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Add typing

Because of boyscouting. CURA-5814
Jaime van Kessel 6 years ago
1 changed files with 57 additions and 46 deletions
  1. 57 46

+ 57 - 46

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import math
 import os
 import unicodedata
 import re  # To create abbreviations for printer names.
-from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
 from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtProperty, pyqtSlot
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
 from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
 from UM.MimeTypeDatabase import MimeTypeDatabase
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+    from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
 catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
@@ -47,24 +53,26 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
         ActiveMachineChanged = 3
         Other = 4
-    def __init__(self, application, parent = None):
+    UNTITLED_JOB_NAME = "Untitled"
+    def __init__(self, application: "CuraApplication", parent = None) -> None:
         self._application = application
-        self.UNTITLED_JOB_NAME = "Untitled"
-        self._material_lengths = {}  # indexed by build plate number
-        self._material_weights = {}
-        self._material_costs = {}
-        self._material_names = {}
+        # Indexed by build plate number
+        self._material_lengths = {}  # type: Dict[int, List[float]]
+        self._material_weights = {}  # type: Dict[int, List[float]]
+        self._material_costs = {}   # type: Dict[int, List[float]]
+        self._material_names = {}  # type: Dict[int, List[str]]
         self._pre_sliced = False
         self._backend = self._application.getBackend()
         if self._backend:
         self._is_user_specified_job_name = False
@@ -76,25 +84,23 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
         self._multi_build_plate_model = self._application.getMultiBuildPlateModel()
-        ss = self._multi_build_plate_model.maxBuildPlate
-        self._multi_build_plate_model.activeBuildPlateChanged.connect(self._onActiveBuildPlateChanged)
+        self._application.getMachineManager().rootMaterialChanged.connect(self._onActiveMaterialsChanged)
-        self._application.getMachineManager().rootMaterialChanged.connect(self._onActiveMaterialsChanged)
+        self._multi_build_plate_model.activeBuildPlateChanged.connect(self._onActiveBuildPlateChanged)
-        self._material_amounts = []
+        self._material_amounts = []  # type: List[float]
     # Crate cura message translations and using translation keys initialize empty time Duration object for total time
     # and time for each feature
-    def initializeCuraMessagePrintTimeProperties(self):
-        self._current_print_time = {}  # Duration(None, self)
+    def initializeCuraMessagePrintTimeProperties(self) -> None:
+        self._current_print_time = {}  # type: Dict[int, Duration]
         self._print_time_message_translations = {
             "inset_0": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Outer Wall"),
@@ -110,15 +116,15 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
             "none": catalog.i18nc("@tooltip", "Other")
-        self._print_time_message_values = {}
+        self._print_time_message_values = {}  # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, Duration]]
-    def _initPrintTimeMessageValues(self, build_plate_number):
+    def _initPrintTimeMessageValues(self, build_plate_number: int) -> None:
         # Full fill message values using keys from _print_time_message_translations
         self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number] = {}
         for key in self._print_time_message_translations.keys():
             self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number][key] = Duration(None, self)
-    def _initVariablesWithBuildPlate(self, build_plate_number):
+    def _initVariablesWithBuildPlate(self, build_plate_number: int) -> None:
         if build_plate_number not in self._print_time_message_values:
         if self._active_build_plate not in self._material_lengths:
@@ -130,23 +136,24 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
         if self._active_build_plate not in self._material_names:
             self._material_names[self._active_build_plate] = []
         if self._active_build_plate not in self._current_print_time:
-            self._current_print_time[self._active_build_plate] = Duration(None, self)
+            self._current_print_time[self._active_build_plate] = Duration(parent = self)
     currentPrintTimeChanged = pyqtSignal()
     preSlicedChanged = pyqtSignal()
     @pyqtProperty(bool, notify=preSlicedChanged)
-    def preSliced(self):
+    def preSliced(self) -> bool:
         return self._pre_sliced
-    def setPreSliced(self, pre_sliced):
-        self._pre_sliced = pre_sliced
-        self._updateJobName()
-        self.preSlicedChanged.emit()
+    def setPreSliced(self, pre_sliced: bool) -> None:
+        if self._pre_sliced != pre_sliced:
+            self._pre_sliced = pre_sliced
+            self._updateJobName()
+            self.preSlicedChanged.emit()
     @pyqtProperty(Duration, notify = currentPrintTimeChanged)
-    def currentPrintTime(self):
+    def currentPrintTime(self) -> Duration:
         return self._current_print_time[self._active_build_plate]
     materialLengthsChanged = pyqtSignal()
@@ -176,33 +183,37 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
     def printTimes(self):
         return self._print_time_message_values[self._active_build_plate]
-    def _onPrintDurationMessage(self, build_plate_number, print_time: Dict[str, int], material_amounts: list):
+    def _onPrintDurationMessage(self, build_plate_number: int, print_time: Dict[str, int], material_amounts: List[float]) -> None:
         self._updateTotalPrintTimePerFeature(build_plate_number, print_time)
         self._material_amounts = material_amounts
-    def _updateTotalPrintTimePerFeature(self, build_plate_number, print_time: Dict[str, int]):
+    def _updateTotalPrintTimePerFeature(self, build_plate_number: int, print_times: Dict[str, int]) -> None:
         total_estimated_time = 0
         if build_plate_number not in self._print_time_message_values:
-        for feature, time in print_time.items():
