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Revert "Merge pull request #4203 from Ultimaker/CURA-5538-fix-one-at-a-time-order-2"

This reverts commit 82e1a7c5fc43a12d1498779d392286c6e49ee4ea, reversing
changes made to 1915659393b72f7e4d4dbd9b73e92b8a665efcdc.
Ian Paschal 6 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 98 добавлено и 97 удалено
  1. 97 93
  2. 1 1
  3. 0 3

+ 97 - 93

@@ -1,108 +1,112 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
 # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
-import sys
-from shapely import affinity
-from shapely.geometry import Polygon
 from UM.Scene.Iterator import Iterator
 from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+from functools import cmp_to_key
+from UM.Application import Application
-# Iterator that determines the object print order when one-at a time mode is enabled.
-# In one-at-a-time mode, only one extruder can be enabled to print. In order to maximize the number of objects we can
-# print, we need to print from the corner that's closest to the extruder that's being used. Here is an illustration:
-#  +--------------------------------+
-#  |                                |
-#  |                                |
-#  |                                |          - Rectangle represents the complete print head including fans, etc.
-#  |       X                X       |    y     - X's are the nozzles
-#  |      (1)              (2)      |    |
-#  |                                |    |
-#  +--------------------------------+    +--> x
-# In this case, the nozzles are symmetric, nozzle (1) is closer to the bottom left corner while (2) is closer to the
-# bottom right. If we use nozzle (1) to print, then we better off printing from the bottom left corner so the print
-# head will not collide into an object on its top-right side, which is a very large unused area. Following the same
-# logic, if we are printing with nozzle (2), then it's better to print from the bottom-right side.
-# This iterator determines the print order following the rules above.
+## Iterator that returns a list of nodes in the order that they need to be printed
+#  If there is no solution an empty list is returned.
+#  Take note that the list of nodes can have children (that may or may not contain mesh data)
 class OneAtATimeIterator(Iterator.Iterator):
     def __init__(self, scene_node):
-        from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
-        self._global_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+        super().__init__(scene_node) # Call super to make multiple inheritence work.
+        self._hit_map = [[]]
         self._original_node_list = []
-        super().__init__(scene_node)  # Call super to make multiple inheritance work.
-    def getMachineNearestCornerToExtruder(self, global_stack):
-        head_and_fans_coordinates = global_stack.getHeadAndFansCoordinates()
-        used_extruder = None
-        for extruder in global_stack.extruders.values():
-            if extruder.isEnabled:
-                used_extruder = extruder
-                break
-        extruder_offsets = [used_extruder.getProperty("machine_nozzle_offset_x", "value"),
-                            used_extruder.getProperty("machine_nozzle_offset_y", "value")]
-        # find the corner that's closest to the origin
-        min_distance2 = sys.maxsize
-        min_coord = None
-        for coord in head_and_fans_coordinates:
-            x = coord[0] - extruder_offsets[0]
-            y = coord[1] - extruder_offsets[1]
-            distance2 = x**2 + y**2
-            if distance2 <= min_distance2:
-                min_distance2 = distance2
-                min_coord = coord
-        return min_coord
     def _fillStack(self):
-        min_coord = self.getMachineNearestCornerToExtruder(self._global_stack)
-        transform_x = -int(round(min_coord[0] / abs(min_coord[0])))
-        transform_y = -int(round(min_coord[1] / abs(min_coord[1])))
-        machine_size = [self._global_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value"),
-                        self._global_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")]
-        def flip_x(polygon):
-            tm2 = [-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
-            return affinity.affine_transform(affinity.translate(polygon, xoff = -machine_size[0]), tm2)
-        def flip_y(polygon):
-            tm2 = [1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0]
-            return affinity.affine_transform(affinity.translate(polygon, yoff = -machine_size[1]), tm2)
         node_list = []
         for node in self._scene_node.getChildren():
             if not issubclass(type(node), SceneNode):
-            convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
-            if convex_hull:
-                xmin = min(x for x, _ in convex_hull._points)
-                xmax = max(x for x, _ in convex_hull._points)
-                ymin = min(y for _, y in convex_hull._points)
-                ymax = max(y for _, y in convex_hull._points)
-                convex_hull_polygon = Polygon.from_bounds(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
-                if transform_x < 0:
