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CL-462, time sync to the printer if a printer has no valid system datetime. As any datetime is better then no datetime at all.

daid 7 years ago
1 changed files with 27 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 27 0

+ 27 - 0

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import zlib
 from time import time
 from time import sleep
+from time import gmtime
 i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
@@ -1114,6 +1115,11 @@ class NetworkPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
                         Logger.log("w", "Unable to save authentication for id %s and key %s", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
+                    # Request 'system' printer data once, when we know we have authentication, so we know we can set the system time.
+                    url = QUrl("http://" + self._address + self._api_prefix + "system")
+                    system_data_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
+                    self._manager.get(system_data_request)
                 else:  # Got a response that we didn't expect, so something went wrong.
                     Logger.log("e", "While trying to authenticate, we got an unexpected response: %s", reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute))
@@ -1133,6 +1139,27 @@ class NetworkPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
+            elif self._api_prefix + "system" in reply_url:
+                # Check if the printer has time, and if this has a valid system time.
+                try:
+                    data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
+                except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+                    Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid authentication request reply from printer: Not valid JSON.")
+                    return
+                if "time" in data and "utc" in data["time"]:
+                    try:
+                        printer_time = gmtime(float(data["time"]["utc"]))
+                        Logger.log("i", "Printer has system time of: %s", str(printer_time))
+                    except ValueError:
+                        printer_time = None
+                    if printer_time is not None and printer_time.tm_year < 1990:
+                        # The system time is not valid, sync our current system time to it, so we at least have some reasonable time in the printer.
+                        Logger.log("w", "Printer system time invalid, setting system time")
+                        url = QUrl("http://" + self._address + self._api_prefix + "system/time/utc")
+                        put_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
+                        put_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader, "application/json")
+                        self._manager.put(put_request, str(time()).encode())
         elif reply.operation() == QNetworkAccessManager.PostOperation:
             if "/auth/request" in reply_url:
                 # We got a response to requesting authentication.