@@ -87,11 +87,25 @@ Cura.MenuItem
id: menuPopup
- x: parent.width - UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
- y: -UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
width: materialTypesList.width + padding * 2
height: materialTypesList.height + padding * 2
+ property var flipped: false
+ x: parent.width - UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
+ y: {
+ // Checks if popup is more than halfway down the screen AND further than 400 down (this avoids popup going off the top of screen)
+ // If it is then the popup will push up instead of down
+ // This fixes the popups appearing bellow the bottom of the screen.
+ if (materialBrandMenu.parent.height / 2 < parent.y && parent.y > 400) {
+ flipped = true
+ return -UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width - height + UM.Theme.getSize("menu").height
+ }
+ flipped = false
+ return -UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
+ }
padding: background.border.width
// Nasty hack to ensure that we can keep track if the popup contains the mouse.
// Since we also want a hover for the sub items (and these events are sent async)
@@ -128,11 +142,14 @@ Cura.MenuItem
//With a custom MouseArea, we can prevent the events from being accepted.
delegate: Rectangle
+ id: brandMaterialBase
height: UM.Theme.getSize("menu").height
width: UM.Theme.getSize("menu").width
color: materialTypeButton.containsMouse ? UM.Theme.getColor("background_2") : UM.Theme.getColor("background_1")
+ property var isFlipped: menuPopup.flipped
spacing: 0
@@ -225,7 +242,13 @@ Cura.MenuItem
width: materialColorsList.width + padding * 2
height: materialColorsList.height + padding * 2
x: parent.width
- y: -UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
+ y: {
+ // If flipped the popup should push up rather than down from the parent
+ if (brandMaterialBase.isFlipped) {
+ return -height + UM.Theme.getSize("menu").height + UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
+ }
+ return -UM.Theme.getSize("default_lining").width
+ }
property int itemHovered: 0
padding: background.border.width