Browse Source

Fix typos in translations

c.lamboo 2 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6909,7 +6909,7 @@
                     "label": "Interlocking Depth",
-                    "description": "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion.",
+                    "description": "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion.",
                     "type": "int",
                     "enabled": "extruders_enabled_count > 1 and resolveOrValue('interlocking_enable')",
                     "default_value": 2,

+ 5 - 5

@@ -4875,7 +4875,7 @@ msgstr "Kompatibilní tiskárny"
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/ChoosePrinterDialog.qml:110
 msgctxt "@description"
-msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, where found."
+msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, were found."
 msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné online kompatibilní tiskárny."
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:13
@@ -6298,11 +6298,11 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "The pattern of the infill material of the print:\n"
-"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lighting infill.\n"
+"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lightning infill.\n"
-"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we reccomend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
+"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we recommend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
-"For functional 3D prints which require high strenght in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
+"For functional 3D prints which require high strength in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
 msgstr ""
 "Vzor výplně při tisku modelu:\n"
@@ -6319,7 +6319,7 @@ msgstr "Tloušťka pláště"
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:68
 msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Defines the tickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
+msgid "Defines the thickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
 msgstr "Definuje tloušťku stěn, střechy a podlahy vašeho modelu."
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedSupportSelector.qml:16

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4598,7 +4598,7 @@ msgstr "Vzdálenost ujetá při vytváření spojení od obrysu střechy dovnit
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "interlocking_depth description"
-msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
+msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
 msgstr "Vzdálenost od hranic mezi modely, do jaké generovat vzájemně propletené struktury (měřeno v buňkách). Příliš málo buněk způsobí špatnou přilnavost."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json

+ 5 - 5

@@ -4217,7 +4217,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/ChoosePrinterDialog.qml:110
 msgctxt "@description"
-msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, where found."
+msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, were found."
 msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:13
@@ -5633,11 +5633,11 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "The pattern of the infill material of the print:\n"
-"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lighting infill.\n"
+"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lightning infill.\n"
-"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we reccomend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
+"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we recommend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
-"For functional 3D prints which require high strenght in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
+"For functional 3D prints which require high strength in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
 msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:67
@@ -5647,7 +5647,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:68
 msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Defines the tickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
+msgid "Defines the thickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
 msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedSupportSelector.qml:16

+ 5 - 5

@@ -4861,7 +4861,7 @@ msgstr "Kompatible Drucker"
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/ChoosePrinterDialog.qml:110
 msgctxt "@description"
-msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, where found."
+msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, were found."
 msgstr "Es wurden keine kompatiblen Drucker gefunden, die derzeit online sind."
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:13
@@ -6283,11 +6283,11 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "The pattern of the infill material of the print:\n"
-"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lighting infill.\n"
+"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lightning infill.\n"
-"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we reccomend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
+"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we recommend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
-"For functional 3D prints which require high strenght in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
+"For functional 3D prints which require high strength in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
 msgstr ""
 "Das Muster des Füllmaterials des Drucks:\n"
@@ -6304,7 +6304,7 @@ msgstr "Schichtdicke"
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:68
 msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Defines the tickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
+msgid "Defines the thickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
 msgstr "Definiert die Dicke der Seitenwände, des Dachs und des Bodens Ihres Teils."
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedSupportSelector.qml:16

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4595,7 +4595,7 @@ msgstr "Der abgedeckte Abstand beim Herstellen einer Verbindung vom Dachumriss n
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "interlocking_depth description"
-msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
+msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
 msgstr "Der Abstand von der Begrenzung zwischen Modellen, in dem eine ineinandergreifende Struktur generiert wird, gemessen in Zellen. Eine zu geringe Zellenanzahl führt zu mangelnder Haftung."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json

+ 5 - 5

@@ -4861,7 +4861,7 @@ msgstr "Impresoras compatibles"
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/ChoosePrinterDialog.qml:110
 msgctxt "@description"
-msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, where found."
+msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, were found."
 msgstr "No se han encontrado impresoras compatibles que estén actualmente en línea."
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:13
@@ -6283,11 +6283,11 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "The pattern of the infill material of the print:\n"
-"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lighting infill.\n"
+"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lightning infill.\n"
-"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we reccomend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
+"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we recommend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
-"For functional 3D prints which require high strenght in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
+"For functional 3D prints which require high strength in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
 msgstr ""
 "Patrón del material de relleno de la impresión:\n"
@@ -6304,7 +6304,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:68
 msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Defines the tickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
+msgid "Defines the thickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
 msgstr "Define el grosor de las paredes laterales, el techo y la base de la pieza."
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedSupportSelector.qml:16

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4595,7 +4595,7 @@ msgstr "Distancia cubierta al hacer una conexión desde un contorno del techo ha
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "interlocking_depth description"
-msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
+msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
 msgstr "La distancia del límite entre los modelos para generar una estructura entrelazada medida en celdas. Un número demasiado bajo de celdas provocará una adhesión deficiente."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5658,7 +5658,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "interlocking_depth description"
-msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
+msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json

+ 5 - 5

@@ -4833,7 +4833,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/ChoosePrinterDialog.qml:110
 msgctxt "@description"
-msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, where found."
+msgid "No compatible printers, that are currently online, were found."
 msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/Dialogs/DiscardOrKeepProfileChangesDialog.qml:13
@@ -6252,11 +6252,11 @@ msgctxt "@label"
 msgid ""
 "The pattern of the infill material of the print:\n"
-"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lighting infill.\n"
+"For quick prints of non functional model choose line, zig zag or lightning infill.\n"
-"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we reccomend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
+"For functional part not subjected to a lot of stress we recommend grid or triangle or tri hexagon.\n"
-"For functional 3D prints which require high strenght in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
+"For functional 3D prints which require high strength in multiple directions use cubic, cubic subdivision, quarter cubic, octet, and gyroid."
 msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:67
@@ -6266,7 +6266,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedStrengthSelector.qml:68
 msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Defines the tickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
+msgid "Defines the thickness of your part side walls, roof and floor."
 msgstr ""
 #: resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/RecommendedSupportSelector.qml:16

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff