@@ -73,11 +73,22 @@ class ThreeMFWorkspaceWriter(WorkspaceWriter):
archive.writestr(version_file, version_file_string.getvalue())
+ self._writePluginMetadataToArchive(archive)
# Close the archive & reset states.
return True
+ def _writePluginMetadataToArchive(self, archive):
+ file_name = "Cura/plugin_metadata.json"
+ file_in_archive = zipfile.ZipInfo(file_name)
+ # For some reason we have to set the compress type of each file as well (it doesn't keep the type of the entire archive)
+ file_in_archive.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
+ import json
+ archive.writestr(file_in_archive, json.dumps(Application.getInstance()._workspace_metadata_storage.getAllData()))
## Helper function that writes ContainerStacks, InstanceContainers and DefinitionContainers to the archive.
# \param container That follows the \type{ContainerInterface} to archive.
# \param archive The archive to write to.