@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/active_machine", "")
+ self._global_event_keys = set()
active_machine_id = Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/active_machine")
self._printer_output_devices = []
@@ -58,7 +60,9 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
if active_machine_id != "":
# An active machine was saved, so restore it.
- pass
+ if self._global_container_stack and self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") > 1:
+ # Make sure _active_container_stack is properly initiated
+ ExtruderManager.getInstance().setActiveExtruderIndex(0)
self._auto_change_material_hotend_flood_window = 10 # The minimum number of seconds between asking if the material or hotend on the machine should be used
self._auto_change_material_hotend_flood_time = 0 # The last timestamp (in seconds) when the user was asked about changing the material or hotend to whatis loaded on the machine
@@ -197,7 +201,85 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
def _onGlobalPropertyChanged(self, key, property_name):
if property_name == "value":
+ ## We can get recursion issues. So we store a list of keys that we are still handling to prevent this.
+ if key in self._global_event_keys:
+ return
+ self._global_event_keys.add(key)
+ if self._active_container_stack and self._active_container_stack != self._global_container_stack:
+ # Make the global current settings mirror the stack values appropriate for this setting
+ if self._active_container_stack.getProperty("extruder_nr", "value") == int(self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, "global_inherits_stack")):
+ new_value = self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, "value")
+ self._global_container_stack.getTop().setProperty(key, "value", new_value)
+ # Global-only setting values should be set on all extruders and the global stack
+ if not self._global_container_stack.getProperty(key, "settable_per_extruder"):
+ extruder_stacks = list(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId()))
+ target_stack_position = int(self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, "global_inherits_stack"))
+ if target_stack_position == -1: # Prevent -1 from selecting wrong stack.
+ target_stack = self._active_container_stack
+ else:
+ target_stack = extruder_stacks[target_stack_position]
+ new_value = target_stack.getProperty(key, "value")
+ target_stack_has_user_value = target_stack.getTop().getInstance(key) != None
+ for extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
+ if extruder_stack != target_stack:
+ if target_stack_has_user_value:
+ extruder_stack.getTop().setProperty(key, "value", new_value)
+ else:
+ # Remove from the value from the other stacks as well, unless the
+ # top value from the other stacklevels is different than the new value
+ for container in extruder_stack.getContainers():
+ if container.__class__ == UM.Settings.InstanceContainer and container.getInstance(key) != None:
+ if container.getProperty(key, "value") != new_value:
+ # It could be that the setting needs to be removed instead of updated.
+ temp = extruder_stack
+ containers = extruder_stack.getContainers()
+ # Ensure we have the entire 'chain'
+ while temp.getNextStack():
+ temp = temp.getNextStack()
+ containers.extend(temp.getContainers())
+ instance_needs_removal = False
+ if len(containers) > 1:
+ for index in range(1, len(containers)):
+ deeper_container = containers[index]
+ if deeper_container.getProperty(key, "value") is None:
+ continue # Deeper container does not have the value, so continue.
+ if deeper_container.getProperty(key, "value") == new_value:
+ # Removal will result in correct value, so do that.
+ # We do this to prevent the reset from showing up unneeded.
+ instance_needs_removal = True
+ break
+ else:
+ # Container has the value, but it's not the same. Stop looking.
+ break
+ if instance_needs_removal:
+ extruder_stack.getTop().removeInstance(key)
+ else:
+ extruder_stack.getTop().setProperty(key, "value", new_value)
+ else:
+ # Check if we really need to remove something.
+ if extruder_stack.getProperty(key, "value") != new_value:
+ extruder_stack.getTop().removeInstance(key)
+ break
+ if self._global_container_stack.getProperty(key, "value") != new_value:
+ self._global_container_stack.getTop().setProperty(key, "value", new_value)
+ self._global_event_keys.remove(key)
+ if property_name == "global_inherits_stack":
+ if self._active_container_stack and self._active_container_stack != self._global_container_stack:
+ # Update the global user value when the "global_inherits_stack" function points to a different stack
+ stack_index = int(self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, property_name))
+ extruder_stacks = [stack for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId())]
+ if len(extruder_stacks) > stack_index:
+ new_value = extruder_stacks[stack_index].getProperty(key, "value")
+ if self._global_container_stack.getProperty(key, "value") != new_value:
+ self._global_container_stack.getTop().setProperty(key, "value", new_value)
if property_name == "validationState":
if self._global_stack_valid:
changed_validation_state = self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, property_name)
@@ -209,7 +291,6 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
if not has_errors:
self._global_stack_valid = True
def _onGlobalContainerChanged(self):
if self._global_container_stack:
@@ -233,7 +314,7 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
self._global_stack_valid = not self._checkStackForErrors(self._global_container_stack)
+ self.globalValidationChanged.emit()
material = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": "material"})
@@ -254,6 +335,18 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
def _onInstanceContainersChanged(self, container):
container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
+ if self._active_container_stack and self._active_container_stack != self._global_container_stack:
+ if int(self._active_container_stack.getProperty("extruder_nr", "value")) == 0:
+ global_container = self._global_container_stack.findContainer({"type": container_type})
+ if global_container and global_container != container:
+ container_index = self._global_container_stack.getContainerIndex(global_container)
+ self._global_container_stack.replaceContainer(container_index, container)
+ for key in container.getAllKeys():
+ # Make sure the values in this profile are distributed to other stacks if necessary
+ self._onGlobalPropertyChanged(key, "value")
if container_type == "material":
elif container_type == "variant":
@@ -269,13 +362,14 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
@pyqtSlot(str, str)
def addMachine(self, name, definition_id):
- definitions = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = definition_id)
+ container_registry = UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
+ definitions = container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = definition_id)
if definitions:
definition = definitions[0]
name = self._createUniqueName("machine", "", name, definition.getName())
new_global_stack = UM.Settings.ContainerStack(name)
new_global_stack.addMetaDataEntry("type", "machine")
- UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(new_global_stack)
+ container_registry.addContainer(new_global_stack)
variant_instance_container = self._updateVariantContainer(definition)
material_instance_container = self._updateMaterialContainer(definition, variant_instance_container)
@@ -285,7 +379,7 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
current_settings_instance_container.addMetaDataEntry("machine", name)
current_settings_instance_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "user")
- UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(current_settings_instance_container)
+ container_registry.addContainer(current_settings_instance_container)
# If a definition is found, its a list. Should only have one item.
@@ -418,6 +512,19 @@ class MachineManager(QObject):
return True
return containers[0].isReadOnly()
+ ## Copy the value of the setting of the current extruder to all other extruders as well as the global container.
+ @pyqtSlot(str)
+ def copyValueToExtruders(self, key):
+ if not self._active_container_stack or self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") <= 1:
+ return
+ new_value = self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, "value")
+ stacks = [stack for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId())]
+ stacks.append(self._global_container_stack)
+ for extruder_stack in stacks:
+ if extruder_stack != self._active_container_stack and extruder_stack.getProperty(key, "value") != new_value:
+ extruder_stack.getTop().setProperty(key, "value", new_value)
@pyqtSlot(result = str)
def newQualityContainerFromQualityAndUser(self):
new_container_id = self.duplicateContainer(self.activeQualityId)