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Add tests for ExportQualityProfile

Jaime van Kessel 5 лет назад

+ 7 - 5

@@ -103,13 +103,14 @@ class CuraContainerRegistry(ContainerRegistry):
     #   \param instance_ids \type{list} the IDs of the profiles to export.
     #   \param file_name \type{str} the full path and filename to export to.
     #   \param file_type \type{str} the file type with the format "<description> (*.<extension>)"
-    def exportQualityProfile(self, container_list, file_name, file_type):
+    #   \return True if the export succeeded, false otherwise.
+    def exportQualityProfile(self, container_list, file_name, file_type) -> bool:
         # Parse the fileType to deduce what plugin can save the file format.
         # fileType has the format "<description> (*.<extension>)"
         split = file_type.rfind(" (*.")  # Find where the description ends and the extension starts.
         if split < 0:  # Not found. Invalid format.
             Logger.log("e", "Invalid file format identifier %s", file_type)
-            return
+            return False
         description = file_type[:split]
         extension = file_type[split + 4:-1]  # Leave out the " (*." and ")".
         if not file_name.endswith("." + extension):  # Auto-fill the extension if the user did not provide any.
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ class CuraContainerRegistry(ContainerRegistry):
                 result = QMessageBox.question(None, catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "File Already Exists"),
                                               catalog.i18nc("@label Don't translate the XML tag <filename>!", "The file <filename>{0}</filename> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?").format(file_name))
                 if result == QMessageBox.No:
-                    return
+                    return False
         profile_writer = self._findProfileWriter(extension, description)
@@ -132,17 +133,18 @@ class CuraContainerRegistry(ContainerRegistry):
                         lifetime = 0,
                         title = catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Error"))
-            return
+            return False
         if not success:
             Logger.log("w", "Failed to export profile to %s: Writer plugin reported failure.", file_name)
             m = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tag <filename>!", "Failed to export profile to <filename>{0}</filename>: Writer plugin reported failure.", file_name),
                         lifetime = 0,
                         title = catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Error"))
-            return
+            return False
         m = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tag <filename>!", "Exported profile to <filename>{0}</filename>", file_name),
                     title = catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Export succeeded"))
+        return True
     ##  Gets the plugin object matching the criteria
     #   \param extension

+ 42 - 1

@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ test_loadMetaDataValidation_data = [
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("parameters", test_loadMetaDataValidation_data)
 def test_loadMetadataValidation(container_registry, definition_container, parameters):
     from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
@@ -178,4 +179,44 @@ def test_loadMetadataValidation(container_registry, definition_container, parame
         assert parameters["id"] in container_registry.metadata
         assert container_registry.metadata[parameters["id"]] == parameters["metadata"]
-        assert parameters["id"] not in container_registry.metadata
+        assert parameters["id"] not in container_registry.metadata
+class TestExportQualityProfile:
+    # This class is just there to provide some grouping for the tests.
+    def test_exportQualityProfileInvalidFileType(self, container_registry):
+        # With an invalid file_type, we should get a false for success.
+        assert not container_registry.exportQualityProfile([], "zomg", "invalid")
+    def test_exportQualityProfileFailedWriter(self, container_registry):
+        # Create a writer that always fails.
+        mocked_writer = unittest.mock.MagicMock(name = "mocked_writer")
+        mocked_writer.write = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = False)
+        container_registry._findProfileWriter = unittest.mock.MagicMock("findProfileWriter", return_value = mocked_writer)
+        # Ensure that it actually fails if the writer did.
+        with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Application.Application.getInstance"):
+            assert not container_registry.exportQualityProfile([], "zomg", "test files (*.tst)")
+    def test_exportQualityProfileExceptionWriter(self, container_registry):
+        # Create a writer that always fails.
+        mocked_writer = unittest.mock.MagicMock(name = "mocked_writer")
+        mocked_writer.write = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value = True, side_effect = Exception("Failed :("))
+        container_registry._findProfileWriter = unittest.mock.MagicMock("findProfileWriter", return_value = mocked_writer)
+        # Ensure that it actually fails if the writer did.
+        with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Application.Application.getInstance"):
+            assert not container_registry.exportQualityProfile([], "zomg", "test files (*.tst)")
+    def test_exportQualityProfileSuccessWriter(self, container_registry):
+        # Create a writer that always fails.
+        mocked_writer = unittest.mock.MagicMock(name="mocked_writer")
+        mocked_writer.write = unittest.mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
+        container_registry._findProfileWriter = unittest.mock.MagicMock("findProfileWriter", return_value=mocked_writer)
+        # Ensure that it actually fails if the writer did.
+        with unittest.mock.patch("UM.Application.Application.getInstance"):
+            assert container_registry.exportQualityProfile([], "zomg", "test files (*.tst)")