-                    convex_hull_polygon = flip_x(convex_hull_polygon)
-                if transform_y < 0:
-                    convex_hull_polygon = flip_y(convex_hull_polygon)
-                node_list.append({"node": node,
-                                  "min_coord": [convex_hull_polygon.bounds[0], convex_hull_polygon.bounds[1]],
-                                  })
-        node_list = sorted(node_list, key = lambda d: d["min_coord"])
+            if node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"):
+                node_list.append(node)
+        if len(node_list) < 2:
+            self._node_stack = node_list[:]
+            return 
+        # Copy the list
+        self._original_node_list = node_list[:]
+        ## Initialise the hit map (pre-compute all hits between all objects)
+        self._hit_map = [[self._checkHit(i,j) for i in node_list] for j in node_list]
+        # Check if we have to files that block eachother. If this is the case, there is no solution!
+        for a in range(0,len(node_list)):
+            for b in range(0,len(node_list)):
+                if a != b and self._hit_map[a][b] and self._hit_map[b][a]:
+                    return 
+        # Sort the original list so that items that block the most other objects are at the beginning.
+        # This does not decrease the worst case running time, but should improve it in most cases.
+        sorted(node_list, key = cmp_to_key(self._calculateScore))
+        todo_node_list = [_ObjectOrder([], node_list)]
+        while len(todo_node_list) > 0:
+            current = todo_node_list.pop()
+            for node in current.todo:
+                # Check if the object can be placed with what we have and still allows for a solution in the future
+                if not self._checkHitMultiple(node, current.order) and not self._checkBlockMultiple(node, current.todo):
+                    # We found a possible result. Create new todo & order list.
+                    new_todo_list = current.todo[:]
+                    new_todo_list.remove(node)
+                    new_order = current.order[:] + [node]
+                    if len(new_todo_list) == 0: 
+                        # We have no more nodes to check, so quit looking.
+                        todo_node_list = None
+                        self._node_stack = new_order
+                        return
+                    todo_node_list.append(_ObjectOrder(new_order, new_todo_list))
+        self._node_stack = [] #No result found!
+    # Check if first object can be printed before the provided list (using the hit map)
+    def _checkHitMultiple(self, node, other_nodes):
+        node_index = self._original_node_list.index(node)
+        for other_node in other_nodes:
+            other_node_index = self._original_node_list.index(other_node)
+            if self._hit_map[node_index][other_node_index]:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def _checkBlockMultiple(self, node, other_nodes):
+        node_index = self._original_node_list.index(node)
+        for other_node in other_nodes:
+            other_node_index = self._original_node_list.index(other_node)
+            if self._hit_map[other_node_index][node_index] and node_index != other_node_index:
+                return True
+        return False
+    ##  Calculate score simply sums the number of other objects it 'blocks'
+    def _calculateScore(self, a, b):
+        score_a = sum(self._hit_map[self._original_node_list.index(a)])
+        score_b = sum(self._hit_map[self._original_node_list.index(b)])
+        return score_a - score_b
+    #   Checks if A can be printed before B
+    def _checkHit(self, a, b):
+        if a == b:
+            return False
+        overlap = a.callDecoration("getConvexHullBoundary").intersectsPolygon(b.callDecoration("getConvexHullHeadFull"))
+        if overlap:
+            return True
+        else: 
+            return False
+## Internal object used to keep track of a possible order in which to print objects.      
+class _ObjectOrder():
+    def __init__(self, order, todo):
+        """
+        :param order:   List of indexes in which to print objects, ordered by printing order.
+        :param todo:    List of indexes which are not yet inserted into the order list.
+        """
+        self.order = order
+        self.todo = todo
-        self._node_stack = [d["node"] for d in node_list]

+ 1 - 1

@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class ConvexHullDecorator(SceneNodeDecorator):
             return offset_hull
     def _getHeadAndFans(self):
-        return Polygon(numpy.array(self._global_stack.getHeadAndFansCoordinates(), numpy.float32))
+        return Polygon(numpy.array(self._global_stack.getProperty("machine_head_with_fans_polygon", "value"), numpy.float32))
     def _compute2DConvexHeadFull(self):
         return self._compute2DConvexHull().getMinkowskiHull(self._getHeadAndFans())

+ 0 - 3

@@ -172,9 +172,6 @@ class GlobalStack(CuraContainerStack):
                 return False
         return True
-    def getHeadAndFansCoordinates(self):
-        return self.getProperty("machine_head_with_fans_polygon", "value")
 ## private:
 global_stack_mime = MimeType(