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Merge branch 'master' of

Lipu Fei 5 years ago

+ 0 - 139

@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-from typing import Optional, Dict,  List, TYPE_CHECKING, Any
-from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, pyqtProperty
-from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
-from UM.Logger import Logger
-    from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
-    from cura.PrinterOutput.PrinterOutputDevice import PrinterOutputDevice
-i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
-##  The account API provides a version-proof bridge to use Ultimaker Accounts
-#   Usage:
-#       ```
-#       from cura.API import CuraAPI
-#       api = CuraAPI()
-#       api.machines.addOutputDeviceToCurrentMachine()
-#       ```
-##  Since Cura doesn't have a machine class, we're going to make a fake one to make our lives a
-#   little bit easier.
-class Machine():
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        self.hostname = "" # type: str
-        self.group_id = "" # type: str
-        self.group_name = "" # type: str
-        self.um_network_key = "" # type: str
-        self.configuration = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
-        self.connection_types = [] # type: List[int]
-class Machines(QObject):
-    def __init__(self, application: "CuraApplication", parent = None) -> None:
-        super().__init__(parent)
-        self._application = application
-    @pyqtSlot(result="QVariantMap")
-    def getCurrentMachine(self) -> Machine:
-        fake_machine = Machine() # type: Machine
-        global_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
-        if global_stack:
-            metadata = global_stack.getMetaData()
-            if "group_id" in metadata:
-                fake_machine.group_id = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("group_id")
-            if "group_name" in metadata:
-                fake_machine.group_name = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("group_name")
-            if "um_network_key" in metadata:
-                fake_machine.um_network_key = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key")
-            fake_machine.connection_types = global_stack.configuredConnectionTypes
-        return fake_machine
-    ##  Set the current machine's friendy name.
-    #   This is the same as "group name" since we use "group" and "current machine" interchangeably.
-    #   TODO: Maybe make this "friendly name" to distinguish from "hostname"?
-    @pyqtSlot(str)
-    def setCurrentMachineGroupName(self, group_name: str) -> None:
-        Logger.log("d", "Attempting to set the group name of the active machine to %s", group_name)
-        global_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
-        if global_stack:
-            # Update a GlobalStacks in the same group with the new group name.
-            group_id = global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("group_id")
-            machine_manager = self._application.getMachineManager()
-            for machine in machine_manager.getMachinesInGroup(group_id):
-                machine.setMetaDataEntry("group_name", group_name)
-            # Set the default value for "hidden", which is used when you have a group with multiple types of printers
-            global_stack.setMetaDataEntry("hidden", False)
-    ##  Set the current machine's configuration from an (optional) output device.
-    #   If no output device is given, the first one available on the machine will be used.
-    #   NOTE: Group and machine are used interchangeably.
-    #   NOTE: This doesn't seem to be used anywhere. Maybe delete?
-    @pyqtSlot(QObject)
-    def updateCurrentMachineConfiguration(self, output_device: Optional["PrinterOutputDevice"]) -> None:
-        if output_device is None:
-            machine_manager = self._application.getMachineManager()
-            output_device = machine_manager.printerOutputDevices[0]
-        hotend_ids = output_device.hotendIds
-        for index in range(len(hotend_ids)):
-            output_device.hotendIdChanged.emit(index, hotend_ids[index])
-        material_ids = output_device.materialIds
-        for index in range(len(material_ids)):
-            output_device.materialIdChanged.emit(index, material_ids[index])
-    ##  Add an output device to the current machine.
-    #   In practice, this means:
-    #   - Setting the output device's network key in the current machine's metadata
-    #   - Adding the output device's connection type to the current machine's configured connection
-    #     types.
-    @pyqtSlot(QObject)
-    def addOutputDeviceToCurrentMachine(self, output_device: "PrinterOutputDevice") -> None:
-        if not output_device:
-            return
-        Logger.log("d",
-            "Attempting to set the network key of the active machine to %s",
-            output_device.key)
-        global_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
-        if not global_stack:
-            return
-        metadata = global_stack.getMetaData()
-        # Global stack already had a connection, but it's changed.
-        if "um_network_key" in metadata: 
-            old_network_key = metadata["um_network_key"]
-            # Since we might have a bunch of hidden stacks, we also need to change it there.
-            metadata_filter = {"um_network_key": old_network_key}
-            containers = self._application.getContainerRegistry().findContainerStacks(
-                type = "machine", **metadata_filter)
-            for container in containers:
-                container.setMetaDataEntry("um_network_key", output_device.key)
-                # Delete old authentication data.
-                Logger.log("d", "Removing old authentication id %s for device %s",
-                    global_stack.getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", None),
-                    output_device.key)
-                container.removeMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
-                container.removeMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
-                # Ensure that these containers do know that they are configured for the given
-                # connection type (can be more than one type; e.g. LAN & Cloud)
-                container.addConfiguredConnectionType(output_device.connectionType.value)
-        else:  # Global stack didn't have a connection yet, configure it.
-            global_stack.setMetaDataEntry("um_network_key", output_device.key)
-            global_stack.addConfiguredConnectionType(output_device.connectionType.value)
-        return None

