Browse Source

Remove unused code

Contributes to CURA-5162, CURA-5378
Ian Paschal 6 years ago

+ 2 - 4

@@ -68,10 +68,9 @@ from cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel import NozzleModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel import QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel import CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.MultiBuildPlateModel import MultiBuildPlateModel
-from cura.Machines.Models.MaterialManagementModel import MaterialManagementModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.FavoriteMaterialsModel import FavoriteMaterialsModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.GenericMaterialsModel import GenericMaterialsModel
-from cura.Machines.Models.BrandMaterialsModel import BrandMaterialsModel
+from cura.Machines.Models.MaterialBrandsModel import MaterialBrandsModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.QualityManagementModel import QualityManagementModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel import QualitySettingsModel
 from cura.Machines.Models.MachineManagementModel import MachineManagementModel
@@ -936,8 +935,7 @@ class CuraApplication(QtApplication):
         qmlRegisterType(FavoriteMaterialsModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "FavoriteMaterialsModel")
         qmlRegisterType(GenericMaterialsModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "GenericMaterialsModel")
-        qmlRegisterType(BrandMaterialsModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "BrandMaterialsModel")
-        qmlRegisterType(MaterialManagementModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "MaterialManagementModel")
+        qmlRegisterType(MaterialBrandsModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "MaterialBrandsModel")
         qmlRegisterType(QualityManagementModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "QualityManagementModel")
         qmlRegisterType(MachineManagementModel, "Cura", 1, 0, "MachineManagementModel")

+ 0 - 104

@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
-from UM.Logger import Logger
-from UM.Qt.ListModel import ListModel
-# This model is for the Material management page.
-class MaterialManagementModel(ListModel):
-    RootMaterialIdRole = Qt.UserRole + 1
-    DisplayNameRole = Qt.UserRole + 2
-    BrandRole = Qt.UserRole + 3
-    MaterialTypeRole = Qt.UserRole + 4
-    ColorNameRole = Qt.UserRole + 5
-    ColorCodeRole = Qt.UserRole + 6
-    ContainerNodeRole = Qt.UserRole + 7
-    ContainerIdRole = Qt.UserRole + 8
-    DescriptionRole = Qt.UserRole + 9
-    AdhesionInfoRole = Qt.UserRole + 10
-    ApproximateDiameterRole = Qt.UserRole + 11
-    GuidRole = Qt.UserRole + 12
-    DensityRole = Qt.UserRole + 13
-    DiameterRole = Qt.UserRole + 14
-    IsReadOnlyRole = Qt.UserRole + 15
-    def __init__(self, parent = None):
-        super().__init__(parent)
-        self.addRoleName(self.RootMaterialIdRole, "root_material_id")
-        self.addRoleName(self.DisplayNameRole, "name")
-        self.addRoleName(self.BrandRole, "brand")
-        self.addRoleName(self.MaterialTypeRole, "material")
-        self.addRoleName(self.ColorNameRole, "color_name")
-        self.addRoleName(self.ColorCodeRole, "color_code")
-        self.addRoleName(self.ContainerNodeRole, "container_node")
-        self.addRoleName(self.ContainerIdRole, "container_id")
-        self.addRoleName(self.DescriptionRole, "description")
-        self.addRoleName(self.AdhesionInfoRole, "adhesion_info")
-        self.addRoleName(self.ApproximateDiameterRole, "approximate_diameter")
-        self.addRoleName(self.GuidRole, "guid")
-        self.addRoleName(self.DensityRole, "density")
-        self.addRoleName(self.DiameterRole, "diameter")
-        self.addRoleName(self.IsReadOnlyRole, "is_read_only")
-        from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
-        self._container_registry = CuraApplication.getInstance().getContainerRegistry()
-        self._machine_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager()
-        self._extruder_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getExtruderManager()
-        self._material_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMaterialManager()
-        self._machine_manager.globalContainerChanged.connect(self._update)
-        self._extruder_manager.activeExtruderChanged.connect(self._update)
-        self._material_manager.materialsUpdated.connect(self._update)
-        self._update()
-    def _update(self):
-        Logger.log("d", "Updating {model_class_name}.".format(model_class_name = self.__class__.__name__))
-        global_stack = self._machine_manager.activeMachine
-        if global_stack is None:
-            self.setItems([])
-            return
-        active_extruder_stack = self._machine_manager.activeStack
-        available_material_dict = self._material_manager.getAvailableMaterialsForMachineExtruder(global_stack,
-                                                                                                 active_extruder_stack)
-        if available_material_dict is None:
-            self.setItems([])
-            return
-        material_list = []
-        for root_material_id, container_node in available_material_dict.items():
-            keys_to_fetch = ("name",
-                             "brand",
-                             "material",
-                             "color_name",
-                             "color_code",
-                             "description",
-                             "adhesion_info",
-                             "approximate_diameter",)
-            item = {"root_material_id": container_node.metadata["base_file"],
-                    "container_node": container_node,
-                    "guid": container_node.metadata["GUID"],
-                    "container_id": container_node.metadata["id"],
-                    "density": container_node.metadata.get("properties", {}).get("density", ""),
-                    "diameter": container_node.metadata.get("properties", {}).get("diameter", ""),
-                    "is_read_only": self._container_registry.isReadOnly(container_node.metadata["id"]),
-                    }
-            for key in keys_to_fetch:
-                item[key] = container_node.metadata.get(key, "")
-            material_list.append(item)
-        material_list = sorted(material_list, key = lambda k: (k["brand"].upper(), k["name"].upper()))
-        self.setItems(material_list)

