@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import numpy
+from pynest2d import Point, Box, Item, NfpConfig, nest
+from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple
+from UM.Application import Application
+from UM.Math.Matrix import Matrix
+from UM.Math.Polygon import Polygon
+from UM.Math.Quaternion import Quaternion
+from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
+from UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation import AddSceneNodeOperation
+from UM.Operations.GroupedOperation import GroupedOperation
+from UM.Operations.RotateOperation import RotateOperation
+from UM.Operations.TranslateOperation import TranslateOperation
+ from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
+ from cura.BuildVolume import BuildVolume
+def findNodePlacement(nodes_to_arrange: List["SceneNode"], build_volume: "BuildVolume", fixed_nodes: Optional[List["SceneNode"]] = None, factor = 10000) -> Tuple[bool, List[Item]]:
+ """
+ Find placement for a set of scene nodes, but don't actually move them just yet.
+ :param nodes_to_arrange: The list of nodes that need to be moved.
+ :param build_volume: The build volume that we want to place the nodes in. It gets size & disallowed areas from this.
+ :param fixed_nodes: List of nods that should not be moved, but should be used when deciding where the others nodes
+ are placed.
+ :param factor: The library that we use is int based. This factor defines how accurate we want it to be.
+ :return: tuple (found_solution_for_all, node_items)
+ found_solution_for_all: Whether the algorithm found a place on the buildplate for all the objects
+ node_items: A list of the nodes return by libnest2d, which contain the new positions on the buildplate
+ """
+ machine_width = build_volume.getWidth()
+ machine_depth = build_volume.getDepth()
+ build_plate_bounding_box = Box(machine_width * factor, machine_depth * factor)
+ if fixed_nodes is None:
+ fixed_nodes = []
+ # Add all the items we want to arrange
+ node_items = []
+ for node in nodes_to_arrange:
+ hull_polygon = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
+ converted_points = []
+ for point in hull_polygon.getPoints():
+ converted_points.append(Point(point[0] * factor, point[1] * factor))
+ item = Item(converted_points)
+ node_items.append(item)
+ # Use a tiny margin for the build_plate_polygon (the nesting doesn't like overlapping disallowed areas)
+ half_machine_width = 0.5 * machine_width - 1
+ half_machine_depth = 0.5 * machine_depth - 1
+ build_plate_polygon = Polygon(numpy.array([
+ [half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
+ [-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
+ [-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
+ [half_machine_width, half_machine_depth]
+ ], numpy.float32))
+ disallowed_areas = build_volume.getDisallowedAreas()
+ num_disallowed_areas_added = 0
+ for area in disallowed_areas:
+ converted_points = []
+ # Clip the disallowed areas so that they don't overlap the bounding box (The arranger chokes otherwise)
+ clipped_area = area.intersectionConvexHulls(build_plate_polygon)
+ if clipped_area.getPoints() is not None: # numpy array has to be explicitly checked against None
+ for point in clipped_area.getPoints():
+ converted_points.append(Point(point[0] * factor, point[1] * factor))
+ disallowed_area = Item(converted_points)
+ disallowed_area.markAsDisallowedAreaInBin(0)
+ node_items.append(disallowed_area)
+ num_disallowed_areas_added += 1
+ for node in fixed_nodes:
+ converted_points = []
+ hull_polygon = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
+ if hull_polygon.getPoints() is not None: # numpy array has to be explicitly checked against None
+ for point in hull_polygon.getPoints():
+ converted_points.append(Point(point[0] * factor, point[1] * factor))
+ item = Item(converted_points)
+ item.markAsFixedInBin(0)
+ node_items.append(item)
+ num_disallowed_areas_added += 1
+ config = NfpConfig()
+ config.accuracy = 1.0
+ num_bins = nest(node_items, build_plate_bounding_box, 10000, config)
+ # Strip the fixed items (previously placed) and the disallowed areas from the results again.
+ node_items = list(filter(lambda item: not item.isFixed(), node_items))
+ found_solution_for_all = num_bins == 1
+ return found_solution_for_all, node_items
+def arrange(nodes_to_arrange: List["SceneNode"], build_volume: "BuildVolume", fixed_nodes: Optional[List["SceneNode"]] = None, factor = 10000, add_new_nodes_in_scene: bool = False) -> bool:
+ """
+ Find placement for a set of scene nodes, and move them by using a single grouped operation.
+ :param nodes_to_arrange: The list of nodes that need to be moved.
+ :param build_volume: The build volume that we want to place the nodes in. It gets size & disallowed areas from this.
+ :param fixed_nodes: List of nods that should not be moved, but should be used when deciding where the others nodes
+ are placed.
+ :param factor: The library that we use is int based. This factor defines how accuracte we want it to be.
+ :param add_new_nodes_in_scene: Whether to create new scene nodes before applying the transformations and rotations
+ :return: found_solution_for_all: Whether the algorithm found a place on the buildplate for all the objects
+ """
+ scene_root = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()
+ found_solution_for_all, node_items = findNodePlacement(nodes_to_arrange, build_volume, fixed_nodes, factor)
+ not_fit_count = 0
+ grouped_operation = GroupedOperation()
+ for node, node_item in zip(nodes_to_arrange, node_items):
+ if add_new_nodes_in_scene:
+ grouped_operation.addOperation(AddSceneNodeOperation(node, scene_root))
+ if node_item.binId() == 0:
+ # We found a spot for it
+ rotation_matrix = Matrix()
+ rotation_matrix.setByRotationAxis(node_item.rotation(), Vector(0, -1, 0))
+ grouped_operation.addOperation(RotateOperation(node, Quaternion.fromMatrix(rotation_matrix)))
+ grouped_operation.addOperation(TranslateOperation(node, Vector(node_item.translation().x() / factor, 0,
+ node_item.translation().y() / factor)))
+ else:
+ # We didn't find a spot
+ grouped_operation.addOperation(
+ TranslateOperation(node, Vector(200, node.getWorldPosition().y, -not_fit_count * 20), set_position = True))
+ not_fit_count += 1
+ grouped_operation.push()
+ return found_solution_for_all