@@ -10,15 +10,23 @@ on:
description: "The full Conan recipe id: <name>/<version>@<user>/<channel>"
description: "The full Conan recipe id: <name>/<version>@<user>/<channel>"
- value: ${{ jobs.get-semver.outputs.recipe_id_full }}
+ value: ${{ jobs.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.recipe_id_full }}
description: "The full Conan recipe aliased (latest) id: <name>/(latest)@<user>/<channel>"
description: "The full Conan recipe aliased (latest) id: <name>/(latest)@<user>/<channel>"
- value: ${{ jobs.get-semver.outputs.recipe_id_latest }}
+ value: ${{ jobs.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.recipe_id_latest }}
description: "The full semver <Major>.<Minor>.<Patch>-<PreReleaseTag>+<BuildMetaData>"
description: "The full semver <Major>.<Minor>.<Patch>-<PreReleaseTag>+<BuildMetaData>"
- value: ${{ jobs.get-semver.outputs.semver_full }}
+ value: ${{ jobs.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.semver_full }}
+ recipe_user:
+ description: "The conan user"
+ value: ${{ jobs.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.user }}
+ recipe_channel:
+ description: "The conan channel"
+ value: ${{ jobs.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.channel }}
@@ -26,10 +34,9 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- recipe_id_full: ${{ inputs.project_name }}/${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.version }}@${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.user }}/${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.channel }}
- recipe_id_latest: ${{ steps.latest-alias.outputs.recipe_id_latest }}
- recipe_id_pr: ${{ steps.pr-alias.outputs.recipe_id_pr }}
- semver_full: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.version }}
+ recipe_id_full: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.recipe_id_full }}
+ recipe_id_latest: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.recipe_id_latest }}
+ semver_full: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.semver_full }}
user: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.user }}
user: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.user }}
channel: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.channel }}
channel: ${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.channel }}
@@ -40,59 +47,99 @@ jobs:
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
fetch-depth: 0
fetch-depth: 0
- - name: Install GitVersion
- uses: gittools/actions/gitversion/setup@v0.9.13
+ - name: Setup Python and pip
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
- versionSpec: '5.x'
+ python-version: "3.10.x"
+ cache: 'pip'
+ cache-dependency-path: .github/workflows/requirements-conan-package.txt
- - name: GitTools
- id: git-tool
- uses: gittools/actions/gitversion/execute@v0.9.13
+ - name: Install Python requirements and Create default Conan profile
+ run: pip install -r .github/workflows/requirements-conan-package.txt
- id: get-conan-broadcast-data
- id: get-conan-broadcast-data
name: Get Conan broadcast data
name: Get Conan broadcast data
run: |
run: |
- if [ "${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' && github.ref_name == '${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}' }}" = "true" ]; then
- # tagged commits on a release branch matching the major.minor.patch are actual released version and should have no user and channel
- # name/major.minor.patch@_/_
- echo '::set-output name=user::_'
- echo '::set-output name=channel::_'
- echo '::set-output name=version::${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}'
- elif [ "${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' && github.ref_name == '${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}-BETA' }}" = "true" ]; then
- # tagged commits with major.minor.patch-BETA on a release branch are actual released version and should have no user and channel
- # name/major.minor.patch-beta@_/_
- echo '::set-output name=user::_'
- echo '::set-output name=channel::_'
- echo '::set-output name=version::${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}-${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.PreReleaseLabel }}'
- elif [ "${{ github.ref_name == 'main' || github.ref_name == 'master' }}" = "true" ]; then
- # commits on main/master are alpha's (nightlies) and are considered testing
- # name/major.minor.patch-alpha+build@ultimaker/testing
- echo ${{ github.repository_owner }} | awk '{print "::set-output name=user::"tolower($0)}'
- echo '::set-output name=channel::testing'
- echo '::set-output name=version::${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}-${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.PreReleaseLabel }}+${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.BuildMetaData }}'
- elif [ "${{ github.ref_name == '${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}' }}" = "true" ]; then
- # commits on release branches are beta's and are considered stable
- # name/major.minor.patch-beta+build@ultimaker/stable
- # FIXME: For release branches: maybe rename the branch to release/**
- echo ${{ github.repository_owner }} | awk '{print "::set-output name=user::"tolower($0)}'
- echo '::set-output name=channel::stable'
- echo '::set-output name=version::${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}-${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.PreReleaseLabel }}+${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.BuildMetaData }}'
- elif [ "${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}" = "true" ]; then
- # Event triggered by a pull_request
- echo ${{ github.repository_owner }} | awk '{print "::set-output name=user::"tolower($0)}'
- echo '::set-output name=channel::pr_${{ github.ref_name }}' | egrep -o '^[^/]+'
- echo '::set-output name=version::${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}-${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.PreReleaseLabel }}'
- else
- # commits on other branches are considered unstable and for development purposes only
- # Use the Cura branch naming scheme CURA-1234_foo_bar
- # we use the first 9 characters of the branch name
- # name/major.minor.patch-beta+build@ultimaker/cura_<jira_number>
- echo ${{ github.repository_owner }} | awk '{print "::set-output name=user::"tolower($0)}'
- echo '::set-output name=channel::${{ github.ref_name }}' | egrep -o '^[^/|_]+'
- echo '::set-output name=version::${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Major }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Minor }}.${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.Patch }}-${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.PreReleaseLabel }}+${{ steps.git-tool.outputs.BuildMetaData }}'
- fi
- - name: Get latest alias
- id: latest-alias
- run: |
- echo "::set-output name=recipe_id_latest::${{ inputs.project_name }}/latest@${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.user }}/${{ steps.get-conan-broadcast-data.outputs.channel }}"
+ from conans import tools
+ from conans.errors import ConanException
+ from git import Repo
+ repo = Repo('.')
