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Added Anycubic Mega S Profil

NilsRo 3 years ago

+ 143 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+    "version": 2,
+    "name": "Anycubic i3 Mega (S, X, Pro) w. Knutwurst Firmware",
+    "inherits": "fdmprinter",
+    "metadata":
+    {
+        "visible": true,
+        "author": "Nils Hendrik Rottgardt",
+        "manufacturer": "Anycubic",
+        "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
+        "platform": "anycubic_i3_mega_s_platform.3mf",
+        "has_materials": true,
+        "has_variants": false,
+        "has_machine_quality": true,
+        "preferred_quality_type": "normal",
+        "machine_extruder_trains":
+        {
+            "0": "anycubic_i3_mega_s_extruder_0"
+        }
+    },
+    "overrides":
+    {
+        "machine_name": { "default_value": "Anycubic i3 Mega (S, Pro)" },
+        "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true },
+        "machine_width": { "default_value": 210 },
+        "machine_height": { "default_value": 205 },
+        "machine_depth": { "default_value": 210 },
+        "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": false },
+        "gantry_height": { "value": "0" },
+        "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" },
+        "machine_start_gcode": { "default_value": "G21                                        ; metric values \nG90                                        ; absolute positioning \nM82                                        ; set extruder to absolute mode \nM107                                       ; start with the fan off \nM140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}           ; Start heating the bed \nG4 S60                                     ; wait 1 minute \nM104 S{material_initial_print_temperature}         ; start heating the hot end \nM190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}           ; wait for bed \nM109 S{material_initial_print_temperature}         ; wait for hotend \nM300 S1000 P500                            ; BEEP heating done \nG28 X0 Y10 Z0                              ; move X/Y to min endstops \nM420 S1                                    ; Enable leveling \nM420 Z2.0                                  ; Set leveling fading height to 2 mm \nG0 Z0.15                                   ; lift nozzle a bit \nG92 E0                                     ; zero the extruded length \nG1 X50 E25 F500                            ; Extrude 25mm of filament in a 5cm line. \nG92 E0                                     ; zero the extruded length again \nG1 E-2 F500                                ; Retract a little \nG1 X120 F4000                              ; Quickly wipe away from the filament line`" },
+        "machine_end_gcode": { "default_value": "M104 S0                                    ; Extruder off \nM140 S0                                    ; Heatbed off \nM107                                       ; Fan off \nG91                                        ; relative positioning \nG1 E-5 F300                                ; retract a little \nG1 Z+10 E-5 ; X-20 Y-20 F{travel_xy_speed} ; lift print head \nG28 X0 Y0                                  ; homing \nG1 Y180 F2000                              ; reset feedrate \nM84                                        ; disable stepper motors \nG90                                        ; absolute positioning \nM300 S440 P200                             ; Make Print Completed Tones \nM300 S660 P250                             ; beep \nM300 S880 P300                             ; beep" },
+        "machine_max_acceleration_x": { "value": 3000 },
+        "machine_max_acceleration_y": { "value": 3000 },
+        "machine_max_acceleration_z": { "value": 3000 },
+        "machine_max_acceleration_e": { "value": 3000 },
+        "machine_acceleration": { "value": 3000 },
+        "machine_max_jerk_xy": { "value": 10 },
+        "machine_max_jerk_z": { "value": 0.4 },
+        "machine_max_jerk_e": { "value": 5 },
+        "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 },
+        "acceleration_print": { "value": 1800 },
+        "acceleration_travel": { "value": 3000 },
+        "acceleration_travel_layer_0": { "value": "acceleration_travel" },
+        "acceleration_roofing": { "enabled": "acceleration_enabled and roofing_layer_count > 0 and top_layers > 0" },
+        "jerk_print": { "value": 8 },
+        "jerk_travel": { "value": 10 },
+        "jerk_travel_layer_0": { "value": "jerk_travel" },
+        "acceleration_enabled": { "value": false },
+        "jerk_enabled": { "value": true },
+        "speed_print": { "value": 50.0 } ,
+        "speed_infill": { "value": "speed_print" },
+        "speed_wall": { "value": "speed_print / 2" },
+        "speed_wall_0": { "value": "speed_wall" },
+        "speed_wall_x": { "value": "speed_wall" },
+        "speed_topbottom": { "value": "speed_print / 2" },