+ 0 - 98

@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-    id: materialListView
-    model: materialsModel
- "brand"
-    section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
-    section.delegate: Rectangle
-    {
-        width: materialScrollView.width
-        height: childrenRect.height
-        color: palette.light
-        Label
-        {
-            anchors.left: parent.left
-            anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
-            text: section
-            font.bold: true
-            color: palette.text
-        }
-    }
-    delegate: Rectangle
-    {
-        width: materialScrollView.width
-        height: childrenRect.height
-        color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? palette.highlight : (model.index % 2) ? palette.base : palette.alternateBase
-        Row
-        {
-            id: materialRow
-            spacing: (UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width / 2) | 0
-            anchors.left: parent.left
-            anchors.leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
-            anchors.right: parent.right
-            property bool isCurrentItem: parent.ListView.isCurrentItem
-            property bool isItemActivated:
-            {
-                const extruder_position = Cura.ExtruderManager.activeExtruderIndex;
-                const root_material_id = Cura.MachineManager.currentRootMaterialId[extruder_position];
-                return model.root_material_id == root_material_id;
-            }
-            Rectangle
-            {
-                width: Math.floor(parent.height * 0.8)
-                height: Math.floor(parent.height * 0.8)
-                color: model.color_code
-                border.color: materialRow.isCurrentItem ? palette.highlightedText : palette.text;
-                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-            }
-            Label
-            {
-                width: Math.floor((parent.width * 0.3))
-                text: model.material
-                elide: Text.ElideRight
-                font.italic: materialRow.isItemActivated
-                color: materialRow.isCurrentItem ? palette.highlightedText : palette.text;
-            }
-            Label
-            {
-                text: ( != model.material) ? : ""
-                elide: Text.ElideRight
-                font.italic: materialRow.isItemActivated
-                color: materialRow.isCurrentItem ? palette.highlightedText : palette.text;
-            }
-        }
-        MouseArea
-        {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked:
-            {
-                parent.ListView.view.currentIndex = model.index;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function activateDetailsWithIndex(index)
-    {
-        var model = materialsModel.getItem(index);
-        base.currentItem = model;
-        materialDetailsView.containerId = model.container_id;
-        materialDetailsView.currentMaterialNode = model.container_node;
-        detailsPanel.updateMaterialPropertiesObject();
-    }
-    onCurrentIndexChanged:
-    {
-        forceActiveFocus();  // causes the changed fields to be saved
-        activateDetailsWithIndex(currentIndex);
-    }