@@ -49,7 +49,20 @@ class StartJobResult(IntEnum):
ObjectsWithDisabledExtruder = 8
-class GcodeStartEndFormatter(Formatter):
+class GcodeConditionState(IntEnum):
+ OutsideCondition = 1
+ ConditionFalse = 2
+ ConditionTrue = 3
+ ConditionDone = 4
+class GcodeInstruction(IntEnum):
+ Skip = 1
+ Evaluate = 2
+ EvaluateAndWrite = 3
+class GcodeStartEndFormatter:
# Formatter class that handles token expansion in start/end gcode
# Example of a start/end gcode string:
# ```
@@ -63,22 +76,50 @@ class GcodeStartEndFormatter(Formatter):
# will be used. Alternatively, if the expression is formatted as "{[expression], [extruder_nr]}",
# then the expression will be evaluated with the extruder stack of the specified extruder_nr.
- _extruder_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P<expression>.*)\s*,\s*(?P<extruder_nr_expr>.*)\s*$")
+ _instruction_regex = re.compile(r"{(?P<condition>if|else|elif|endif)?\s*(?P<expression>.*?)\s*(?:,\s*(?P<extruder_nr_expr>.*))?\s*}(?P<end_of_line>\n?)")
- def __init__(self, all_extruder_settings: Dict[str, Any], default_extruder_nr: int = -1) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, all_extruder_settings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], default_extruder_nr: int = -1) -> None:
- self._all_extruder_settings: Dict[str, Any] = all_extruder_settings
+ self._all_extruder_settings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = all_extruder_settings
self._default_extruder_nr: int = default_extruder_nr
+ self._cura_application = CuraApplication.getInstance()
+ self._extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
+ def format(self, text: str) -> str:
+ remaining_text: str = text
+ result: str = ""
+ self._condition_state: GcodeConditionState = GcodeConditionState.OutsideCondition
+ while len(remaining_text) > 0:
+ next_code_match = self._instruction_regex.search(remaining_text)
+ if next_code_match is not None:
+ expression_start, expression_end = next_code_match.span()
+ if expression_start > 0:
+ result += self._process_statement(remaining_text[:expression_start])
- def get_field(self, field_name, args: [str], kwargs: dict) -> Tuple[str, str]:
- # get_field method parses all fields in the format-string and parses them individually to the get_value method.
- # e.g. for a string "Hello {foo.bar}" would the complete field "foo.bar" would be passed to get_field, and then
- # the individual parts "foo" and "bar" would be passed to get_value. This poses a problem for us, because want
- # to parse the entire field as a single expression. To solve this, we override the get_field method and return
- # the entire field as the expression.
- return self.get_value(field_name, args, kwargs), field_name
+ result += self._process_code(next_code_match)
- def get_value(self, expression: str, args: [str], kwargs: dict) -> str:
+ remaining_text = remaining_text[expression_end:]
+ else:
+ result += self._process_statement(remaining_text)
+ remaining_text = ""
+ return result
+ def _process_statement(self, statement: str) -> str:
+ if self._condition_state in [GcodeConditionState.OutsideCondition, GcodeConditionState.ConditionTrue]:
+ return statement
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def _process_code(self, code: re.Match) -> str:
+ condition: Optional[str] = code.group("condition")
+ expression: Optional[str] = code.group("expression")
+ extruder_nr_expr: Optional[str] = code.group("extruder_nr_expr")
+ end_of_line: Optional[str] = code.group("end_of_line")
# The following variables are not settings, but only become available after slicing.
# when these variables are encountered, we return them as-is. They are replaced later
@@ -87,53 +128,100 @@ class GcodeStartEndFormatter(Formatter):
if expression in post_slice_data_variables:
return f"{{{expression}}}"
- extruder_nr = str(self._default_extruder_nr)
+ extruder_nr: str = str(self._default_extruder_nr)
+ instruction: GcodeInstruction = GcodeInstruction.Skip
# The settings may specify a specific extruder to use. This is done by
# formatting the expression as "{expression}, {extruder_nr_expr}". If the
# expression is formatted like this, we extract the extruder_nr and use
# it to get the value from the correct extruder stack.
- match = self._extruder_regex.match(expression)
- if match:
- expression = match.group("expression")
- extruder_nr_expr = match.group("extruder_nr_expr")
+ if condition is None:
+ # This is a classic statement
+ if self._condition_state in [GcodeConditionState.OutsideCondition, GcodeConditionState.ConditionTrue]:
+ # Skip and move to next
+ instruction = GcodeInstruction.EvaluateAndWrite
+ else:
+ # This is a condition statement, first check validity
+ if condition == "if":
+ if self._condition_state != GcodeConditionState.OutsideCondition:
+ raise SyntaxError("Nested conditions are not supported")
+ else:
+ if self._condition_state == GcodeConditionState.OutsideCondition:
+ raise SyntaxError("Condition should start with an 'if' statement")
+ if condition == "if":
+ # First instruction, just evaluate it
+ instruction = GcodeInstruction.Evaluate
- if extruder_nr_expr.isdigit():
- extruder_nr = extruder_nr_expr
- # We get the value of the extruder_nr_expr from `_all_extruder_settings` dictionary
- # rather than the global container stack. The `_all_extruder_settings["-1"]` is a
- # dict-representation of the global container stack, with additional properties such
- # as `initial_extruder_nr`. As users may enter such expressions we can't use the
- # global container stack.
