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Split profiles also per variant

But of course the variant names are strange in the new material profiles.

Contributes to issue CURA-844.
Ghostkeeper 8 лет назад

+ 2 - 2

@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ class MachineInstance:
         import VersionUpgrade21to22 # Import here to prevent circular dependencies.
         type_name = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translatePrinter(self._type_name)
         active_material = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translateProfile(self._active_material_name)
+        variant = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translateVariant(self._variant_name, type_name)
         active_profile = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translateProfile(self._active_profile_name)
         if self._type_name in VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.machinesWithMachineQuality(): #This machine now has machine-quality profiles.
-            active_profile += "_" + active_material #That means that the profile was split into multiple.
-        variant = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translateVariant(self._variant_name, type_name)
+            active_profile += "_" + active_material + "_" + variant #That means that the profile was split into multiple.
         if self._type_name in VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.machinesWithMachineQuality(): #The current settings profile is now machine-specific.
             current_settings = "empty" #The profile didn't know the definition ID when it was upgraded, so it will have been invalid. Sorry, your current settings are lost now.

+ 12 - 13

@@ -6,14 +6,6 @@ import io #To write config files to strings as if they were files.
 import UM.VersionUpgrade
-##  The materials in Cura 2.2.
-#   This is required to know how to split old profiles if the old machine didn't
-#   have material-specific profiles but the new machine has. This cannot be read
-#   from the current source directory since the current source directory may be
-#   a later version than Cura 2.2, so it must be stored in the upgrade plug-in.
-_new_materials = {"generic_abs", "generic_cpe", "generic_pla", "generic_pva"}
 ##  Creates a new profile instance by parsing a serialised profile in version 1
 #   of the file format.
@@ -143,12 +135,19 @@ class Profile:
         elif self._type != "material" and self._machine_type_id in VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.machinesWithMachineQuality():
             #Split this profile into multiple profiles, one for each material.
+            _new_materials = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.machinesWithMachineQuality()[self._machine_type_id]["materials"]
+            _new_variants = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.machinesWithMachineQuality()[self._machine_type_id]["variants"]
+            translated_machine = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translatePrinter(self._machine_type_id)
             for material_id in _new_materials:
-                filenames.append("{profile}_{material}".format(profile = self._filename, material = material_id))
-                config_copy = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
-                config_copy.read_dict(config) #Copy the config to a new ConfigParser instance.
-                config_copy.set("metadata", "material", material_id)
-                configs.append(config_copy)
+                for variant_id in _new_variants:
+                    variant_id_new = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translateVariant(variant_id, translated_machine)
+                    filenames.append("{profile}_{material}_{variant}".format(profile = self._filename, material = material_id, variant = variant_id_new))
+                    config_copy = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
+                    config_copy.read_dict(config) #Copy the config to a new ConfigParser instance.
+                    variant_id_new_materials = VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.VersionUpgrade21to22.translateVariantForMaterials(variant_id, translated_machine)
+                    config_copy.set("metadata", "material", "{material}_{variant}".format(material = material_id, variant = variant_id_new_materials))
+                    config_copy.set("general", "name", self._name + " " + material_id + " " + variant_id) #DEBUG
+                    configs.append(config_copy)

+ 46 - 2

@@ -13,12 +13,24 @@ from . import Profile # To upgrade profiles.
 #   These are the 2.1 machine identities with "has_machine_materials": true in
 #   their definitions in Cura 2.2. So these are the machines for which profiles
-#   need to split into multiple profiles, one for each material.
+#   need to split into multiple profiles, one for each material and variant.
+#   Each machine has the materials and variants listed in which it needs to
+#   split, since those might be different per machine.
 #   This should contain the definition as they are stated in the profiles. The
 #   inheritance structure cannot be found at this stage, since the definitions
 #   may have changed in later versions than 2.2.
-_machines_with_machine_quality = {"ultimaker2plus", "ultimaker2_extended_plus"}
+_machines_with_machine_quality = {
+    "ultimaker2plus": {
+        "materials": { "generic_abs", "generic_cpe", "generic_pla", "generic_pva" },
+        "variants": { "0.25 mm", "0.4 mm", "0.6 mm", "0.8 mm" }
+    },
+    "ultimaker2_extended_plus": {
+        "materials": { "generic_abs", "generic_cpe", "generic_pla", "generic_pva" },
+        "variants": { "0.25 mm", "0.4 mm", "0.6 mm", "0.8 mm" }
+    }
 ##  How to translate printer names from the old version to the new.
 _printer_translations = {
@@ -72,6 +84,24 @@ _variant_translations = {
+##  Cura 2.2's material profiles use a different naming scheme for variants.
+#   Getting pretty stressed out by this sort of thing...
+_variant_translations_materials = {
+    "ultimaker2_plus": {
+        "0.25 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm",
+        "0.4 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm",
+        "0.6 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm",
+        "0.8 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm"
+    },
+    "ultimaker2_extended_plus": {
+        "0.25 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.25_mm",
+        "0.4 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.4_mm",
+        "0.6 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.6_mm",
+        "0.8 mm": "ultimaker2_plus_0.8_mm"
+    }
 ##  Converts configuration from Cura 2.1's file formats to Cura 2.2's.
 #   It converts the machine instances and profiles.
@@ -198,4 +228,18 @@ class VersionUpgrade21to22(VersionUpgrade):
     def translateVariant(variant, machine):
         if machine in _variant_translations and variant in _variant_translations[machine]:
             return _variant_translations[machine][variant]
+        return variant
+    ##  Translates a variant name for the change from Cura 2.1 to 2.2 in
+    #   material profiles.
+    #
+    #   \param variant The name of the variant in Cura 2.1.
+    #   \param machine The name of the machine this variant is part of in Cura
+    #   2.2's naming.
+    #   \return The name of the corresponding variant for in material profiles
+    #   in Cura 2.2.
+    @staticmethod
+    def translateVariantForMaterials(variant, machine):
+        if machine in _variant_translations_materials and variant in _variant_translations_materials[machine]:
+            return _variant_translations_materials[machine][variant]
         return variant