@@ -160,47 +160,48 @@ class ConvexHullDecorator(SceneNodeDecorator):
return offset_hull
- if not self._node.getMeshData(): #Node has no mesh data, so just return an empty Polygon.
- return Polygon([])
offset_hull = None
- mesh = self._node.getMeshData()
- world_transform = self._node.getWorldTransformation()
- # Check the cache
- if mesh is self._2d_convex_hull_mesh and world_transform == self._2d_convex_hull_mesh_world_transform:
- return self._2d_convex_hull_mesh_result
- vertex_data = mesh.getConvexHullTransformedVertices(world_transform)
- # Don't use data below 0.
- # TODO; We need a better check for this as this gives poor results for meshes with long edges.
- # Do not throw away vertices: the convex hull may be too small and objects can collide.
- # vertex_data = vertex_data[vertex_data[:,1] >= -0.01]
- if not vertex_data or len(vertex_data) < 4:
- return Polygon([])
- # Round the vertex data to 1/10th of a mm, then remove all duplicate vertices
- # This is done to greatly speed up further convex hull calculations as the convex hull
- # becomes much less complex when dealing with highly detailed models.
- vertex_data = numpy.round(vertex_data, 1)
- vertex_data = vertex_data[:, [0, 2]] # Drop the Y components to project to 2D.
- # Grab the set of unique points.
- #
- # This basically finds the unique rows in the array by treating them as opaque groups of bytes
- # which are as long as the 2 float64s in each row, and giving this view to numpy.unique() to munch.
- # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16970982/find-unique-rows-in-numpy-array
- vertex_byte_view = numpy.ascontiguousarray(vertex_data).view(
- numpy.dtype((numpy.void, vertex_data.dtype.itemsize * vertex_data.shape[1])))
- _, idx = numpy.unique(vertex_byte_view, return_index=True)
- vertex_data = vertex_data[idx] # Select the unique rows by index.
- hull = Polygon(vertex_data)
- if len(vertex_data) >= 3:
- convex_hull = hull.getConvexHull()
- offset_hull = self._offsetHull(convex_hull)
+ mesh = None
+ world_transform = None
+ if self._node.getMeshData():
+ mesh = self._node.getMeshData()
+ world_transform = self._node.getWorldTransformation()
+ # Check the cache
+ if mesh is self._2d_convex_hull_mesh and world_transform == self._2d_convex_hull_mesh_world_transform:
+ return self._2d_convex_hull_mesh_result
+ vertex_data = mesh.getConvexHullTransformedVertices(world_transform)
+ # Don't use data below 0.
+ # TODO; We need a better check for this as this gives poor results for meshes with long edges.
+ # Do not throw away vertices: the convex hull may be too small and objects can collide.
+ # vertex_data = vertex_data[vertex_data[:,1] >= -0.01]
+ if vertex_data and len(vertex_data) >= 4:
+ # Round the vertex data to 1/10th of a mm, then remove all duplicate vertices
+ # This is done to greatly speed up further convex hull calculations as the convex hull
+ # becomes much less complex when dealing with highly detailed models.
+ vertex_data = numpy.round(vertex_data, 1)
+ vertex_data = vertex_data[:, [0, 2]] # Drop the Y components to project to 2D.
+ # Grab the set of unique points.
+ #
+ # This basically finds the unique rows in the array by treating them as opaque groups of bytes
+ # which are as long as the 2 float64s in each row, and giving this view to numpy.unique() to munch.
+ # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16970982/find-unique-rows-in-numpy-array
+ vertex_byte_view = numpy.ascontiguousarray(vertex_data).view(
+ numpy.dtype((numpy.void, vertex_data.dtype.itemsize * vertex_data.shape[1])))
+ _, idx = numpy.unique(vertex_byte_view, return_index=True)
+ vertex_data = vertex_data[idx] # Select the unique rows by index.
+ hull = Polygon(vertex_data)
+ if len(vertex_data) >= 3:
+ convex_hull = hull.getConvexHull()
+ offset_hull = self._offsetHull(convex_hull)
+ else:
+ return Polygon([]) # Node has no mesh data, so just return an empty Polygon.
# Store the result in the cache
self._2d_convex_hull_mesh = mesh