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Setup the authentication stuff for LegacyUM3

Jaime van Kessel 7 years ago

+ 34 - 5

@@ -8,9 +8,19 @@ from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QObject, QTimer, py
 from time import time
 from typing import Callable, Any
+from enum import IntEnum
+class AuthState(IntEnum):
+    NotAuthenticated = 1
+    AuthenticationRequested = 2
+    Authenticated = 3
+    AuthenticationDenied = 4
+    AuthenticationReceived = 5
 class NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
+    authenticationStateChanged = pyqtSignal()
     def __init__(self, device_id, address: str, properties, parent = None):
         super().__init__(device_id = device_id, parent = parent)
         self._manager = None
@@ -27,6 +37,16 @@ class NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
         self._user_agent = "%s/%s " % (Application.getInstance().getApplicationName(), Application.getInstance().getVersion())
         self._onFinishedCallbacks = {}
+        self._authentication_state = AuthState.NotAuthenticated
+    def setAuthenticationState(self, authentication_state):
+        if self._authentication_state != authentication_state:
+            self._authentication_state = authentication_state
+            self.authenticationStateChanged.emit()
+    @pyqtProperty(int, notify=authenticationStateChanged)
+    def authenticationState(self):
+        return self._authentication_state
     def _update(self):
         if self._last_response_time:
@@ -81,23 +101,30 @@ class NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
         self._last_request_time = time()
-    def _post(self, target: str, data: str, onFinished: Callable[[Any, QNetworkReply], None], onProgress: Callable):
+    def _post(self, target: str, data: str, onFinished: Callable[[Any, QNetworkReply], None], onProgress: Callable = None):
         if self._manager is None:
+        request = self._createEmptyRequest(target)
         self._last_request_time = time()
-        pass
+        reply =, data)
+        if onProgress is not None:
+            reply.uploadProgress.connect(onProgress)
+        self._onFinishedCallbacks[reply.url().toString() + str(reply.operation())] = onFinished
+    def _onAuthenticationRequired(self, reply, authenticator):
+        Logger.log("w", "Request to {url} required authentication, which was not implemented".format(url = reply.url().toString()))
     def _createNetworkManager(self):
         Logger.log("d", "Creating network manager")
         if self._manager:
-            #self._manager.authenticationRequired.disconnect(self._onAuthenticationRequired)
+            self._manager.authenticationRequired.disconnect(self._onAuthenticationRequired)
         self._manager = QNetworkAccessManager()
         self._last_manager_create_time = time()
-        #self._manager.authenticationRequired.connect(self._onAuthenticationRequired)
+        self._manager.authenticationRequired.connect(self._onAuthenticationRequired)
         #self._manager.networkAccessibleChanged.connect(self._onNetworkAccesibleChanged)  # for debug purposes
     def __handleOnFinished(self, reply: QNetworkReply):
@@ -107,7 +134,9 @@ class NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(PrinterOutputDevice):
         self._last_response_time = time()
-        self.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.connected)
+        if self._connection_state == ConnectionState.connecting:
+            self.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.connected)
             self._onFinishedCallbacks[reply.url().toString() + str(reply.operation())](reply)
         except Exception:

+ 2 - 0

@@ -135,11 +135,13 @@ class PrinterOutputDevice(QObject, OutputDevice):
     ##  Attempt to establish connection
     def connect(self):
+        self.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.connecting)
     ##  Attempt to close the connection
     def close(self):
+        self.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.closed)
     ##  Ensure that close gets called when object is destroyed
     def __del__(self):