- extruder_nr = str(self._all_extruder_settings["-1"].get(extruder_nr_expr, "-1"))
- if extruder_nr in self._all_extruder_settings:
- additional_variables = self._all_extruder_settings[extruder_nr].copy()
- else:
- Logger.warning(f"Extruder {extruder_nr} does not exist, using global settings")
- additional_variables = self._all_extruder_settings["-1"].copy()
- # Add the arguments and keyword arguments to the additional settings. These
- # are currently _not_ used, but they are added for consistency with the
- # base Formatter class.
- for key, value in enumerate(args):
- additional_variables[key] = value
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- additional_variables[key] = value
- if extruder_nr == "-1":
- container_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
- else:
- container_stack = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getExtruderStack(extruder_nr)
- if not container_stack:
+ if self._condition_state == GcodeConditionState.ConditionTrue:
+ # We have reached the next condition after a valid one has been found, skip the rest
+ self._condition_state = GcodeConditionState.ConditionDone
+ if condition == "elif":
+ if self._condition_state == GcodeConditionState.ConditionFalse:
+ # New instruction, and valid condition has not been reached so far => evaluate it
+ instruction = GcodeInstruction.Evaluate
+ else:
+ # New instruction, but valid condition has already been reached => skip it
+ instruction = GcodeInstruction.Skip
+ elif condition == "else":
+ instruction = GcodeInstruction.Skip # Never evaluate, expression should be empty
+ if self._condition_state == GcodeConditionState.ConditionFalse:
+ # Fallback instruction, and valid condition has not been reached so far => active next
+ self._condition_state = GcodeConditionState.ConditionTrue
+ elif condition == "endif":
+ instruction = GcodeInstruction.Skip # Never evaluate, expression should be empty
+ self._condition_state = GcodeConditionState.OutsideCondition
+ if instruction >= GcodeInstruction.Evaluate and extruder_nr_expr is not None:
+ extruder_nr_function = SettingFunction(extruder_nr_expr)
+ container_stack = self._cura_application.getGlobalContainerStack()
+ # We add the variables contained in `_all_extruder_settings["-1"]`, which is a dict-representation of the
+ # global container stack, with additional properties such as `initial_extruder_nr`. As users may enter such
+ # expressions we can't use the global container stack. The variables contained in the global container stack
+ # will then be inserted twice, which is not optimal but works well.
+ extruder_nr = str(extruder_nr_function(container_stack, additional_variables=self._all_extruder_settings["-1"]))
+ if instruction >= GcodeInstruction.Evaluate:
+ if extruder_nr in self._all_extruder_settings:
+ additional_variables = self._all_extruder_settings[extruder_nr].copy()
+ else:
Logger.warning(f"Extruder {extruder_nr} does not exist, using global settings")
- container_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+ additional_variables = self._all_extruder_settings["-1"].copy()
- setting_function = SettingFunction(expression)
- value = setting_function(container_stack, additional_variables=additional_variables)
+ if extruder_nr == "-1":
+ container_stack = self._cura_application.getGlobalContainerStack()
+ else:
+ container_stack = self._extruder_manager.getExtruderStack(extruder_nr)
+ if not container_stack:
+ Logger.warning(f"Extruder {extruder_nr} does not exist, using global settings")
+ container_stack = self._cura_application.getGlobalContainerStack()
- return value
+ setting_function = SettingFunction(expression)
+ value = setting_function(container_stack, additional_variables=additional_variables)
+ if instruction == GcodeInstruction.Evaluate:
+ if value:
+ self._condition_state = GcodeConditionState.ConditionTrue
+ else:
+ self._condition_state = GcodeConditionState.ConditionFalse
+ return ""
+ else:
+ value_str = str(value)
+ if end_of_line is not None:
+ # If we are evaluating an expression that is not a condition, restore the end of line
+ value_str += end_of_line
+ return value_str
+ else:
+ return ""
class StartSliceJob(Job):
@@ -470,6 +558,9 @@ class StartSliceJob(Job):
result["day"] = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"][int(time.strftime("%w"))]
result["initial_extruder_nr"] = CuraApplication.getInstance().getExtruderManager().getInitialExtruderNr()
+ # If adding or changing a setting here, please update the associated wiki page
+ # https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Start-End-G%E2%80%90Code
return result
def _cacheAllExtruderSettings(self):