@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
-from UM.Signal import Signal, SignalEmitter
-from . import USBPrinterOutputDevice
-from UM.Application import Application
-from UM.Resources import Resources
-from UM.Logger import Logger
-from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
-from UM.OutputDevice.OutputDevicePlugin import OutputDevicePlugin
-from cura.PrinterOutputDevice import ConnectionState
-from UM.Qt.ListModel import ListModel
-from UM.Message import Message
-from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
-import threading
-import platform
-import glob
-import time
-import os.path
-from UM.Extension import Extension
-from PyQt5.QtQml import QQmlComponent, QQmlContext
-from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QObject, pyqtSlot, pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, Qt
-from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
-i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
-class USBPrinterManager(QObject, SignalEmitter, OutputDevicePlugin, Extension):
- def __init__(self, parent = None):
- QObject.__init__(self, parent)
- SignalEmitter.__init__(self)
- OutputDevicePlugin.__init__(self)
- Extension.__init__(self)
- self._serial_port_list = []
- self._printer_connections = {}
- self._printer_connections_model = None
- self._update_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._updateThread)
- self._update_thread.setDaemon(True)
- self._check_updates = True
- self._firmware_view = None
- ## Add menu item to top menu of the application.
- self.setMenuName(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@title:menu","Firmware"))
- self.addMenuItem(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@item:inmenu", "Update Firmware"), self.updateAllFirmware)
- Application.getInstance().applicationShuttingDown.connect(self.stop)
- self.addConnectionSignal.connect(self.addConnection) #Because the model needs to be created in the same thread as the QMLEngine, we use a signal.
- addConnectionSignal = Signal()
- printerConnectionStateChanged = pyqtSignal()
- progressChanged = pyqtSignal()
- @pyqtProperty(float, notify = progressChanged)
- def progress(self):
- progress = 0
- for printer_name, connection in self._printer_connections.items(): # TODO: @UnusedVariable "printer_name"
- progress += connection.progress
- return progress / len(self._printer_connections)
- def start(self):
- self._check_updates = True
- self._update_thread.start()
- def stop(self):
- self._check_updates = False
- try:
- self._update_thread.join()
- except RuntimeError:
- pass
- def _updateThread(self):
- while self._check_updates:
- result = self.getSerialPortList(only_list_usb = True)
- self._addRemovePorts(result)
- time.sleep(5)
- ## Show firmware interface.
- # This will create the view if its not already created.
- def spawnFirmwareInterface(self, serial_port):
- if self._firmware_view is None:
- path = QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.path.join(PluginRegistry.getInstance().getPluginPath("USBPrinting"), "FirmwareUpdateWindow.qml"))
- component = QQmlComponent(Application.getInstance()._engine, path)
- self._firmware_context = QQmlContext(Application.getInstance()._engine.rootContext())
- self._firmware_context.setContextProperty("manager", self)
- self._firmware_view = component.create(self._firmware_context)
- self._firmware_view.show()
- @pyqtSlot()
- def updateAllFirmware(self):
- if not self._printer_connections:
- Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info","Cannot update firmware, there were no connected printers found.")).show()
- return
- self.spawnFirmwareInterface("")
- for printer_connection in self._printer_connections:
- try:
- self._printer_connections[printer_connection].updateFirmware(Resources.getPath(CuraApplication.ResourceTypes.Firmware, self._getDefaultFirmwareName()))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- self._printer_connections[printer_connection].setProgress(100, 100)
- Logger.log("w", "No firmware found for printer %s", printer_connection)
- continue
- @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
- def updateFirmwareBySerial(self, serial_port):
- if serial_port in self._printer_connections:
- self.spawnFirmwareInterface(self._printer_connections[serial_port].getSerialPort())
- try:
- self._printer_connections[serial_port].updateFirmware(Resources.getPath(CuraApplication.ResourceTypes.Firmware, self._getDefaultFirmwareName()))
- except FileNotFoundError:
- self._firmware_view.close()
- Logger.log("e", "Could not find firmware required for this machine")
- return False
- return True
- return False
- ## Return the singleton instance of the USBPrinterManager
- @classmethod
- def getInstance(cls, engine = None, script_engine = None):
- # Note: Explicit use of class name to prevent issues with inheritance.
- if USBPrinterManager._instance is None:
- USBPrinterManager._instance = cls()
- return USBPrinterManager._instance
- def _getDefaultFirmwareName(self):
- machine_instance = Application.getInstance().getMachineManager().getActiveMachineInstance()
- machine_type = machine_instance.getMachineDefinition().getId()
- if platform.system() == "Linux":
- baudrate = 115200
- else:
- baudrate = 250000
- # NOTE: The keyword used here is the id of the machine. You can find the id of your machine in the *.json file, eg.