+ 248 - 1

@@ -1,28 +1,256 @@
-from cura.PrinterOutput.NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice import NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice
+from cura.PrinterOutput.NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice import NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice, AuthState
 from cura.PrinterOutput.PrinterOutputModel import PrinterOutputModel
 from cura.PrinterOutput.PrintJobOutputModel import PrintJobOutputModel
 from cura.PrinterOutput.MaterialOutputModel import MaterialOutputModel
 from UM.Logger import Logger
 from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
+from UM.Application import Application
+from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
+from UM.Message import Message
 from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest
+from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
 import json
+import os  # To get the username
+i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
+##  This is the output device for the "Legacy" API of the UM3. All firmware before 4.0.1 uses this API.
+#   Everything after that firmware uses the ClusterUM3Output.
+#   The Legacy output device can only have one printer (whereas the cluster can have 0 to n).
+#   Authentication is done in a number of steps;
+#   1. Request an id / key pair by sending the application & user name. (state = authRequested)
+#   2. Machine sends this back and will display an approve / deny message on screen. (state = AuthReceived)
+#   3. OutputDevice will poll if the button was pressed.
+#   4. At this point the machine either has the state Authenticated or AuthenticationDenied.
+#   5. As a final step, we verify the authentication, as this forces the QT manager to setup the authenticator.
 class LegacyUM3OutputDevice(NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice):
     def __init__(self, device_id, address: str, properties, parent = None):
         super().__init__(device_id = device_id, address = address, properties = properties, parent = parent)
         self._api_prefix = "/api/v1/"
         self._number_of_extruders = 2
+        self._authentication_id = None
+        self._authentication_key = None
+        self._authentication_counter = 0
+        self._max_authentication_counter = 5 * 60  # Number of attempts before authentication timed out (5 min)
+        self._authentication_timer = QTimer()
+        self._authentication_timer.setInterval(1000)  # TODO; Add preference for update interval
+        self._authentication_timer.setSingleShot(False)
+        self._authentication_timer.timeout.connect(self._onAuthenticationTimer)
+        # The messages are created when connect is called the first time.
+        # This ensures that the messages are only created for devices that actually want to connect.
+        self._authentication_requested_message = None
+        self._authentication_failed_message = None
+        self._not_authenticated_message = None
+    def _setupMessages(self):
+        self._authentication_requested_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status",
+                                                                            "Access to the printer requested. Please approve the request on the printer"),
+                                                         lifetime=0, dismissable=False, progress=0,
+                                                         title=i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title",
+                                                                                  "Authentication status"))
+        self._authentication_failed_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", ""),
+                                                      title=i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Authentication Status"))
+        self._authentication_failed_message.addAction("Retry", i18n_catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Retry"), None,
+                                                      i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Re-send the access request"))
+        self._authentication_failed_message.actionTriggered.connect(self._requestAuthentication)
+        self._authentication_succeeded_message = Message(
+            i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Access to the printer accepted"),
+            title=i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Authentication Status"))
+        self._not_authenticated_message = Message(
+            i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "No access to print with this printer. Unable to send print job."),
+            title=i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Authentication Status"))
+        self._not_authenticated_message.addAction("Request", i18n_catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Request Access"),
+                                                  None, i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip",
+                                                                           "Send access request to the printer"))
+        self._not_authenticated_message.actionTriggered.connect(self._requestAuthentication)
+    def connect(self):
+        super().connect()
+        self._setupMessages()
+        global_container = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+        if global_container:
+            self._authentication_id = global_container.getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", None)
+            self._authentication_key = global_container.getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", None)
+    def close(self):
+        super().close()
+        if self._authentication_requested_message:
+            self._authentication_requested_message.hide()
+        if self._authentication_failed_message:
+            self._authentication_failed_message.hide()
+        if self._authentication_succeeded_message:
+            self._authentication_succeeded_message.hide()
+        self._authentication_timer.stop()
+    ##  Send all material profiles to the printer.
+    def sendMaterialProfiles(self):
+        # TODO
+        pass
     def _update(self):
         if not super()._update():
+        if self._authentication_state == AuthState.NotAuthenticated:
+            if self._authentication_id is None and self._authentication_key is None:
+                # This machine doesn't have any authentication, so request it.
+                self._requestAuthentication()
+            elif self._authentication_id is not None and self._authentication_key is not None:
+                # We have authentication info, but we haven't checked it out yet. Do so now.
+                self._verifyAuthentication()
+        elif self._authentication_state == AuthState.AuthenticationReceived:
+            # We have an authentication, but it's not confirmed yet.
+            self._checkAuthentication()
+        # We don't need authentication for requesting info, so we can go right ahead with requesting this.
         self._get("printer", onFinished=self._onGetPrinterDataFinished)
         self._get("print_job", onFinished=self._onGetPrintJobFinished)
+    def _resetAuthenticationRequestedMessage(self):
+        if self._authentication_requested_message:
+            self._authentication_requested_message.hide()
+        self._authentication_timer.stop()
+        self._authentication_counter = 0
+    def _onAuthenticationTimer(self):
+        self._authentication_counter += 1
+        self._authentication_requested_message.setProgress(
+            self._authentication_counter / self._max_authentication_counter * 100)
+        if self._authentication_counter > self._max_authentication_counter:
