@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
from UM.Extension import Extension
from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
from UM.Version import Version
+from UM.Message import Message
from cura import ApplicationMetadata
from cura import UltimakerCloudAuthentication
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ from cura.Machines.ContainerTree import ContainerTree
from .AuthorsModel import AuthorsModel
from .PackagesModel import PackagesModel
+from .SubscribedPackagesModel import SubscribedPackagesModel
from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
@@ -58,17 +60,19 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
# The responses as given by the server parsed to a list.
self._server_response_data = {
- "authors": [],
- "packages": [],
- "updates": [],
+ "authors": [],
+ "packages": [],
+ "updates": [],
+ "subscribed_packages": [],
} # type: Dict[str, List[Any]]
# Models:
self._models = {
- "authors": AuthorsModel(self),
- "packages": PackagesModel(self),
- "updates": PackagesModel(self),
- } # type: Dict[str, Union[AuthorsModel, PackagesModel]]
+ "authors": AuthorsModel(self),
+ "packages": PackagesModel(self),
+ "updates": PackagesModel(self),
+ "subscribed_packages": SubscribedPackagesModel(self),
+ } # type: Dict[str, Union[AuthorsModel, PackagesModel, SubscribedPackagesModel]]
self._plugins_showcase_model = PackagesModel(self)
self._plugins_available_model = PackagesModel(self)
@@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
@pyqtSlot(str, int)
def ratePackage(self, package_id: str, rating: int) -> None:
- url = QUrl("{base_url}/packages/{package_id}/ratings".format(base_url=self._api_url, package_id = package_id))
+ url = QUrl("{base_url}/packages/{package_id}/ratings".format(base_url = self._api_url, package_id = package_id))
self._rate_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
for header_name, header_value in self._request_headers:
@@ -197,6 +201,11 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
cloud_api_version = self._cloud_api_version,
sdk_version = self._sdk_version
+ # https://api.ultimaker.com/cura-packages/v1/user/packages
+ self._api_url_user_packages = "{cloud_api_root}/cura-packages/v{cloud_api_version}/user/packages".format(
+ cloud_api_root = self._cloud_api_root,
+ cloud_api_version = self._cloud_api_version,
+ )
# We need to construct a query like installed_packages=ID:VERSION&installed_packages=ID:VERSION, etc.
installed_package_ids_with_versions = [":".join(items) for items in
@@ -207,15 +216,18 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
"authors": QUrl("{base_url}/authors".format(base_url = self._api_url)),
"packages": QUrl("{base_url}/packages".format(base_url = self._api_url)),
"updates": QUrl("{base_url}/packages/package-updates?installed_packages={query}".format(
- base_url = self._api_url, query = installed_packages_query))
+ base_url = self._api_url, query = installed_packages_query)),
+ "subscribed_packages": QUrl(self._api_url_user_packages)
+ self._application.getCuraAPI().account.loginStateChanged.connect(self._fetchUserSubscribedPackages)
# On boot we check which packages have updates.
if CuraApplication.getInstance().getPreferences().getValue("info/automatic_update_check") and len(installed_package_ids_with_versions) > 0:
# Request the latest and greatest!
+ self._fetchUserSubscribedPackages()
def _prepareNetworkManager(self):
if self._network_manager is not None:
@@ -237,6 +249,11 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
# Gather installed packages:
+ def _fetchUserSubscribedPackages(self):
+ if self._application.getCuraAPI().account.isLoggedIn:
+ self._prepareNetworkManager()
+ self._makeRequestByType("subscribed_packages")
# Displays the toolbox
def launch(self) -> None:
@@ -540,9 +557,7 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
@pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
def isEnabled(self, package_id: str) -> bool:
- if package_id in self._plugin_registry.getActivePlugins():
- return True
- return False
+ return package_id in self._plugin_registry.getActivePlugins()
# Check for plugins that were installed with the old plugin browser
def isOldPlugin(self, plugin_id: str) -> bool:
@@ -561,10 +576,11 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
# Make API Calls
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _makeRequestByType(self, request_type: str) -> None:
- Logger.log("d", "Requesting %s metadata from server.", request_type)
+ Logger.log("d", "Requesting '%s' metadata from server.", request_type)
request = QNetworkRequest(self._request_urls[request_type])
for header_name, header_value in self._request_headers:
request.setRawHeader(header_name, header_value)
+ self._updateRequestHeader()
if self._network_manager:
