth: true;
-        Layout.fillHeight: true;
+        target: UM.USBPrinterManager.connectedPrinterList.getItem(0).printer
+        onEndstopStateChanged:
+        {
+            if(key == "x_min")
+            {
+                x_min_pressed = true
+            }
+            if(key == "y_min")
+            {
+                y_min_pressed = true
+            }
+            if(key == "z_min")
+            {
+                z_min_pressed = true
+            }
+        }

+ 0 - 6

@@ -18,12 +18,6 @@ Column
         text: parent.title
         font.pointSize: 18;
-    Label
-    {
-        //: Add Printer wizard page description
-        text: qsTr("Please select the type of printer:");
-    }