+ 0 - 8

@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtProperty
 from cura.API.Backups import Backups
 from cura.API.Interface import Interface
-from cura.API.Machines import Machines
 from cura.API.Account import Account
@@ -45,9 +44,6 @@ class CuraAPI(QObject):
         # Backups API
         self._backups = Backups(self._application)
-        # Machines API
-        self._machines = Machines(self._application)
         # Interface API
         self._interface = Interface(self._application)
@@ -62,10 +58,6 @@ class CuraAPI(QObject):
     def backups(self) -> "Backups":
         return self._backups
-    @pyqtProperty(QObject)
-    def machines(self) -> "Machines":
-        return self._machines
     def interface(self) -> "Interface":
         return self._interface

+ 34 - 28

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from collections import namedtuple
 import re
-from typing import Any, Dict, List
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
 from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer, Qt
@@ -18,6 +18,20 @@ from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+# Simple convenience class to keep stuff together. Since we're still stuck on python 3.5, we can't use the full
+# typed named tuple, so we have to do it like this.
+# Once we are at python 3.6, feel free to change this to a named tuple.
+class _NodeInfo:
+    def __init__(self, index_to_node: Optional[Dict[int, SceneNode]] = None, nodes_to_rename: Optional[List[SceneNode]] = None, is_group: bool = False) -> None:
+        if index_to_node is None:
+            index_to_node = {}
+        if nodes_to_rename is None:
+            nodes_to_rename = []
+        self.index_to_node = index_to_node  # type: Dict[int, SceneNode]
+        self.nodes_to_rename = nodes_to_rename  # type: List[SceneNode]
+        self.is_group = is_group  # type: bool
 ##  Keep track of all objects in the project
 class ObjectsModel(ListModel):
     NameRole = Qt.UserRole + 1
@@ -64,28 +78,24 @@ class ObjectsModel(ListModel):
         naming_regex = re.compile("^(.+)\(([0-9]+)\)$")
-        NodeInfo = namedtuple("NodeInfo", ["index_to_node", "nodes_to_rename", "is_group"])
-        name_to_node_info_dict = {}  # type: Dict[str, NodeInfo]
+        name_to_node_info_dict = {}  # type: Dict[str, _NodeInfo]
         group_name_template = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Group #{group_nr}")
         group_name_prefix = group_name_template.split("#")[0]
         for node in DepthFirstIterator(Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()):  # type: ignore
-            if not isinstance(node, SceneNode):
-                continue
-            if (not node.getMeshData() and not node.callDecoration("getLayerData")) and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
+            is_group = bool(node.callDecoration("isGroup"))
+            if not node.callDecoration("isSliceable") and not is_group:
             parent = node.getParent()
             if parent and parent.callDecoration("isGroup"):
                 continue  # Grouped nodes don't need resetting as their parent (the group) is resetted)
-            if not node.callDecoration("isSliceable") and not node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
-                continue
             node_build_plate_number = node.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber")
             if filter_current_build_plate and node_build_plate_number != active_build_plate_number:
-            is_group = bool(node.callDecoration("isGroup"))
             force_rename = False
             if not is_group:
                 # Handle names for individual nodes
@@ -116,39 +126,37 @@ class ObjectsModel(ListModel):
                 # Keep track of 2 things:
                 #  - known indices for nodes which doesn't need to be renamed
                 #  - a list of nodes that need to be renamed. When renaming then, we should avoid using the known indices.
-                name_to_node_info_dict[original_name] = NodeInfo(index_to_node = {},
-                                                                 nodes_to_rename = [],
-                                                                 is_group = is_group)