+        "speed_roofing": { "value": "speed_topbottom" },
+        "speed_travel": { "value": 100.0,  "maximum_value_warning": 150.0 },
+        "speed_layer_0": { "value": 20.0 },
+        "speed_print_layer_0": { "value": "speed_layer_0" },
+        "speed_travel_layer_0": { "value": 100.0 },
+        "speed_prime_tower": { "value": "speed_topbottom" },
+        "speed_support": { "value": "speed_wall_0" },
+        "speed_support_interface": { "value": "speed_topbottom" },
+        "skirt_brim_speed": { "value": "speed_layer_0" },
+        "optimize_wall_printing_order": { "value": "True" },
+        "material_initial_print_temperature": { "value": "material_print_temperature + 10" },
+        "material_final_print_temperature": { "value": "material_print_temperature" },
+        "material_flow": { "value": 100 },
+        "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled": { "value": "False" },
+        "infill_sparse_density": { "value": 25 },
+        "infill_before_walls": { "value": false },
+        "infill_overlap": { "value": 15.0 },
+        "retraction_speed": { "value": 25, "maximum_value": 40 },
+        "retraction_retract_speed": { "maximum_value": 40 },
+        "retraction_prime_speed": { "maximum_value": 40 },
+        "retraction_hop_enabled": { "value": true },
+        "retraction_hop": { "value": 0.075 },
+		"retraction_hop_only_when_collides": { "value": true },
+        "retraction_combing": { "value": "off" },
+        "retraction_combing_max_distance": { "value": 30 },
+        "travel_avoid_other_parts": { "value": true },
+        "travel_avoid_supports": { "value": true },
+        "travel_retract_before_outer_wall": { "value": true },
+		"retraction_amount": { "value": 6 },
+        "retraction_enable": { "value": true },
+        "retraction_min_travel": { "value": 1.5 },
+        "cool_fan_full_at_height": { "value": "layer_height_0 + 2 * layer_height" },
+		"cool_fan_speed": { "value": 70 },
+		"cool_fan_speed_0": { "value": 30 },
+        "cool_fan_enabled": { "value": true },
+        "cool_min_layer_time": { "value": 10 },
+        "adhesion_type": { "value": "'none' if support_enable else 'skirt'" },
+        "brim_replaces_support": { "value": false },
+        "skirt_gap": { "value": 5.0 },
+        "skirt_line_count": { "value": 4 },
+        "support_angle": { "value": "math.floor(math.degrees(math.atan(line_width / 2.0 / layer_height)))" },
+        "support_pattern": { "value": "'zigzag'" },
+        "support_infill_rate": { "value": "0 if support_enable and support_structure == 'tree' else 20" },
+        "support_use_towers": { "value": false },
+        "support_xy_distance": { "value": "wall_line_width_0 * 2" },
+        "support_xy_distance_overhang": { "value": "wall_line_width_0" },
+        "support_z_distance": { "value": "layer_height if layer_height >= 0.16 else layer_height * 2" },
+        "support_xy_overrides_z": { "value": "'xy_overrides_z'" },
+        "support_wall_count": { "value": 1 },
+        "support_brim_enable": { "value": true },
+        "support_brim_width": { "value": 4 },
+        "support_interface_enable": { "value": true },
+		"support_structure": { "value": "'tree'" },
+		"support_type": { "value": "'buildplate' if support_structure == 'tree' else 'everywhere'" },
+        "support_interface_height": { "value": "layer_height * 4" },
+        "support_interface_density": { "value": 33.333 },
+        "support_interface_pattern": { "value": "'grid'" },
+        "support_interface_skip_height": { "value": 0.2 },
+        "minimum_support_area": { "value": 2 },
+        "minimum_interface_area": { "value": 10 },
+        "top_bottom_thickness": { "value":  "layer_height_0 + layer_height * math.floor(1.2 / layer_height)" },
+        "wall_thickness": { "value": "line_width * 3" }
+    }

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+    "version": 2,
+    "name": "Extruder 1",
+    "inherits": "fdmextruder",
+    "metadata": {
+        "machine": "anycubic_i3_mega_s",
+        "position": "0"
+    },
+    "overrides": {
+        "extruder_nr": { "default_value": 0 },
+        "machine_nozzle_size": { "default_value": 0.4 },
+        "material_diameter": { "default_value": 1.75 }
+    }


+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+version = 4
+name = Draft
+definition = anycubic_i3_mega_s
+setting_version = 16
+type = quality
+quality_type = draft
+weight = -2
+global_quality = True
+layer_height = 0.3

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+version = 4
+name = High
+definition = anycubic_i3_mega_s
+setting_version = 16
+type = quality
+quality_type = high
+weight = 1
+global_quality = True
+layer_height = 0.1

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+version = 4
+name = Normal
+definition = anycubic_i3_mega_s
+setting_version = 16
+type = quality
+quality_type = normal
+weight = 0
+global_quality = True
+layer_height = 0.2