@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
for identifier in identifiers:
machine_id_list = product_id_map.get(identifier.get("product"), [])
if not machine_id_list:
- machine_id_list.append(identifier.get("product").replace(" ", "").lower())
+ machine_id_list = self.getPossibleDefinitionIDsFromName(identifier.get("product"))
for machine_id in machine_id_list:
definitions = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainersMetadata(id = machine_id)
@@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
Logger.log("w", "No definition found for machine ID %s", machine_id)
+ Logger.log("d", "Found definition for machine ID %s", machine_id)
definition = definitions[0]
machine_manufacturer = identifier.get("manufacturer", definition.get("manufacturer", "Unknown")) #If the XML material doesn't specify a manufacturer, use the one in the actual printer definition.
@@ -584,7 +585,7 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
variant_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(id = hotend_id)
if not variant_containers:
# It is not really properly defined what "ID" is so also search for variants by name.
- variant_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(definition = definition["id"], name = hotend_id)
+ variant_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(definition = machine_id, name = hotend_id)
if not variant_containers:
@@ -617,6 +618,7 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
new_hotend_material.getMetaData()["id"] = new_hotend_id
new_hotend_material.getMetaData()["name"] = self.getName()
new_hotend_material.getMetaData()["variant"] = variant_containers[0]["id"]
+ new_hotend_material.setDefinition(machine_id)
# Don't use setMetadata, as that overrides it for all materials with same base file
new_hotend_material.getMetaData()["compatible"] = hotend_compatibility
new_hotend_material.getMetaData()["machine_manufacturer"] = machine_manufacturer
@@ -727,13 +729,15 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
for identifier in machine.iterfind("./um:machine_identifier", cls.__namespaces):
machine_id_list = product_id_map.get(identifier.get("product"), [])
if not machine_id_list:
- machine_id_list.append(identifier.get("product").replace(" ", "").lower())
+ machine_id_list = cls.getPossibleDefinitionIDsFromName(identifier.get("product"))
for machine_id in machine_id_list:
definition_metadata = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainersMetadata(id = machine_id)
if not definition_metadata:
Logger.log("w", "No definition found for machine ID %s", machine_id)
+ Logger.log("d", "========= Found def for machine [%s]", machine_id)
definition_metadata = definition_metadata[0]
machine_manufacturer = identifier.get("manufacturer", definition_metadata.get("manufacturer", "Unknown")) #If the XML material doesn't specify a manufacturer, use the one in the actual printer definition.
@@ -823,6 +827,30 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
return material_name
+ @classmethod
+ def getPossibleDefinitionIDsFromName(cls, name):
+ name_parts = name.lower().split(" ")
+ merged_name_parts = []
+ for part in name_parts:
+ if len(part) == 0:
+ continue
+ if len(merged_name_parts) == 0:
+ merged_name_parts.append(part)
+ continue
+ if part.isdigit():
+ # for names with digit(s) such as Ultimaker 3 Extended, we generate an ID like
+ # "ultimaker3_extended", ignoring the space between "Ultimaker" and "3".
+ merged_name_parts[-1] = merged_name_parts[-1] + part
+ else:
+ merged_name_parts.append(part)
+ id_list = [name.lower().replace(" ", ""), # simply removing all spaces
+ name.lower().replace(" ", "_"), # simply replacing all spaces with underscores
+ "_".join(merged_name_parts),
+ ]
+ return id_list
## Gets a mapping from product names in the XML files to their definition
# IDs.
@@ -832,27 +860,7 @@ class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
product_to_id_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[cls.__module__].__file__), "product_to_id.json")
with open(product_to_id_file) as f:
product_to_id_map = json.load(f)
- # generate a few more combinations so it can be smart about finding IDs
product_to_id_map = {key: [value] for key, value in product_to_id_map.items()}
- for name, id_list in product_to_id_map.items():
- name_parts = name.split(" ")
- merged_name_parts = []
- for part in name_parts:
- if len(part) == 0:
- continue
- if len(merged_name_parts) == 0:
- merged_name_parts.append(part.lower())
- continue
- if part.isdigit():
- # for names with digit(s) such as Ultimaker 3 Extended, we generate an ID like
- # "ultimaker3_extended", ignoring the space between "Ultimaker" and "3".
- merged_name_parts[-1] = merged_name_parts[-1] + part.lower()
- generated_id = "_".join(merged_name_parts)
- if generated_id not in id_list:
- id_list.append(generated_id)
return product_to_id_map
## Parse the value of the "material compatible" property.