-            node_info_dict = name_to_node_info_dict[original_name]
-            if not force_rename and name_index not in node_info_dict.index_to_node:
-                node_info_dict.index_to_node[name_index] = node
+                name_to_node_info_dict[original_name] = _NodeInfo(is_group = is_group)
+            node_info = name_to_node_info_dict[original_name]
+            if not force_rename and name_index not in node_info.index_to_node:
+                node_info.index_to_node[name_index] = node
-                node_info_dict.nodes_to_rename.append(node)
+                node_info.nodes_to_rename.append(node)
         # Go through all names and rename the nodes that need to be renamed.
-        node_rename_list = []  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
-        for name, node_info_dict in name_to_node_info_dict.items():
+        node_rename_list = []  # type: List[Dict[str, Union[str, SceneNode]]]
+        for name, node_info in name_to_node_info_dict.items():
             # First add the ones that do not need to be renamed.
-            for node in node_info_dict.index_to_node.values():
+            for node in node_info.index_to_node.values():
                 node_rename_list.append({"node": node})
             # Generate new names for the nodes that need to be renamed
             current_index = 0
-            for node in node_info_dict.nodes_to_rename:
+            for node in node_info.nodes_to_rename:
                 current_index += 1
-                while current_index in node_info_dict.index_to_node:
+                while current_index in node_info.index_to_node:
                     current_index += 1
-                if not node_info_dict.is_group:
+                if not node_info.is_group:
                     new_group_name = "{0}({1})".format(name, current_index)
                     new_group_name = "{0}#{1}".format(name, current_index)
                 node_rename_list.append({"node": node,
                                          "new_name": new_group_name})
-        for node_info in node_rename_list:
-            node = node_info["node"]
-            new_name = node_info.get("new_name")
+        for rename_dict in node_rename_list:
+            node = rename_dict["node"]
+            new_name = rename_dict.get("new_name")
             if hasattr(node, "isOutsideBuildArea"):
                 is_outside_build_area = node.isOutsideBuildArea()  # type: ignore
@@ -174,5 +182,3 @@ class ObjectsModel(ListModel):
         nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda n: n["name"])
-        self.itemsChanged.emit()

+ 4 - 5

@@ -27,14 +27,13 @@ Cura.MachineAction
             var printerKey = base.selectedDevice.key
             var printerName =  // TODO To change when the groups have a name
-            if (Cura.API.machines.getCurrentMachine().um_network_key != printerKey) // TODO: change to hostname
+            if (manager.getStoredKey() != printerKey)
                 // Check if there is another instance with the same key
                 if (!manager.existsKey(printerKey))
-                    Cura.API.machines.addOutputDeviceToCurrentMachine(base.selectedDevice)
-                    Cura.API.machines.setCurrentMachineGroupName(printerName)   // TODO To change when the groups have a name
-                    manager.refreshConnections()
+                    manager.associateActiveMachineWithPrinterDevice(base.selectedDevice)
+                    manager.setGroupName(printerName)   // TODO To change when the groups have a name
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ Cura.MachineAction
                             var selectedKey = manager.getLastManualEntryKey()
                             // If there is no last manual entry key, then we select the stored key (if any)
                             if (selectedKey == "")
-                                selectedKey = Cura.API.machines.getCurrentMachine().um_network_key // TODO: change to host name
+                                selectedKey = manager.getStoredKey()
                             for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++) {
                                 if(model[i].key == selectedKey)