+            self._authentication_timer.stop()
+            Logger.log("i", "Authentication timer ended. Setting authentication to denied for printer: %s" % self._key)
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.AuthenticationDenied)
+            self._resetAuthenticationRequestedMessage()
+    def _verifyAuthentication(self):
+        Logger.log("d", "Attempting to verify authentication")
+        # This will ensure that the "_onAuthenticationRequired" is triggered, which will setup the authenticator.
+        self._get("auth/verify", onFinished=self._onVerifyAuthenticationCompleted)
+    def _onVerifyAuthenticationCompleted(self, reply):
+        status_code = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute)
+        if status_code == 401:
+            # Something went wrong; We somehow tried to verify authentication without having one.
+            Logger.log("d", "Attempted to verify auth without having one.")
+            self._authentication_id = None
+            self._authentication_key = None
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.NotAuthenticated)
+        elif status_code == 403:
+            Logger.log("d",
+                       "While trying to verify the authentication state, we got a forbidden response. Our own auth state was %s",
+                       self._authentication_state)
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.AuthenticationDenied)
+        elif status_code == 200:
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.Authenticated)
+            # Now we know for sure that we are authenticated, send the material profiles to the machine.
+            self.sendMaterialProfiles()
+    def _checkAuthentication(self):
+        Logger.log("d", "Checking if authentication is correct for id %s and key %s", self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
+        self._get("auth/check/" + str(self._authentication_id), onFinished=self._onCheckAuthenticationFinished)
+    def _onCheckAuthenticationFinished(self, reply):
+        if str(self._authentication_id) not in reply.url().toString():
+            Logger.log("w", "Got an old id response.")
+            # Got response for old authentication ID.
+            return
+        try:
+            data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
+        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+            Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid authentication check from printer: Not valid JSON.")
+            return
+        if data.get("message", "") == "authorized":
+            Logger.log("i", "Authentication was approved")
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.Authenticated)
+            self._saveAuthentication()
+            # Double check that everything went well.
+            self._verifyAuthentication()
+            # Notify the user.
+            self._resetAuthenticationRequestedMessage()
+        elif data.get("message", "") == "unauthorized":
+            Logger.log("i", "Authentication was denied.")
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.AuthenticationDenied)
+    def _saveAuthentication(self):
+        global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
+        if global_container_stack:
+            if "network_authentication_key" in global_container_stack.getMetaData():
+                global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", self._authentication_key)
+            else:
+                global_container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", self._authentication_key)
+            if "network_authentication_id" in global_container_stack.getMetaData():
+                global_container_stack.setMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", self._authentication_id)
+            else:
+                global_container_stack.addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", self._authentication_id)
+            # Force save so we are sure the data is not lost.
+            Application.getInstance().saveStack(global_container_stack)
+            Logger.log("i", "Authentication succeeded for id %s and key %s", self._authentication_id,
+                       self._getSafeAuthKey())
+        else:
+            Logger.log("e", "Unable to save authentication for id %s and key %s", self._authentication_id,
+                       self._getSafeAuthKey())
+    def _onRequestAuthenticationFinished(self, reply):
+        try:
+            data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
+        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+            Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid authentication request reply from printer: Not valid JSON.")
+            self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.NotAuthenticated)
+            return
+        self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.AuthenticationReceived)
+        self._authentication_id = data["id"]
+        self._authentication_key = data["key"]
+        Logger.log("i", "Got a new authentication ID (%s) and KEY (%s). Waiting for authorization.",
+                   self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
+    def _requestAuthentication(self):
+        self._authentication_timer.start()
+        # Reset any previous authentication info. If this isn't done, the "Retry" action on the failed message might
+        # give issues.
+        self._authentication_key = None
+        self._authentication_id = None
+        self._post("auth/request",
+                   json.dumps({"application":  "Cura-" + Application.getInstance().getVersion(),
+                                               "user": self._getUserName()}).encode(),
+                   onFinished=self._onRequestAuthenticationFinished)
+        self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.AuthenticationRequested)
+    def _onAuthenticationRequired(self, reply, authenticator):
+        if self._authentication_id is not None and self._authentication_key is not None:
+            Logger.log("d",
+                       "Authentication was required for printer: %s. Setting up authenticator with ID %s and key %s",
+                       self._id, self._authentication_id, self._getSafeAuthKey())
+            authenticator.setUser(self._authentication_id)
+            authenticator.setPassword(self._authentication_key)
+        else:
+            Logger.log("d", "No authentication is available to use for %s, but we did got a request for it.", self._key)
     def _onGetPrintJobFinished(self, reply):
         status_code = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute)
@@ -104,3 +332,22 @@ class LegacyUM3OutputDevice(NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice):
                        "Got status code {status_code} while trying to get printer data".format(status_code = status_code))
+    ##  Convenience function to "blur" out all but the last 5 characters of the auth key.
+    #   This can be used to debug print the key, without it compromising the security.
+    def _getSafeAuthKey(self):
+        if self._authentication_key is not None:
+            result = self._authentication_key[-5:]
+            result = "********" + result
+            return result
+        return self._authentication_key
+    ##  Convenience function to get the username from the OS.
+    #   The code was copied from the getpass module, as we try to use as little dependencies as possible.
+    def _getUserName(self):
+        for name in ("LOGNAME", "USER", "LNAME", "USERNAME"):
+            user = os.environ.get(name)
+            if user:
+                return user
+        return "Unknown User"  # Couldn't find out username.