@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import time
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager
+from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl
+from cura.PrinterOutput.NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice import NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice, AuthState
+from cura.PrinterOutputDevice import ConnectionState
+def test_properties():
+ properties = { b"firmware_version": b"12", b"printer_type": b"BHDHAHHADAD", b"address": b"ZOMG", b"name": b":(", b"testProp": b"zomg"}
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id = "test", address = "", properties = properties)
+ assert output_device.address == "ZOMG"
+ assert output_device.firmwareVersion == "12"
+ assert output_device.printerType == "BHDHAHHADAD"
+ assert output_device.ipAddress == ""
+ assert output_device.name == ":("
+ assert output_device.key == "test"
+ assert output_device.getProperties() == properties
+ assert output_device.getProperty("testProp") == "zomg"
+ assert output_device.getProperty("whateverr") == ""
+def test_authenticationState():
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id="test", address="", properties={})
+ output_device.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.Authenticated)
+ assert output_device.authenticationState == AuthState.Authenticated
+def test_post():
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id="test", address="", properties={})
+ mocked_network_manager = MagicMock()
+ output_device._manager = mocked_network_manager
+ # Create a fake reply (we cant use a QReply, since those are abstract C++)
+ reply = MagicMock()
+ reply.operation = MagicMock(return_value=QNetworkAccessManager.PostOperation)
+ reply.url = MagicMock(return_value=QUrl(""))
+ mocked_network_manager.post = MagicMock(return_value = reply)
+ mocked_callback_handler = MagicMock()
+ output_device.post("whatever", "omgzomg", on_finished = mocked_callback_handler.onFinished)
+ # So we now fake that the request was sucesful.
+ output_device._handleOnFinished(reply)
+ # We expect to get a callback regarding this.
+ mocked_callback_handler.onFinished.assert_called_once_with(reply)
+def test_get():
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id="test", address="", properties={})
+ mocked_network_manager = MagicMock()
+ output_device._manager = mocked_network_manager
+ # Create a fake reply (we cant use a QReply, since those are abstract C++)
+ reply = MagicMock()
+ reply.operation = MagicMock(return_value=QNetworkAccessManager.PostOperation)
+ reply.url = MagicMock(return_value=QUrl(""))
+ mocked_network_manager.get = MagicMock(return_value=reply)
+ mocked_callback_handler = MagicMock()
+ output_device.get("whatever", on_finished=mocked_callback_handler.onFinished)
+ # So we now fake that the request was sucesful.
+ output_device._handleOnFinished(reply)
+ # We expect to get a callback regarding this.
+ mocked_callback_handler.onFinished.assert_called_once_with(reply)
+def test_delete():
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id="test", address="", properties={})
+ mocked_network_manager = MagicMock()
+ output_device._manager = mocked_network_manager
+ # Create a fake reply (we cant use a QReply, since those are abstract C++)
+ reply = MagicMock()
+ reply.operation = MagicMock(return_value=QNetworkAccessManager.PostOperation)
+ reply.url = MagicMock(return_value=QUrl(""))
+ mocked_network_manager.deleteResource = MagicMock(return_value=reply)
+ mocked_callback_handler = MagicMock()
+ output_device.delete("whatever", on_finished=mocked_callback_handler.onFinished)
+ # So we now fake that the request was sucesful.
+ output_device._handleOnFinished(reply)
+ # We expect to get a callback regarding this.
+ mocked_callback_handler.onFinished.assert_called_once_with(reply)
+def test_put():
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id="test", address="", properties={})
+ mocked_network_manager = MagicMock()
+ output_device._manager = mocked_network_manager
+ # Create a fake reply (we cant use a QReply, since those are abstract C++)
+ reply = MagicMock()
+ reply.operation = MagicMock(return_value=QNetworkAccessManager.PostOperation)
+ reply.url = MagicMock(return_value=QUrl(""))
+ mocked_network_manager.put = MagicMock(return_value = reply)
+ mocked_callback_handler = MagicMock()
+ output_device.put("whatever", "omgzomg", on_finished = mocked_callback_handler.onFinished)
+ # So we now fake that the request was sucesful.
+ output_device._handleOnFinished(reply)
+ # We expect to get a callback regarding this.
+ mocked_callback_handler.onFinished.assert_called_once_with(reply)
+def test_timeout():
+ output_device = NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice(device_id="test", address="", properties={})
+ output_device.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.Connected)
+ assert output_device.connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected
+ output_device._update()
+ # Pretend we didn't get any response for 15 seconds
+ output_device._last_response_time = time.time() - 15
+ # But we did recently ask for a response!
+ output_device._last_request_time = time.time() - 5
+ output_device._update()
+ # The connection should now be closed, since it went into timeout.
+ assert output_device.connectionState == ConnectionState.Closed