+ 46 - 13

@@ -34,10 +34,7 @@ class DiscoverUM3Action(MachineAction):
         self.__additional_components_view = None #type: Optional[QObject]
-        self._application = CuraApplication.getInstance()
-        self._api = self._application.getCuraAPI()
-        self._application.engineCreatedSignal.connect(self._createAdditionalComponentsView)
+        CuraApplication.getInstance().engineCreatedSignal.connect(self._createAdditionalComponentsView)
         self._last_zero_conf_event_time = time.time() #type: float
@@ -53,7 +50,7 @@ class DiscoverUM3Action(MachineAction):
     def startDiscovery(self):
         if not self._network_plugin:
             Logger.log("d", "Starting device discovery.")
-            self._network_plugin = self._application.getOutputDeviceManager().getOutputDevicePlugin("UM3NetworkPrinting")
+            self._network_plugin = CuraApplication.getInstance().getOutputDeviceManager().getOutputDevicePlugin("UM3NetworkPrinting")
@@ -108,27 +105,63 @@ class DiscoverUM3Action(MachineAction):
             return []
-    @pyqtSlot()
-    def refreshConnections(self) -> None:
+    @pyqtSlot(str)
+    def setGroupName(self, group_name: str) -> None:
+        Logger.log("d", "Attempting to set the group name of the active machine to %s", group_name)
+        global_container_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+        if global_container_stack:
+            # Update a GlobalStacks in the same group with the new group name.
+            group_id = global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("group_id")
+            machine_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager()
+            for machine in machine_manager.getMachinesInGroup(group_id):
+                machine.setMetaDataEntry("group_name", group_name)
+            # Set the default value for "hidden", which is used when you have a group with multiple types of printers
+            global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("hidden", False)
         if self._network_plugin:
+            # Ensure that the connection states are refreshed.
-    # TODO: Improve naming
+    # Associates the currently active machine with the given printer device. The network connection information will be
+    # stored into the metadata of the currently active machine.
+    @pyqtSlot(QObject)
+    def associateActiveMachineWithPrinterDevice(self, printer_device: Optional["PrinterOutputDevice"]) -> None:
+        if self._network_plugin:
+            self._network_plugin.associateActiveMachineWithPrinterDevice(printer_device)
+    @pyqtSlot(result = str)
+    def getStoredKey(self) -> str:
+        global_container_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+        if global_container_stack:
+            meta_data = global_container_stack.getMetaData()
+            if "um_network_key" in meta_data:
+                return global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key")
+        return ""
     @pyqtSlot(result = str)
     def getLastManualEntryKey(self) -> str:
         if self._network_plugin:
             return self._network_plugin.getLastManualDevice()
         return ""
-    # TODO: Better naming needed. Exists where? On the current machine? On all machines?
     @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
     def existsKey(self, key: str) -> bool:
         metadata_filter = {"um_network_key": key}
         containers = CuraContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(type="machine", **metadata_filter)
         return bool(containers)
+    @pyqtSlot()
+    def loadConfigurationFromPrinter(self) -> None:
+        machine_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager()
+        hotend_ids = machine_manager.printerOutputDevices[0].hotendIds
+        for index in range(len(hotend_ids)):
+            machine_manager.printerOutputDevices[0].hotendIdChanged.emit(index, hotend_ids[index])
+        material_ids = machine_manager.printerOutputDevices[0].materialIds
+        for index in range(len(material_ids)):
+            machine_manager.printerOutputDevices[0].materialIdChanged.emit(index, material_ids[index])
     def _createAdditionalComponentsView(self) -> None:
         Logger.log("d", "Creating additional ui components for UM3.")
@@ -137,10 +170,10 @@ class DiscoverUM3Action(MachineAction):
         if not plugin_path:
         path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "resources/qml/UM3InfoComponents.qml")
-        self.__additional_components_view = self._application.createQmlComponent(path, {"manager": self})
+        self.__additional_components_view = CuraApplication.getInstance().createQmlComponent(path, {"manager": self})
         if not self.__additional_components_view:
             Logger.log("w", "Could not create ui components for UM3.")
         # Create extra components
-        self._application.addAdditionalComponent("monitorButtons", self.__additional_components_view.findChild(QObject, "networkPrinterConnectButton"))
+        CuraApplication.getInstance().addAdditionalComponent("monitorButtons", self.__additional_components_view.findChild(QObject, "networkPrinterConnectButton"))

