@@ -561,6 +561,45 @@ class CuraContainerRegistry(ContainerRegistry):
+ # Also need to fix the other qualities that are suitable for this machine. Those quality changes may still have
+ # per-extruder settings in the container for the machine instead of the extruder.
+ quality_changes_machine_definition_id = machine.qualityChanges.getDefinition().getId()
+ qcs = self.findInstanceContainers(type = "quality_changes", definition = quality_changes_machine_definition_id)
+ qc_groups = {} # map of qc names -> qc containers
+ for qc in qcs:
+ qc_name = qc.getName()
+ if qc_name not in qc_groups:
+ qc_groups[qc_name] = []
+ qc_groups[qc_name].append(qc)
+ # try to find from the quality changes cura directory too
+ quality_changes_container = self._findQualityChangesContainerInCuraFolder(machine.qualityChanges.getName())
+ if quality_changes_container:
+ qc_groups[qc_name].append(quality_changes_container)
+ for qc_name, qc_list in qc_groups.items():
+ qc_dict = {"global": None, "extruders": []}
+ for qc in qc_list:
+ extruder_def_id = qc.getMetaDataEntry("extruder")
+ if extruder_def_id is not None:
+ qc_dict["extruders"].append(qc)
+ else:
+ qc_dict["global"] = qc
+ if qc_dict["global"] is not None and len(qc_dict["extruders"]) == 1:
+ # move per-extruder settings
+ for qc_setting_key in qc_dict["global"].getAllKeys():
+ settable_per_extruder = machine.getProperty(qc_setting_key, "settable_per_extruder")
+ if settable_per_extruder:
+ setting_value = qc_dict["global"].getProperty(qc_setting_key, "value")
+ setting_definition = machine.getSettingDefinition(qc_setting_key)
+ new_instance = SettingInstance(setting_definition, definition_changes)
+ new_instance.setProperty("value", setting_value)
+ new_instance.resetState() # Ensure that the state is not seen as a user state.
+ qc_dict["extruders"][0].addInstance(new_instance)
+ qc_dict["extruders"][0].setDirty(True)
+ qc_dict["global"].removeInstance(qc_setting_key, postpone_emit=True)
# Set next stack at the end