@@ -661,6 +677,8 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
# Tell the package manager that there's a new set of updates available.
packages = set([pkg["package_id"] for pkg in self._server_response_data[response_type]])
+ elif response_type == "subscribed_packages":
+ self._checkCompatibilities(json_data["data"])
@@ -674,9 +692,38 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
Logger.log("w", "Unable to connect with the server, we got a response code %s while trying to connect to %s", reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute), reply.url())
- elif reply.operation() == QNetworkAccessManager.PutOperation:
- # Ignore any operation that is not a get operation
- pass
+ def _checkCompatibilities(self, json_data) -> None:
+ user_subscribed_packages = [plugin["package_id"] for plugin in json_data]
+ user_installed_packages = self._package_manager.getUserInstalledPackages()
+ # We check if there are packages installed in Cloud Marketplace but not in Cura marketplace (discrepancy)
+ package_discrepancy = list(set(user_subscribed_packages).difference(user_installed_packages))
+ if package_discrepancy:
+ self._models["subscribed_packages"].addValue(package_discrepancy)
+ self._models["subscribed_packages"].update()
+ Logger.log("d", "Discrepancy found between Cloud subscribed packages and Cura installed packages")
+ sync_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc(
+ "@info:generic",
+ "\nDo you want to sync material and software packages with your account?"),
+ lifetime=0,
+ title=i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Changes detected from your Ultimaker account", ))
+ sync_message.addAction("sync",
+ name=i18n_catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Sync"),
+ icon="",
+ description="Sync your Cloud subscribed packages to your local environment.",
+ button_align=Message.ActionButtonAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT)
+ sync_message.actionTriggered.connect(self._onSyncButtonClicked)
+ sync_message.show()
+ def _onSyncButtonClicked(self, sync_message: Message, sync_message_action: str) -> None:
+ sync_message.hide()
+ compatibility_dialog_path = "resources/qml/dialogs/CompatibilityDialog.qml"
+ plugin_path_prefix = PluginRegistry.getInstance().getPluginPath(self.getPluginId())
+ if plugin_path_prefix:
+ path = os.path.join(plugin_path_prefix, compatibility_dialog_path)
+ self.compatibility_dialog_view = self._application.getInstance().createQmlComponent(path, {"toolbox": self})
# This function goes through all known remote versions of a package and notifies the package manager of this change
def _notifyPackageManager(self):
@@ -772,39 +819,43 @@ class Toolbox(QObject, Extension):
# Exposed Models:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def authorsModel(self) -> AuthorsModel:
return cast(AuthorsModel, self._models["authors"])
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
+ def subscribedPackagesModel(self) -> SubscribedPackagesModel:
+ return cast(SubscribedPackagesModel, self._models["subscribed_packages"])
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def packagesModel(self) -> PackagesModel:
return cast(PackagesModel, self._models["packages"])
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def pluginsShowcaseModel(self) -> PackagesModel:
return self._plugins_showcase_model
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def pluginsAvailableModel(self) -> PackagesModel:
return self._plugins_available_model
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def pluginsInstalledModel(self) -> PackagesModel:
return self._plugins_installed_model
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def materialsShowcaseModel(self) -> AuthorsModel:
return self._materials_showcase_model
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def materialsAvailableModel(self) -> AuthorsModel:
return self._materials_available_model
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def materialsInstalledModel(self) -> PackagesModel:
return self._materials_installed_model
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant=True)
+ @pyqtProperty(QObject, constant = True)
def materialsGenericModel(self) -> PackagesModel:
return self._materials_generic_model