@@ -311,6 +311,36 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
return WorkspaceReader.PreReadResult.accepted
+ ## Overrides an ExtruderStack in the given GlobalStack and returns the new ExtruderStack.
+ def _overrideExtruderStack(self, global_stack, extruder_index, extruder_file_content):
+ extruder_stack = global_stack.extruders[extruder_index]
+ machine_extruder_count = len(global_stack.extruders)
+ old_extruder_stack_id = extruder_stack.getId()
+ # HACK: There are two cases:
+ # - the new ExtruderStack has the same ID as the one we are overriding
+ # - they don't have the same ID
+ # In the second case, directly overriding the existing ExtruderStack will leave the old stack file
+ # in the Cura directory, and this will cause a problem when we restart Cura. So, we always delete
+ # the existing file first.
+ self._container_registry._deleteFiles(extruder_stack)
+ # override the given extruder stack
+ extruder_stack.deserialize(extruder_file_content)
+ # HACK: The deserialize() of ExtruderStack will add itself to the GlobalStack, which is redundant here.
+ # So we need to remove the new entries in the GlobalStack.
+ global_stack._extruders = global_stack._extruders[:machine_extruder_count]
+ # HACK: clean and fill the container query cache again
+ if old_extruder_stack_id in self._container_registry._id_container_cache:
+ del self._container_registry._id_container_cache[old_extruder_stack_id]
+ new_extruder_stack_id = extruder_stack.getId()
+ self._container_registry._id_container_cache[new_extruder_stack_id] = extruder_stack
+ # return the new ExtruderStack
+ return extruder_stack
## Read the project file
# Add all the definitions / materials / quality changes that do not exist yet. Then it loads
# all the stacks into the container registry. In some cases it will reuse the container for the global stack.
@@ -478,12 +508,16 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
# Check if quality changes already exists.
changes_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
if not changes_containers:
+ # no existing containers with the same ID, so we can safely add the new one
+ # we have found existing container with the same ID, so we need to resolve according to the
+ # selected strategy.
if self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "override":
instance_container = changes_containers[0]
elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "new":
# TODO: how should we handle the case "new" for quality_changes and definition_changes?
@@ -587,6 +621,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
for index, extruder_stack_file in enumerate(extruder_stack_files):
container_id = self._stripFileToId(extruder_stack_file)
+ extruder_file_content = archive.open(extruder_stack_file, "r").read().decode("utf-8")
container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = container_id)
if container_stacks:
@@ -595,23 +630,8 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
# NOTE: This is the same code as those in the lower part
- global_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original)
# deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
- if global_stacks:
- old_extruder_stack_id = global_stacks[0].extruders[index].getId()
- # HACK delete file
- self._container_registry._deleteFiles(global_stacks[0].extruders[index])
- global_stacks[0].extruders[index].deserialize(archive.open(extruder_stack_file).read().decode("utf-8"))
- # HACK
- global_stacks[0]._extruders = global_stacks[0]._extruders[:2]
- # HACK update cache
- del self._container_registry._id_container_cache[old_extruder_stack_id]
- new_extruder_stack_id = global_stacks[0].extruders[index].getId()
- self._container_registry._id_container_cache[new_extruder_stack_id] = global_stacks[0].extruders[index]
- stack = global_stacks[0].extruders[index]
- else:
- Logger.log("w", "Could not find global stack, while I expected it: %s" % global_stack_id_original)
+ stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, index, extruder_file_content)
elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
# create a new extruder stack from this one
@@ -626,24 +646,11 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
+ # No extruder stack with the same ID can be found
if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
- global_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original)
# deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
- if global_stacks:
- old_extruder_stack_id = global_stacks[0].extruders[index].getId()
- # HACK delete file
- self._container_registry._deleteFiles(global_stacks[0].extruders[index])
- global_stacks[0].extruders[index].deserialize(archive.open(extruder_stack_file).read().decode("utf-8"))
- # HACK
- global_stacks[0]._extruders = global_stacks[0]._extruders[:2]
- # HACK update cache
- del self._container_registry._id_container_cache[old_extruder_stack_id]
- new_extruder_stack_id = global_stacks[0].extruders[index].getId()
- self._container_registry._id_container_cache[new_extruder_stack_id] = global_stacks[0].extruders[index]
- stack = global_stacks[0].extruders[index]
- else:
- Logger.log("w", "Could not find global stack, while I expected it: %s" % global_stack_id_original)
+ stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, index, extruder_file_content)
elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
# container not found, create a new one
stack = ExtruderStack(container_id)
@@ -657,6 +664,7 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceReader(WorkspaceReader):
if global_stack_need_rename:
if stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine"):
stack.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)
Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")