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Restore missing translation due to collision

Erwan MATHIEU 11 months ago

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Matrix Netzdrehung"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Transformationsmatrix, die beim Laden aus der Datei auf das Modell angewandt wird."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Es werden Stützstrukturen platziert. Die Platzierung kann auf „Druckbett berühren“ oder „Überall“ eingestellt werden. Wenn „Überall“ eingestellt wird, werden die Stützstrukturen auch auf dem Modell gedruckt."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Matriz de rotación de la malla"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Matriz de transformación que se aplicará al modelo cuando se cargue desde el archivo."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Ajusta la colocacin de las estructuras del soporte. La colocacin se puede establecer tocando la placa de impresión o en todas partes. Cuando se establece en todas partes, las estructuras del soporte tambin se imprimirn en el modelo."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Matrice de rotation de la maille"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Matrice de transformation à appliquer au modèle lors de son chargement depuis le fichier."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Ajuste le positionnement des supports. Le positionnement peut être défini pour toucher le plateau ou n'importe où. Lorsqu'il est défini sur n'importe où, les supports seront également imprimés sur le modèle."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Matrice rotazione maglia"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Matrice di rotazione da applicare al modello quando caricato dal file."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Regola il posizionamento delle strutture di supporto. Il posizionamento può essere impostato su contatto con il piano di stampa o in tutti i possibili punti. Quando impostato su tutti i possibili punti, le strutture di supporto verranno anche stampate sul modello."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5693,3 +5693,7 @@ msgstr "メッシュ回転マトリックス"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "ファイルから読み込むときに、モデルに適用するトランスフォーメーションマトリックス。"
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "サポート材の配置を調整します。配置はTouching BuildplateまたはEveryWhereに設定することができます。EveryWhereに設定した場合、サポート材がモデルの上にもプリントされます。"

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "메쉬 회전 행렬"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "파일로부터 로드 하는 경유, 모델에 적용될 변환 행렬입니다."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "서포트 구조의 배치를 조정합니다. 배치는 빌드 플레이트 또는 모든 곳을 터치하도록 설정할 수 있습니다. 모든 곳에 설정하면 모델에 서포트 구조가 프린팅됩니다."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Matrix rasterrotatie"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Omzettingsmatrix die moet worden toegepast op het model wanneer dit wordt geladen vanuit een bestand."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Past de plaatsing van de supportstructuur aan. De plaatsing kan worden ingesteld op Platform aanraken of Overal. Wanneer deze optie ingesteld is op Overal, worden de supportstructuren ook op het model geprint."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Matriz Rotação do Objeto"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Matriz de transformação a ser aplicada ao modelo quando abrir o ficheiro."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Ajusta a colocação das estruturas de suporte. A colocação pode ser definida para tocar na base de construção ou em todo o lado. Quando definida para tocar em todo o lado, as estruturas de suporte também serão impressas no modelo."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Матрица вращения объекта"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Матрица преобразования, применяемая к модели при её загрузке из файла."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Настраивает размещение структур поддержки. Размещение может быть выбрано с касанием стола или везде. Для последнего случая структуры поддержки печатаются даже на самой модели."

+ 4 - 0

@@ -5691,3 +5691,7 @@ msgstr "Bileşim Rotasyon Matrisi"
 msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Modeli dosyadan indirirken modele uygulanacak olan dönüşüm matrisi."
+msgctxt "support_type description"
+msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
+msgstr "Destek yapılarının yerleştirilmesini ayarlar. Yerleştirme, temas eden yapı levhasına veya her bölüme ayarlanabilir. Her bölüme ayarlandığında, destek yapıları da modelde yazdırılacaktır."

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