+ user = "${{ github.repository_owner }}"
+ project_name = "test"
+ event_name = "${{ github.event_name }}"
+ issue_number = "${{ github.event.issue.number }}"
+ is_tag = "${{ github.ref_type }}" == "tag"
+ # FIXME: for when we push a tag (such as an release)
+ if is_tag:
+ branch_version = tools.Version("2.3.5")
+ else:
+ try:
+ branch_version = tools.Version(repo.active_branch.name)
+ channel = "stable"
+ except ConanException:
+ branch_version = tools.Version('0.0.0')
+ if repo.active_branch.name == f"{branch_version.major}.{branch_version.minor}":
+ channel = 'stable'
+ elif repo.active_branch.name == "main" or repo.active_branch.name == "master":
+ channel = 'testing'
+ else:
+ channel = repo.active_branch.name.split("_").replace("-", "_").lower()
+ if event_name == "pull_request":
+ channel = f"pr_{issue_number}"
+ # %% Get the actual version
+ latest_branch_version = tools.Version("0.0.0")
+ latest_branch_tag = None
+ for tag in repo.git.tag(merged = True).splitlines():
+ try:
+ version = tools.Version(tag)
+ except ConanException:
+ continue
+ if version > latest_branch_version:
+ latest_branch_version = version
+ latest_branch_tag = repo.tag(tag)
+ # %% Get the actual version
+ no_commits = 0
+ for commit in repo.iter_commits("HEAD"):
+ if commit == latest_branch_tag.commit:
+ break
+ no_commits += 1
+ if no_commits == 0:
+ # This is a release
+ actual_version = f"{latest_branch_version.major}.{latest_branch_version.minor}.{latest_branch_version.patch}"
+ if channel == "stable":
+ user = "_"
+ channel = "_"
+ else:
+ if event_name == "pull_request":
+ actual_version = f"{latest_branch_version.major}.{latest_branch_version.minor}.{latest_branch_version.patch}-{latest_branch_version.prerelease.lower()}+pr_{issue_number}_{no_commits}"
+ else:
+ if latest_branch_version.prerelease == "":
+ actual_version = f"{latest_branch_version.major}.{latest_branch_version.minor}.{latest_branch_version.patch}-alpha+{no_commits}"
+ else:
+ actual_version = f"{latest_branch_version.major}.{latest_branch_version.minor}.{latest_branch_version.patch}-{latest_branch_version.prerelease.lower()}+{no_commits}"
+ # %% print to output
+ print(f"::set-output name=name::{project_name}")
+ print(f"::set-output name=version::{actual_version}")
+ print(f"::set-output name=user::{user}")
+ print(f"::set-output name=channel::{channel}")
+ print(f"::set-output name=recipe_id_full::{project_name}/{actual_version}@{user}/{channel}")
+ print(f"::set-output name=recipe_id_latest::{project_name}/latest@{user}/{channel}")
+ print(f"::set-output name=semver_full::{actual_version}")
+ print("::group::Conan Recipe Information")
+ print(f"name = {project_name}")
+ print(f"version = {actual_version}")
+ print(f"user = {user}")
+ print(f"channel = {channel}")
+ print(f"recipe_id_full = {project_name}/{actual_version}@{user}/{channel}")
+ print(f"recipe_id_latest = {project_name}/latest@{user}/{channel}")
+ print(f"semver_full = {actual_version}")
+ print("::endgroup::")
+ shell: python