@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import unittest.mock #For the mocking and monkeypatching functionality.
import UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry #To create empty instance containers.
import UM.Settings.ContainerStack #To set the container registry the container stacks use.
from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer #To check against the class of DefinitionContainer.
+from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer #To check against the class of InstanceContainer.
import cura.Settings.ExtruderStack #The module we're testing.
-from cura.Settings.Exceptions import InvalidOperationError #To check whether the correct exceptions are raised.
+from cura.Settings.Exceptions import InvalidContainerError, InvalidOperationError #To check whether the correct exceptions are raised.
## Fake container registry that always provides all containers you ask of.
@@ -48,6 +49,14 @@ def readStack(filename):
serialized = file_handle.read()
return serialized
+class DefinitionContainerSubClass(DefinitionContainer):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__(container_id = "SubDefinitionContainer")
+class InstanceContainerSubClass(InstanceContainer):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__(container_id = "SubInstanceContainer")
#############################START OF TEST CASES################################
## Tests whether adding a container is properly forbidden.
@@ -55,6 +64,34 @@ def test_addContainer(extruder_stack):
with pytest.raises(InvalidOperationError):
+## Tests whether the container types are properly enforced on the stack.
+# When setting a field to have a different type of stack than intended, we
+# should get an exception.
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("definition_container, instance_container", [
+ (DefinitionContainer(container_id = "TestDefinitionContainer"), InstanceContainer(container_id = "TestInstanceContainer")),
+ (DefinitionContainerSubClass(), InstanceContainerSubClass())
+def test_constrainContainerTypes(definition_container, instance_container, extruder_stack):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Putting a definition container in the user changes is not allowed.
+ extruder_stack.userChanges = definition_container
+ extruder_stack.userChanges = instance_container #Putting an instance container in the user changes is allowed.
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
+ extruder_stack.qualityChanges = definition_container
+ extruder_stack.qualityChanges = instance_container
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
+ extruder_stack.quality = definition_container
+ extruder_stack.quality = instance_container
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
+ extruder_stack.material = definition_container
+ extruder_stack.material = instance_container
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError):
+ extruder_stack.variant = definition_container
+ extruder_stack.variant = instance_container
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerError): #Putting an instance container in the definition is not allowed.
+ extruder_stack.definition = instance_container
+ extruder_stack.definition = definition_container #Putting a definition container in the definition is allowed.
## Tests whether definitions are being read properly from an extruder stack.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename, definition_id", [
("Left.extruder.cfg", "empty"),