- # https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/master/resources/machines/ultimaker_original.json#L2
- # The *.hex files are stored at a seperate repository:
- # https://github.com/Ultimaker/cura-binary-data/tree/master/cura/resources/firmware
- machine_without_extras = {"bq_witbox" : "MarlinWitbox.hex",
- "ultimaker_original" : "MarlinUltimaker-{baudrate}.hex",
- "ultimaker_original_plus" : "MarlinUltimaker-UMOP-{baudrate}.hex",
- "ultimaker2" : "MarlinUltimaker2.hex",
- "ultimaker2_go" : "MarlinUltimaker2go.hex",
- "ultimaker2plus" : "MarlinUltimaker2plus.hex",
- "ultimaker2_extended" : "MarlinUltimaker2extended.hex",
- "ultimaker2_extended_plus" : "MarlinUltimaker2extended-plus.hex",
- }
- machine_with_heated_bed = {"ultimaker_original" : "MarlinUltimaker-HBK-{baudrate}.hex",
- }
- ##TODO: Add check for multiple extruders
- hex_file = None
- if machine_type in machine_without_extras.keys(): # The machine needs to be defined here!
- if machine_type in machine_with_heated_bed.keys() and machine_instance.getMachineSettingValue("machine_heated_bed"):
- Logger.log("d", "Choosing firmware with heated bed enabled for machine %s.", machine_type)
- hex_file = machine_with_heated_bed[machine_type] # Return firmware with heated bed enabled
- else:
- Logger.log("d", "Choosing basic firmware for machine %s.", machine_type)
- hex_file = machine_without_extras[machine_type] # Return "basic" firmware
- else:
- Logger.log("e", "There is no firmware for machine %s.", machine_type)
- if hex_file:
- return hex_file.format(baudrate=baudrate)
- else:
- Logger.log("e", "Could not find any firmware for machine %s.", machine_type)
- raise FileNotFoundError()
- def _addRemovePorts(self, serial_ports):
- # First, find and add all new or changed keys
- for serial_port in list(serial_ports):
- if serial_port not in self._serial_port_list:
- self.addConnectionSignal.emit(serial_port) #Hack to ensure its created in main thread
- continue
- self._serial_port_list = list(serial_ports)
- connections_to_remove = []
- for port, connection in self._printer_connections.items():
- if port not in self._serial_port_list:
- connection.close()
- connections_to_remove.append(port)
- for port in connections_to_remove:
- del self._printer_connections[port]
- ## Because the model needs to be created in the same thread as the QMLEngine, we use a signal.
- def addConnection(self, serial_port):
- connection = USBPrinterOutputDevice.USBPrinterOutputDevice(serial_port)
- connection.connect()
- connection.connectionStateChanged.connect(self._onPrinterConnectionStateChanged)
- connection.progressChanged.connect(self.progressChanged)
- self._printer_connections[serial_port] = connection
- def _onPrinterConnectionStateChanged(self, serial_port):
- try:
- if self._printer_connections[serial_port].connectionState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED:
- self.getOutputDeviceManager().addOutputDevice(self._printer_connections[serial_port])
- else:
- self.getOutputDeviceManager().removeOutputDevice(serial_port)
- self.printerConnectionStateChanged.emit()
- except KeyError:
- pass # no output device by this device_id found in connection list.
- @pyqtProperty(QObject , notify = printerConnectionStateChanged)
- def connectedPrinterList(self):
- self._printer_connections_model = ListModel()
- self._printer_connections_model.addRoleName(Qt.UserRole + 1,"name")
- self._printer_connections_model.addRoleName(Qt.UserRole + 2, "printer")
- for connection in self._printer_connections:
- if self._printer_connections[connection].connectionState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED:
- self._printer_connections_model.appendItem({"name":connection, "printer": self._printer_connections[connection]})
- return self._printer_connections_model
- ## Create a list of serial ports on the system.
- # \param only_list_usb If true, only usb ports are listed
- def getSerialPortList(self, only_list_usb = False):
- base_list = []
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- import winreg
- try:
- i = 0
- while True:
- values = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
- if not only_list_usb or "USBSER" in values[0]:
- base_list += [values[1]]
- i += 1
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- else:
- if only_list_usb:
- base_list = base_list + glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") + glob.glob("/dev/cu.usb*")
- base_list = filter(lambda s: "Bluetooth" not in s, base_list) # Filter because mac sometimes puts them in the list
- else:
- base_list = base_list + glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") + glob.glob("/dev/cu.*") + glob.glob("/dev/tty.usb*") + glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*") + glob.glob("/dev/serial/by-id/*")
- return list(base_list)
- _instance = None