+ 36 - 12

@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
     def __init__(self):
         self._zero_conf = None
         self._zero_conf_browser = None
         self._application = CuraApplication.getInstance()
-        self._api = self._application.getCuraAPI()
         # Create a cloud output device manager that abstracts all cloud connection logic away.
         self._cloud_output_device_manager = CloudOutputDeviceManager()
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
         self._cluster_api_prefix = "/cluster-api/v" + self._cluster_api_version + "/"
         # Get list of manual instances from preferences
-        self._preferences = self._application.getPreferences()
+        self._preferences = CuraApplication.getInstance().getPreferences()
                                         "")  # A comma-separated list of ip adresses or hostnames
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
         self._service_changed_request_thread = Thread(target=self._handleOnServiceChangedRequests, daemon=True)
-        self._account = self._api.account
+        self._account = self._application.getCuraAPI().account
         # Check if cloud flow is possible when user logs in
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
     def refreshConnections(self):
-        active_machine = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
+        active_machine = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
         if not active_machine:
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
         if self._discovered_devices[key].isConnected():
             # Sometimes the status changes after changing the global container and maybe the device doesn't belong to this machine
-            um_network_key = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack().getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key")
+            um_network_key = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key")
             if key == um_network_key:
@@ -273,14 +273,39 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
                    key, group_name, machine_type_id)
         self._application.getMachineManager().addMachine(machine_type_id, group_name)
         # connect the new machine to that network printer
-        self._api.machines.addOutputDeviceToCurrentMachine(discovered_device)
+        self.associateActiveMachineWithPrinterDevice(discovered_device)
         # ensure that the connection states are refreshed.
-    def _checkManualDevice(self, address: str) -> Optional[QNetworkReply]:
+    def associateActiveMachineWithPrinterDevice(self, printer_device: Optional["PrinterOutputDevice"]) -> None:
+        if not printer_device:
+            return
+        Logger.log("d", "Attempting to set the network key of the active machine to %s", printer_device.key)
+        machine_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager()
+        global_container_stack = machine_manager.activeMachine
+        if not global_container_stack:
+            return
+        for machine in machine_manager.getMachinesInGroup(global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("group_id")):
+            machine.setMetaDataEntry("um_network_key", printer_device.key)
+            machine.setMetaDataEntry("group_name",
+            # Delete old authentication data.
+            Logger.log("d", "Removing old authentication id %s for device %s",
+                       global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", None), printer_device.key)
+            machine.removeMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
+            machine.removeMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
+            # Ensure that these containers do know that they are configured for network connection
+            machine.addConfiguredConnectionType(printer_device.connectionType.value)
+        self.refreshConnections()
+    def _checkManualDevice(self, address: str) -> "QNetworkReply":
         # Check if a UM3 family device exists at this address.
         # If a printer responds, it will replace the preliminary printer created above
         # origin=manual is for tracking back the origin of the call
@@ -288,7 +313,6 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
         name_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
         return self._network_manager.get(name_request)
-    ##  This is the function which handles the above network request's reply when it comes back.
     def _onNetworkRequestFinished(self, reply: "QNetworkReply") -> None:
         reply_url = reply.url().toString()
@@ -403,7 +427,7 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
         self._discovered_devices[device.getId()] = device
-        global_container_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
+        global_container_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
         if global_container_stack and device.getId() == global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key"):
             # Ensure that the configured connection type is set.
@@ -423,7 +447,7 @@ class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin):
             self._service_changed_request_event.wait(timeout = 5.0)
             # Stop if the application is shutting down
-            if self._application.isShuttingDown():
+            if CuraApplication.getInstance().isShuttingDown():