+        for feature, time in print_times.items():
+            if feature not in self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number]:
+                self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number][feature] = Duration(parent=self)
+            duration = self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number][feature]
             if time != time:  # Check for NaN. Engine can sometimes give us weird values.
-                self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number].get(feature).setDuration(0)
+                duration.setDuration(0)
                 Logger.log("w", "Received NaN for print duration message")
             total_estimated_time += time
-            self._print_time_message_values[build_plate_number].get(feature).setDuration(time)
+            duration.setDuration(time)
         if build_plate_number not in self._current_print_time:
             self._current_print_time[build_plate_number] = Duration(None, self)
-    def _calculateInformation(self, build_plate_number):
+    def _calculateInformation(self, build_plate_number: int) -> None:
         global_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
         if global_stack is None:
@@ -227,7 +238,7 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
             radius = extruder_stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value") / 2
             weight = float(amount) * float(density) / 1000
-            cost = 0
+            cost = 0.
             material_name = catalog.i18nc("@label unknown material", "Unknown")
             if material:
                 material_guid = material.getMetaDataEntry("GUID")
@@ -258,14 +269,14 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
-    def _onPreferencesChanged(self, preference):
+    def _onPreferencesChanged(self, preference: str) -> None:
         if preference != "cura/material_settings":
         for build_plate_number in range(self._multi_build_plate_model.maxBuildPlate + 1):
-    def _onActiveBuildPlateChanged(self):
+    def _onActiveBuildPlateChanged(self) -> None:
         new_active_build_plate = self._multi_build_plate_model.activeBuildPlate
         if new_active_build_plate != self._active_build_plate:
             self._active_build_plate = new_active_build_plate
@@ -279,14 +290,14 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
-    def _onActiveMaterialsChanged(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    def _onActiveMaterialsChanged(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
         for build_plate_number in range(self._multi_build_plate_model.maxBuildPlate + 1):
     # Manual override of job name should also set the base name so that when the printer prefix is updated, it the
     # prefix can be added to the manually added name, not the old base name
     @pyqtSlot(str, bool)
-    def setJobName(self, name, is_user_specified_job_name = False):
+    def setJobName(self, name: str, is_user_specified_job_name = False) -> None:
         self._is_user_specified_job_name = is_user_specified_job_name
         self._job_name = name
         self._base_name = name.replace(self._abbr_machine + "_", "")
@@ -300,7 +311,7 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
     def jobName(self):
         return self._job_name
-    def _updateJobName(self):
+    def _updateJobName(self) -> None:
         if self._base_name == "":
             self._job_name = self.UNTITLED_JOB_NAME
             self._is_user_specified_job_name = False
@@ -335,12 +346,12 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
-    def setProjectName(self, name):
+    def setProjectName(self, name: str) -> None:
         self.setBaseName(name, is_project_file = True)
     baseNameChanged = pyqtSignal()
-    def setBaseName(self, base_name: str, is_project_file: bool = False):
+    def setBaseName(self, base_name: str, is_project_file: bool = False) -> None:
         self._is_user_specified_job_name = False
         # Ensure that we don't use entire path but only filename
@@ -384,7 +395,7 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
     ##  Created an acronym-like abbreviated machine name from the currently
     #   active machine name.
     #   Called each time the global stack is switched.
-    def _defineAbbreviatedMachineName(self):
+    def _defineAbbreviatedMachineName(self) -> None:
         global_container_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
         if not global_container_stack:
             self._abbr_machine = ""
@@ -408,8 +419,8 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
         self._abbr_machine = abbr_machine
     ##  Utility method that strips accents from characters (eg: â -> a)
-    def _stripAccents(self, str):
-        return ''.join(char for char in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', str) if unicodedata.category(char) != 'Mn')
+    def _stripAccents(self, to_strip: str) -> str:
+        return ''.join(char for char in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', to_strip) if unicodedata.category(char) != 'Mn')
     @pyqtSlot(result = "QVariantMap")
     def getFeaturePrintTimes(self):
@@ -424,7 +435,7 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
         return result
     # Simulate message with zero time duration
-    def setToZeroPrintInformation(self, build_plate = None):
+    def setToZeroPrintInformation(self, build_plate: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
         if build_plate is None:
             build_plate = self._active_build_plate
@@ -434,12 +445,12 @@ class PrintInformation(QObject):
             self._print_time_message_values[build_plate] = {}
         for key in self._print_time_message_values[build_plate].keys():
             temp_message[key] = 0
-        temp_material_amounts = [0]
+        temp_material_amounts = [0.]
         self._onPrintDurationMessage(build_plate, temp_message, temp_material_amounts)
     ##  Listen to scene changes to check if we need to reset the print information
-    def _onSceneChanged(self, scene_node):
+    def _onSceneChanged(self, scene_node: SceneNode) -> None:
         # Ignore any changes that are not related to sliceable objects
         if not isinstance(scene_node, SceneNode)\
                 or not scene_node.callDecoration("isSliceable")\